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 Suboxone 8mg? Can I overdose or Will i get high?
Hi... I am not at all addicted to opiates. I really wanted to try a pill though, and my friend is prescribed Suboxone 8mg so I asked him for one. If I let it dissolve under my tongue can 1 Suboxone 8...

 How will 4 times 500mg tablets of parocetamol affect me?
How will it affect me If I took 4 500mg tablets of parocetamol on a almost empty stomach. Will it not affect me ? The only reson I ask is that I read someware that even a small overdoes can kill sooo ...

 wat are the dangers of smoking nutmeg?
and also, wats the best way to get high from it? does just eating it get you high?...

 NEED help identifying pills please help.?
found some pills in brothers closet, they are CLEAR capsules filled with tiny white beads and have no markings at ...

 who can give a massage in washington dc?

 How to cure a sore throat without the use of medicine?

 Can you buy ear drops over the counter in VA?
I'm at vacation at my aunts house and have a ear infection. I know when I get them. I can tell. (I've had them since I was 4 and now 14 almost 15.) I just can't go back home for ...

 me and my mate took this drug and we going mad!!!!!?
me and my mate are 13 years old and found some tablets on the side thought we might take one each they were called ' caplets solpadol' bassically i dno what there spose to do but we feel ...

 Whats the best way to recover from a hangover?

 paracetamol or any other pain relief ?? ?
im curious how many paracetamol would kill you in a day? how many paracetamol is a overdose in a day any paracetamol info? PS there ...

 What soothes a sore throat?
I have sore throat and its gonna really hurt by christmas if i don't soothe it :( I don't have: Honey Lemon And Peo i tried what u said and yuk! the oxo cube nearly made me throw up!...

 My friends addicted to nesquick and is using it as a drug??? please PLEASE HELP!?
were 15 and my friends really unpopular at school. Im not exactly the most popular either. My friend, sarah, has always wanted to be one of the cool kids who go to late parties,get drunk,use drugs ...

 Can anyone tell me a remedy to get rid of kidney stones?
My 74 year old dad was diagnosed with a kidney stone but he really doesnt like to undergo a surgery to remove the stone.Do you know of any herbal or any other remedy to remove the stones?...

 what is the best remedy for a headache apart from paracetamol?

 Which would be the best therapy for your back pain? Massage or Chiropractic?
Which would be the best therapy for your back pain? Massage or Chiropractic or Physiotherapy or Accupuncture? http://www.massage-glasg...

 Why shouldn't you pick spots?

 what happens if you inject yourself with food colouring?
i just wonder what would happen. would you turn that colour? would you die of blood poisoning? would it make all your bodily functions that colour? would it make your liver have a spazattack? hmm.....

 natural sunburn remedy?
has anyone got a recipe for a natural sunburn cream or salve best answer ill take out to dinner ...

 Whats the best over the counter medication for sleep?
Any advice? av tried 'Nytol' and 'sominex' and 'Night Aid' and they don't seem to work - have to take like five! Please any advice would be great, thanks - need ...

 Is there a cure for cold sores that doesn't involve anti viral OTC creams?
What triggers an attack and why are they always in the same place? How can you lessen occurance and severity? Bonjela and tea tree oil have been suggested as helpful but so far nothing helps....

Hiw low does your tempiture have to go to be bad?

NORMAL is 98.6, if it goes down to I say about 96, have a Doctor check you out! Low Temp is just as bad as High Temp.

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