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 Why does he kept on looking at my chest?

 Is there any one who could tell me where in China a heat transplant is carried out?
i would aprreciate it , if you know an address of e-mail or website ....

 Please help!! Sore throat :(?
I woke up this morning with an awful sore throat! :(
I have plans for the whole weekend & I don't want to be feeling like this! Does anyone know anything that will help me quickly?!

 Gerd what can i do?

 Does anyone use Nyquil Medicine to just sleep?
Does anyone know anyone who uses Nyquil Medicine to just sleep? And if they do, is it harmful? and also, if its ok to just use it to use it to sleep for just 5 hrs?...

 Will moving to the seaside sort out my constant mucus hacking?
I don't smoke, eat healthily, not much dairy, exercise regularly, etc. But over the last few years I have to hack up mucus every few hours. The mornings are worst and I find my self wretching ...

 A bit of red or blood phlegm in throat cough, itzit normal?
i been coughing very badly for the past few days.. itzit cancer??...

 How does a asthma attack happen?
reason im asking is im doing a play for school to raise awarness of childrens diseases and to educate people on how to handle them and my character has a asthma attack and i dont have asthma so i ...

 Anyone around who knows about asthma???
hi guys.....

doctors always prescribing me salbutomol inhalers were u have to press done to get the mist however when im in a coughing fit its quite hard to get relief.....has any asthma ...

 How can we cure asthma? if it happens to kids. What is immediate releif for it is allopathay is best for it.?

 What are the symptoms of pneumonia?
my 10 yr old complains of tight chest and was sleeping all day yesterday threw up yesterday 3 times and is having trouble at times moving around
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he had a lowgrade ...

 What is pleurisy?

 I am a runner and I sneeze badly after a race and continue for about three days. What can I do about it?

 Sometimes giving oxygen to a patient can be deadly-when is that a problem?

 Do asthma attacks always kill without medication, or can it get better by itself?
I thought that all asthma was relative to the individual and that not all bronchiospasms were severe. Is it possible to have an attack or have asthma, and not take your meds, and have it all return ...

 Shouldn't we be doing something productive besides sitting at a computer all day?
Its Christmas, get out and do something!!!
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no, i spend too much time at computer....

 If someone has emphysema....?
If someone has emphysema, then has a heart attack will placing stents in the blocked arteries help blood flow to the lungs and allow breathing to be better? Are will that not make that big of a ...

 Something is stuck in my throat or wind pipe?
I feel like there is something stuck in my throat.
like it doesn't hurt or anything but i can feel it.
when i sleep i can't feel it. I tried spraying some
soar throat stuff ...

 I just started smoking, why does my chest hurt?
I've been smoking for about a month or so now. Today i smoked about 2 and a half parliaments today....

 Ventilator Pnuemonia?
does anyone know how this is treated??
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He is on a ventilator and has developed ...

Effects of smoking?
besides the obvious lung cancer what else does smoking do to you? someone i know said it can make you get acne is that true?

Olivia Grace
Don't smoke. I've lost both my Grandpa and Uncle...not just because of smoking...but it led to open heart surgery and cancer with my Grandpa and sever heart attacks and open heart surgery with my Uncle...and if you think about it...you're hurting your family more then your self...cause if it kills you...you'll be dead...but you leave your family behind mourning your death.

I don't know if can cause acne, you could ask your dermatologist this, but it definitely aggravates asthmatics and people with allergies, and it also causes wrinkles. If you smoke please try to quit, if you live with a smoker encourage them to smoke outside to protect your health.

♥ღ Blue Rose ♥ღ
I don't know about the acne, but another obvious side effect is yellow teeth

did you know that it also has bad effects on your body right now? A cigarette contains about 4000 chemicals, many of which are poisonous. Some of the worst ones are:

Nicotine: a deadly poison
Arsenic: used in rat poison
Methane: a component of rocket fuel
Ammonia: found in floor cleaner
Cadmium: used in batteries
Carbon Monoxide: part of car exhaust
Formaldehyde: used to preserve body tissue
Butane: lighter fluid
Hydrogen Cyanide: the poison used in gas chambers
Every time you inhale smoke from a cigarette, small amounts of these chemicals get into your blood through your lungs. They travel to all the parts of your body and cause harm.

