I've been having trouble breathing for a couple of days now. I'm not sure if it's asthma, because if I'm not mistaken, asthma is when you have trouble breathing out (correct me if ...
I am a non-smoker. I only smoke when I am depressed. I would get a lung pain the next day if I smoke the whole pack at a time. Is this a sign of lung cancer?...
(nurse must plae one finger on xyphoid process and other hand just above the lower half of sternum)
what complication would arise if the nurse places hand on xyphoid process Additional D...
I am very sick, I feel something is stuck in my trouth. I tried to throw-up but couldn't I tried honey with lemon still coughing all the time this started from today morning. I drink medicene ...
I have been sick since Tuesday, and have just gotten worse. I have a severe sore throat, chest pain, difficulty breathing, blood in my mucus occasionally, vomiting, trouble swallowing, and my resting ...
I often have trouble breathing. I have/had sleep apnea but had surgery for it. I'm 5'4 and about 120 - 125 lbs, so I'm not overweght. I've taken tests for asthma several times (...
He is 37, had never smoked a day in his life and was diagnosed with it in March of this year after a biopsy. The drs have told us that he has had it for at least the last 5 years. They are giving ...
About a month ago my asthma got really bad, I mean bad. When it happened I was at a relatives house in the boonies, so I had to suffer for a while before getting to a doctor. I don't know why, ...
I have the common cold (mucus, cough here and there) and I'm leaving on Friday to NYC for New Year's and I need to get better!!!!! It started a week ago and it wasn't as bad, I was ...
I have been having a common cold and have been coughing slightly. Now the past 4 days I have this strange sensation in my trachea which is like... when I breathe out a sore sensation goes down my ...
christy h
What is the best antibiotic for a sinus infection?
I have had a sinus infection for about 2 months now.. I went to the Dr. over 2 weeks ago and was given an antibiotic and antihistime..a week later i was back cause there was no progress.. they switched to a stronger antibiotic and now a week later and i still have seen little if any progress i also have had swelling come up over my left check bone in the past 2 days its very painful.. what should i do next?
The swelling above the cheek bone does not seem right, back to the doc please.
As to antibiotic most work well but at times you need to change them, your doc may try a different one.
Antibiotics are bad for two reasons: first they kill the friendly flora in you intestines and they cause the bacteria to become resistant (stronger) which is why antibiotics are becoming less effective over time and stronger ones are needed. Try colloidal silver. It is a broad spectrum natural antibiotic which a positive charge that attracts bacteria and viruses which have an opposite charge and then expels them through normal body functions. Colloidal silver does not harm friendly flora and has no harmful side effects. You can obtain it through a health food store or online. Try Sovereign Silver
If there's no progress from antibiotics, it could be resistant, or it could be from something that isn't bacterial. It could be fungal (which can be quite dangerous!) or viral, or even a migraine... Anyways, try to convince them to do a culture and see if they can identify exactly what organism is causing it. And look up symptoms of fungal sinusitis...
You should probably see the doctor ASAP since it's spreading, by the way. My friend had something like this. It was caused by a virus, it spread to his eye, and he almost lost his vision...
Blue Eyes
sounds like you have allergies. I have them too! You could probably use a steroid injection. It will boost your immune system. I have been given them after taking antibiotics for strep tonsillitis and started getting better that day..so whether its a bacterial infection, viral, or allergies...a cortisone shot will make you feel better.
I also get pressure and pain in my cheek bones, sometimes behind my eyes, the side of my head, my teeth, and my ears..
you may want to ask your dr for some rhinocort spray..you only use it once a day..not dangerous at all my daughter even takes it and she is 5
Short and Sweet here, I've always been put on "Augmentin" works like a dream. See your Doctor and mention that med and good luck........
There are mainly 3 types of bacteria, maybe 4, that will cause sinusitis. Those are the same that cause otitis media (era infection). some of these can be resistant to certain antibiotics. If you have sinusitis..yes, you need antibiotics. But also you need to target the underlying problem. Let me explain: the sinuses are to halow, empty cavitis next to your nose in each side (they are the ones most likely to be infected), those sinuses need to drain into the nose. I have treated sinusitis always thinking about the different factors that wil work or interfere with the recovery of the illness, First, you need a most likely a cephalosporin type of antibiotic for 10 days (by mouth is ok) Sorry, no name brand here. second, you need to dry up and shrink your nasal passages with a nasal spray that must not use more than 5-7 days, I lake and atropinic derivative, also you need a steroid nasal spray at least twice a day, and finally, although it might soud funny, you need to blow your nose while taking a steamy shower. This will brake up and loosen up the obstruction of the outlet of the sinuses. Listen, although some people take it for granted about sinusitis, let me tell you that it can cause major problems. You should do fine though. Finally, if you have allergies (you know, always with a runny nose) then it must be controlled with a 2nd generation of antihistaminics (not a first generation as the one you might be given now). good luck. Good question. THE SWELLING IS A BAD SIGN SEE YOU DR TOMORRO IF POSSIBLE AND TELL HIM WHAT I SAID, HE MIGHT NEED TO SEND YOU TO A SPECIALIST (ENT).