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 I died 5 minutes ago, how do I get back to life?

 How do i help a crack addict get clean?
he's already been to rehab more times than i can count. I am beginning to think that this friend is lost forever. What do you think?...

 How can I get over my Anxiety issues?
Hey all,

I honestly never thought I would post something like this on a message board, but I feel like I'm out of options.

2 weeks ago, My girlfriend of 2 years and I ...

 Why English drive in the wrong lane?
perchè gli Inglesi guidano nella corsia sbagliata?...

 No more "self harming" myself.....?
In 7th grade I started to cut. Then I stopped that cuz I got into eraser burns my freshman year. I realized that there was no reason why I should be doing that and quit all "self harm" in N...

 Help Me!!!?
One of my best friends is trying to kill herself by cutting her arms and legs.Is their anything i should do or should i just leave her alone???...

 Do you have any kind of phobia?
I'm terrified of mosquitoes and crane flies >.>!...

 How do I tell my parents that I cannot go back to school yet?
I just had Christmas break and I fly back to school tomorrow. They recently told me that they noticed that I was depressed and that they were worried. They said that I shouldn't go back yet and ...

 Is this considered child abuse?
i am 13 yrs old
my mom calls me bad words, slaps me across the face, throws me out of the house, and yells at me all because i haven't cleaned my room
i cry and feel depressed after ...

 Where would I go to get a lobotomy?
I am bored with abstract thought and long for a simpler less confusing life. Who would I talk to about getting a lobotomy?...

 What is wrong with me?
I am sad all the time. I dont like to do anything i used to do... or anything at all i dont even want to skateboard and a few months ago it was all i ever did and i am allways turning down ...

 Should people with mental illness or addiction have children?
So you think it is morally and ethically correct for someone with a mental illness or an addiction to have children, when there is a chance they could pass on the trait/tendancy to this illness to ...

 Why do people cut themselves?
on tv you hear about teenagers cutting themselves. why do they do it?...

 What do you fear the most??

 What do I do when I wish I was dead and I'm only 15?
Since I'm pretty healthy, one side of my family lives to be realllly old, and medical technology is increasing, that means I have who knows how many years! Like 80! Every day I wish so bad I was ...

 Is life always so f**ken hard?
in june 2007 i was raped as a male it was very hard 4 me 2 cope. life has only got harder will it get any better who has a bad time living??? can we pull through
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 Am I depressed?
Constant breakdowns. Afraid i'll never find happiness. I'm the lonliest person, super sensitive. Mother is bi-bolar unaware of how much she hurts me. parents are super strict.divorced. Not ...

 I keep having suicidal feelings why do i feel this way how do i get it to stop an leave me alone forever?

 Do you ever just stare at the wall for hours on end?
I maybe just at the floor - staring at nothing and thinking nothing. Is this normal?...

 I have asked it before, but I need help!?
I'm really depressed, and I have really bad anxiety...I think I'm fat and ugly...and people get mad because they don't see how I could think that...I get really nervous around people......

Mary Anne
I feel empty.?

Additional Details
Emotionally empty.

bb111i b
its called life

[[ w u r d]] yo;;
Join the club.

go eat something!!

Nikki G
I'm sorry hun. When I feel that way, I eat. (And no, I'm not making another 'i'm hungry' joke, food is comforting)

Maybe you need food?

Sloan R
Me too. I think we both deserve an extended or maybe even permenent vacation. That would be a good start, don'tcha think?

Hi, I must be Jasmine!
People feel empty from time to time. Usually they will come out of it, but meanwhile just relax and think about things hat are positive in your life! Best Wishes. Toodles =D

april k
It sounds as if u might be depressed. The best thing to do is go and do something that u enjoy doing to bring ur mood up a little bit...But in order for me to help u more I need u to define empty

karibbean beauty
you need to give an explanation as to why, you feel this way
feeling lonely maybe is easier to understand
you should try God,
he will full you up,
you will find happiness,Patience love understanding,and lots more
your life as you know it will become extremely full
this is not a joke

Boo's mum

wat the heck do u mean by empty

This may be what you are looking for :-

Progesterone: Our 'Happy' Hormone
We believe that if you give a woman back her progesterone - her mother hormone, her essence hormone - you give her back an opportunity to reconnect with herself.

Far too many women have become so hormonally imbalanced that they have no clue as to what their true essence feels like. Often stress, a hectic lifestyle, or family can and do distract her.
# # #

This is the link to my web page regarding hormone tests and Miriam Brazel's page
1 do an on line hormone test http://www.johnleemd.com/store/resource_hormonetest.html
2 do an appropriate saliva test and obtain results
3 get the results & discuss with a NPIS doctor or educate your GP/MD

some success stories

I hope this helps your emptiness disappear from your life

go eat somting

Mrs. CT
Yeah, what shadycat said!! Jesus will fill that void right up and you'll come to find He's what you wanted all along.

pretty asian
I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully it will pass.

Take a walk, listen to some music, do things that you usually enjoy doing might help. While you are listening to music think about the things that you have accomplished and what satisfaction it brings to you. Or you can talk to a friend or someone that undertands you. Good luck!

is that empty you need food or empty you need a hug?

That's not good.

Hi hun! I think I know what you mean! It's a terrible feeling to have! Hun have you seen a doctor about it? I think you should, it sounds like you are depressed, also a therapist can help a lot too! Life is hard already, but when you are not feeling well it makes it doublely harder! Get some professional help, really! I hope you get feeling better soon! hugs!

♥Amanda Grace♥
well, get some help

i feel the same way. every day i walk around like the dead like theres no point for me to be here. i don't know what to do.

Find someone you love and have a chat with them and a big hug.
Sorry about some of the stupid comments made by the idiots above me.
except marywk etc, shes nice.

Haley P
im sorry.you my friend are never empty only your heart just try feeling it with love

Do something fulfilling. You are the only one who can change that. Exercise and eat healthy so you can feel confident. Walk around with your head held high and be happy with who you are. Let your friends support you and tell them how you feel. Find a faith or activity you can throw yourself into. Also, help out others and that could make you feel unbelievably whole.

i'll fill you up

Empty? what do u mean "empty"? are u hungry or something? but f u mean emotionally empty, well, i have 1 proven and tested solution. Go to your bedroom alone and pray. I did that many times when i feel deperate, lonely and empty. Emptiness is a feeling that no material things can fill up. According to the princess in The Never Ending Story, "Emptiness cannot be destroyed, it has to be filled with love." Go ahead and pray and let Jesus fill you up with love. Let me know soon if it helps...

break off from your everyday routine and try to do something different.... vacation helps...

get to know new friends....

Good Luck...

make some fun ... enjoy life while still young ... join a club or any organization that will fits for you..

Are you a Christian? If not, I would encourage you to seek guidance from a Christian leader, or I would be glad to answer any questions you might have about the emptiness you feel.

you should make this question more specific

Mary, if you're still awake and online im me and let's talk. I think I know exactly how you feel.......if you don't get this until tomorrow(Monday) contact me and I will do my best to get back to you.
In the meantime, know this, Jesus loves you and is there to listen when it seems like no body else is available or even cares.

i feel full, what's your point?

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