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 Please don't die?

 Smoke Smell In Car?
I smoked in my car earlier this morning and I just found out that I have to take my mom somewhere tomorrow. What can I do to prevent her from finding out that I was smoking in my car? Will the smell ...

 How do I deal with sinus headaches?
Lately, I would wake up with sinus headaches and pressure around the eyes and cheeks in the morning. Then sometimes I'll sneeze a lot lately and get a funny feeling in my throat and I'll ...

 Help! My famiy has a cold or flu (IDK), and I can't catch it or else I'll have to go to the hospital. How do
you keep from catching someone elses cold?

I have asthma and everytime i catch a cold/flu, i end up staying in the hospital for 3-4 days.......

 I have a soar throat?
I have had it for one week now...when should I seek medical help, if at all? I can't stop coughing all night, I wake up coughing at 3am and at 7am coughing and spluttering, when I finally manage ...

 Smoking marijuana?
hey, about 2 weeks ago I have smoked as I do everyday and about 30 minutes later I had this terrible pain in my chest. I cudn't breath and it started to get worse. so i got outside to get some ...

 People smoke next door and it's affecting my breathing?
i live in an apartment complex that isn't non-smoking, but the person next door, i can smell the smoke in my kitchen, and this crap is bothering my breathing to the point where its affecting my ...

 Snorers, how do you put up with them?
I mean, how do you sleep or cope with them at night with those who sleep in the same room as you, snoring really badly..!!...

 14 hour car ride with to smokers!!?!?!?
i have major athsma and allergic to ...

 Cough question?
Okay so about a week ago I had the flu. runny nose, core thorat, the works. So now my nose is still stuffy and I seem to only cough like crazy at night. During th day i dont cough nearly as much but ...

 Why won't this cough go away?
had a cough for a while now and starting to get worried about it symptoms are i'm coughing up greeny/white phlegm in the morning,but during the day i am fine no coughing then at night it seems ...

 I have chronic asthma. My co-worker loves to wear perfume & scented lotions. How do I ask her to stop?
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 What r some ways to stop smoking?

 Waking up with dry/sore throat and stuffy nose?
so it really only seems to happen during the winter or cooler months.

but every morning i wake up with this dryish-sore throat, and my nose is stuffy, and it feels like i have something ...

 How do i stop my partner from snoring?

 Why cant you smoke in a hospital?
can you not smoke in a hospital because youll blow something up or just because they say you cant for the other patients?
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 Waht is a TB test?
i had a shot in school today. and it is still red. will it be still red for a while?...

 Why do symptoms of the common cold seem to get worse at night?

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This question may go to vote because i have a lot of very good

 Wat are the symptoms of anxiety attacks?

How do i stop my boyfriend smoking???????? this is from my girlfriend?


expLain how dAngerous it isz for him &+ as weLL for yUhh;; iF he doesntt knoe whAt itsz affEctinqq he isnt gonnA stop . sit him down &+ simpLyy expLain to him whAt/who hEsz affectinqq byy smokinq;; everyonee needsz a liL scAree once in a whiLe to see thAt theyy aree doinqq sometinqq wronq

* i hopee i heLpedd =]]


Tell him he must go out in the garden and smoke,,,rain or shine,,,,,no more smoking in the house,,,,,,well its a start,,,,,

Ok, that question wording didn't make much sense. Tell him to call or go to one of those quit smoking websites and get help there. And refuse to do things with him if he doesnt, lol.

I'm having the same problem and have recently taken to opening all the windows and coughing and waving if I can smell anything. I expect he knows I am exaggerating a bit, as we have been together for years, but I do also tell him I don't want to be a passive smoker and that it is affecting my health. This limits the amount he smokes, which is a start.

Other than that, it really has to be his own decision to quit, as he is a nicotine addict, and regretably no-one can do it for him.

seema c
good question ,Iwant to know too ,cause 2 of my boys they smoke I was going through internet and there is this add about chantix vaccine they say is quite effective I am thinking of using it .or in PAKISTAN there is Homepathaic medicine available that helps too ,I am sure there must be in USA too I hope .

see the doctor together have have no smoking clinics now
I agree smoking is not good for you -but he must decide for himself he wants to stop

You need to explain, in a loving and kind way, that you are concerned for his health. If you do not like the smell of smoking, you should be honnest about that also. If you harp on him, you will push him away. Do not "bug" him about it. If you have any relationship with Christ, you should pray for him.
If you can not tolerate that behavior, then you need to go on and find another relationship with someone who has the same likes and dislikes that you have. You can not force someone to change. They have to choose to do it on their own.

i would try a subtle gesture...like buying a box of the special quitting gum and patches and just talking to him.

explain to him that he's putting his health at risk, and it's important to you that he quit...you want him to be around for a good long time and you want him to be healthy (the whole, if you're healthy, i'm happy thing).

good luck! hope this helped :}

I have been trying to get my boyfriend to stop smoking for over 8 months now. it's ridiculous. He won't listen to me, I tried telling him how bad it was for him, and me. Still smokes.

I'm going to sit down with him and tell him how much I hate it, and how I want him to be healthy for our kids.

how can someone who smokes for 4 years run & play with there kids without coughing and hacking crap up, it's disgusting.

rhonda c
You don't. Get a new boyfriend if it bothers you. Your choice.

Stephen D
If I was smoking and had a girlfriend (instead of a wife) I'm sure that Rev. Phil's suggestion would work. I can't imagine thinking about a smoke during that.

The Ghost
who is asking this question? the girl or the boy?????

If this problem had a solution there would be far fewer cancers, COPD's, heart attacks, strokes, etc.... Perhaps you must ask yourself if this is the right person for you. Smoking is hurting the smoker and all around him/her. I find that health seeking people do everything they can NOT to harm themselves or others.

that made no sense

I tell it like it is
Smoking is a very powerful addiction, moreso than cocaine and heroin. You can`t make him stop, he has to want to. You can , after he has a smoke go to kiss him then back away and tell him that his breath stinks, and that you don`t want the taste of his cigarettes in your mouth.

indrajeet d

you need to check your ????????s, about smoking or any bad habit you can not make them do a thing, they need to do it on their own.

Generally, you cant without assuming yourself to be in control of him.

You were with him as a smoker, or were you with him on the premise that he would give up ? Otherwise as Nigel .. you cant force anyone to do anything they don't want to, only help and give advice if they want to.

explain to him that its not something you're comfortable being around and that its bad for his health.
good luck though, i dont know many people who would stop smoking for a girlfriend or boyfriend.

You can't. It has to be his decision to make.

the NHS offer a good course. i gave up with nicorette fresh mint chewing gum and ime still on them now six months later. only 4 a day though.

You cannot make someone quit smoking, unfortunately. They have to want to quit, or it will never work. I speak as a former smoker for 15 years. Unless he really wants to quit, there is nothing that you can do except encourage him to do it. Forcing him will not work, and it will ultimately hurt your relationship.
I hope he does quit though because it's an expensive habit, and it's going to get worse.

Dont know.. but will be hardest thing to do in your whole life... i guarantee it

ask him to stop..

Ruth L
No one can stop him, only him by will power and determination and it fight for the rest of his life.
The girlfriend only be support.

Why do women always try to control the men in their lives? If somone told me to do that she would be placed on a ducking stool.

You can't force someone to stop smoking, only help them to stop smoking. Willpower is required...

I'm a smoker myself. You cannot MAKE somebody stop on a dime. They have to WANT to stop by themselves.

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