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 Is it possible to beat clinical depression without anti-depressants?
If so tell me how. I've felt like sh1te for days and have all the same symptoms as when I have had it before like crying nearly all the time. But I don't want to go back to the docs and end ...

 Is wanting to jump off a bridge a sign of depression?

 Why do i do drugs?
i have done drugs, more than a few times actually. i feel really good when i am doing them, but guilty after. should i keep doing them and live with the guilt or should i give up my happiness?...

 Please interpret this Dream?
In my dream, I was reorganizing and cleaning. But It wasn't my real apartment,it was bigger. In the dream I lived there. There were alot of old-fashioned white wooden drawers. There was white ...

 What do you do to get rid of your daily stress after work? How do you spend your time till you sleep?

 Am i depressed or just weak minded?
hi. im 22 years old and have never had a gf,and never really even had a girl interested in me that i have liked. it seems i always fall straight into the friend wagon, never the boyfriend. this has ...

 Whats the best way to destress and chill out and get realy realy relaxed?

 I'm plain and kind of ugly. Can I actually have boyfriends?
http://i225.photobucket. I just sat and cried for hours because it hits me how unattractive I am to men--both attractive and otherwise.
I'm ...

 How do you cure loneliness? Any ideas, all are welcome.?
I was just looking for ideas on how to cure loneliness, when all I do is work all the time....

 OMG , Plz help me with this for gods sake ?? I am ruining myself?
I am a college student , age :18 , male , & a gay ; I have fell in crush with my professor ( He is around 26 ); But he is now moving to other state permanently & he may never meet us again ; I...

 A vampire in the family?
our niece just spilled the beans to a cousin that she's a vampire. sneaks out at night to feed. has headaches from the voice in her head, that talks to her for hours at a time. got it from a ...

 How can you tell if someone is addicted or using cocaine?
i have a feeling my bf is using it and im not sure i dont know how to tell. plz help
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also i dont want to let him know that i think hes using it because ive heard that ...

 Could I be Bi Polar?????????
My Aunt has been diagnosed with Bi Polar disease.
So I looked it up and I think I may have it.

I can be EXTREMELY HYPER to where I'll do ANYTHING.
I will do "crazy"...

 Does drinking alcohol help anxiety sufferers?
Does it help calm you as my sister tells me, I dont drink cos I am scared it will affect my pill or make me feel dizzy etc???...

 My dreams are freaking me out?
every time i have my period, i have a recurring dream, that my daughter is being kidnapped, i always find her, but then i have to watch her being abused, last night however i dreamt that my son had ...

 I need help?
Its hard to explain everything but i will give u some details, i have derpression and some social promblems, and i am a full time carrer and i am finding it really hard to cope with everything most ...

 Cant stop crying?
Im crying now as i type this... Im so upset i feel upset to the core! why is this...
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I had cancer in 2005 im 22 now.. i hate the way i look... i hate most things . god ...

Has anyone out there ever suffered from depression, and if so, How did you discover you were suffering from it and can it ever be defeated?
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Thanx for all the ...

 My neighbor never leaves the house, has no visitors, and doesn't know any of us after 12 years! What's wrong??
I've lived in a 3 flat building five years. My downstairs neighbor, whom no one really knows, has lived here 12 years. According to other neighbors, they rarely see her, she has no visitors, ...

 What is wrong with my 7yr. old? Someone please help!?
2nd grade, in new school, can't stop talking, can't do work, falls off chairs, keeps getting in trouble, has to be the loudest kid, makes goofy noises, hyper, won't listen, dad not ...

Is George Bush clinically insane?
He certainly has been acting very strange.

Natalie Louise
no lol george bush is NOT clinically insane...saying that he acts strange might be true, however to others, his actions may not be. I just think the he is himself in everyday life. We can be thankful for that, knowing he isnt a fake person =]

If you think it is just George then you must be a democrat. Every thing coming out of Washington is along parity lines. I am beginning to think it time to do away with parity and let every one work together for us instead of the parities. There seams to be so much infighting in Congress these day that there is not much being done.

I doubt he is clinically insane. Just because you disagree with someone or think they're weird doesn't mean they have a medical condition.

grundle2 hit the nail on the head perfectly. Great way to start my day.....


yes looney

Kian S

Flavor Vortex
No but he is legally retarded.

Google Rules!
What?? No, I dont. However, I think every person would be considered insane by someone else.

Why does everyone think other people are the ones who are crazy?

Health care or losing your home?

I think he had a mental "nuKelar" retardation breakdown.


Bob R
no he probbly has no education cuz u can run and not need a education.

Look around you and you will see that we live in a very dysfunctional society. This planet is insane in my opinion.

Robert S
clinically insane, probably not. But, politically insane, I'd say so.

Oh YES he is!

The word is inane.

He sure looks insane... but I think he's just stupid. ;-)

No! Just NUTZ!!!!!! He's from Texas! Big egos, little peckers!

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