Acne can be indirectly caused by smoking. The more you smoke, the more you will want to smoke. This means that you will get stressed from withdrawal which can cause acne. If you smoke a lot you are likely to eventually get arteriosclerosis which can also be cause by obesity. This is a fatty build up in the arteries in your heart which can put you at risk of angina or severe heart failure.
Hope this is helpful.

Effects of tobacco smoke
Tar in cigarettes coats the lungs and can cause lung and throat cancer in smokers. It is also responsible for the yellow–brown staining on smokers' fingers and teeth.

Carbon monoxide in cigarettes robs the muscles, brain and blood of oxygen, making the whole body — especially the heart — work harder. Over time this causes airways to narrow and blood pressure to rise, and can lead to heart attack and stroke. High levels of CO, together with nicotine, increase the risk of heart disease, hardening of the arteries and other circulatory problems. A first-time smoker will often feel dizzy and sick.

‘Light’ or ‘low tar’ cigarettes
Research has shown that there is little difference between the amount of chemicals inhaled by people who smoke ‘light’ or ‘low tar’ cigarettes and those who smoke regular cigarettes. People who smoke ‘light’ cigarettes have the same risk of developing smoking-related diseases as people who smoke regular cigarettes.

Immediate effects
Soon after smoking tobacco, the following effects may be experienced:

initial stimulation, then reduction in brain and nervous system activity;
enhanced alertness and concentration;
mild euphoria;
feelings of relaxation;
increased blood pressure and heart rate;
decreased blood flow to body extremities like the fingers and toes;
dizziness, nausea, watery eyes and acid in the stomach; and
decreased appetite, taste and smell.
Although rare, it is possible to overdose on the nicotine in tobacco.

Very large doses of nicotine can result in an increase in the unpleasant effects, including feelings of faintness and confusion, and a rapid decrease in blood pressure and breathing rate.

In some cases, it can lead to convulsions and death from respiratory failure. 60 milligrams of nicotine taken orally can be fatal for an adult.

Long-term effects
It is estimated that more than 140,000 hospital episodes and 19,000 deaths in Australia can be attributed to tobacco use every year. The principal diagnoses are cancer, heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Passive smoking
Passive smoking can cause a number of health problems including heart disease, lung cancer and irritation of the eyes and nose. It involves breathing in tobacco smoke from other people's cigarettes: smoke that has been exhaled or smoke from the end of a lit cigarette.

50 Australians die every day from smoking, compared to 10 who die from alcohol-related conditions and 4 who die as a result of road accidents.

Tolerance and dependence
People who use tobacco tend to develop a tolerance to the effects of the nicotine in the tobacco very quickly. This means they need to smoke more and more in order to get the same effect.

With repeated use of tobacco, the risk of dependence on nicotine is high. Dependence on nicotine can be physiological, psychological or both.

People who are physically dependent on nicotine find their body has become used to functioning with the nicotine present and may experience withdrawal symptoms when they reduce their nicotine intake.

People who are psychologically dependent on nicotine may find they feel an urge to smoke when they are in specific surroundings, such as at the pub, or in particular situations such as during their lunch break or socialising with friends.

Research has shown that smoking is often associated with different roles and meanings for smokers, including the following.

Social roles, such as enjoyment of the company of friends, the drinking of coffee or alcohol, and promoting social confidence and feelings of independence (particularly for young women).

Emotional roles — caring for the self, such as helping to deal with stress and anxiety, weight control and providing ‘companionship’.

Temporal roles, such as connecting the flow of events or time in the smoker's day, providing a break from work or activities and relieving boredom.

This may be why smoking is sometimes referred to as the most difficult drug to give up.

If a person who is dependent on the nicotine in tobacco suddenly stops using it or reduces the amount they use, they will experience withdrawal symptoms because their body has to readjust to functioning without the drug.

Most of these symptoms will disappear within days or weeks of quitting smoking, but cravings may persist for years after stopping using tobacco.

Symptoms include:

irritability, agitation, depression and anxiety;
insomnia and disturbed sleeping patterns;
increased appetite and weight gain;
restlessness and loss of concentration;
coughing and sore throat;
body aches and pains; and
stomach and bowel upsets........

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