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 Teen with cancer?
did you hear about the 16 year old with cancer? it was considered very treatable in the early stages, but after the first round of chemo the teen opted for an alternative therapy which includes ...

 Can you PLEASE....?
please please please pray for my sister. i know none of you people know her but i really need alot of people to pray for her. her name is Bailey and she is 11 years old. she has cancer and right now ...

 Could it be breast cancer?
I have a small bump on my right breast under the outer layer of the nipple. Its about the size and shape of a bean. Could it be breast cancer. Maybe a swollen lymph node? are there lymph nodes near ...

 My husband was dignosed three years ago with lung cancer, . He never done radiation. it kills faster dos it?
husband has lung cancer , dos radion theropy kill faster ?...

 Please answer DOCTORS AND NURSES or any one who might know?
have been having problems with my hemogolbin levels beng really low....a few months ago it was 10.4 and as of monday it was 7.3 i have been taking iron but it does not seem to help! I had more labs ...

 Will chemo work better on a lump than radiotherapy ?

 If someone is diagnosed with breast cancer, on average, how long does it take before they start treatment?

 Can Demerol cause headaches?
My wife has other health problems and last week started having bad headaches. She has been in the hospital and has been taking Demerol but does not seem to get any relief. The headaches started after ...

 Recently Diagnosed ...any advice would be so much appreciated ....?
I was diagnosed with Malignant Melonoma on two moles on my back about 2 weeks ago now, they were both very thin at just 0.4mm. I had a wide local excision of the area and i now have another 1 and a ...

 Brain tumors?
Has anyone had surgery to remove a brain tumor, 95% - 98% of it, and if so has it grown back? If so please fill me in on how you thought or felt it was growing back besides headaches and seizures ...

 Do you think you have to see an oncologist if?
I have non invasive cancer and atypical hyperplasia and I'm taking tamoxifen. Do you think I should be seeing an oncologist on a regular basis, and how often should I be seen or not seen?

 I have a lump on my breast and it has turned into a huge red boil type thing.?
Does anyone knwo the pre-symptoms of breast cancer?...

 Does anyone have any ACTUAL FACTS about cigar smoking and the health risks?
I've read all the comments on yahoo answers regarding cigar smoking, cancer and other health risks. To be totally honest though, none of the comments are really informative. Most people have ...

 Cure for cancer.?
okay,, i know this may sound wierd, but do you ever think that the cure for cancer is a simple thing, like eating a elephants poo, and then everyone is spending soo much money trying to find one, ...

 Should I be worried if mydoctorsaysI have Breast Cysts?
My doctor said that I have a cyst, but she didn't elaborate. She didn't suggest an ultrasound or mamogram, or any treatment. She just said to avoid caffiene, because that could make the ...

 Is anybody taking Tamoxifen tablets following Breast cancer ?
If so, is it normal to get bad diarrhoea, sickness and pains after taking them ?

Sensible answers only please....

 Do any body use sun block any Moore?

 Does chemotherapy cause a significant amount of weight gain?
I ask this question because my oncologist said that I will gain weight during chemo treatment but she says that it will be less than 5lbs. I have a feeling that I may gain more weight than just 5ibs....

 Does anybody know anyone that has died from lung/kidney cancer?
How does it start to affect that person? and how long are they expected to live?...

 Help really bad stomache pain?
I woke up this morning and my upper stomache started hurting really bad, yesturday I didn't eat breakfast, but I ate a sandwich for lunch and chineese for dinner, later I snacked on my left over ...

Are these signs of a brain tumor?
Lately I've been experiencing little pains on the top left side of my head, but only in small areas. My eyelids feel like they're being pressured to go down and my eyeball is feels sort of heavy too. I dont know if I'm just too tired or w/e and im probably overreacting. It happens mostly when im at work and theres nothing to do and i feel tired and im bored. Could it just be a headache?
Additional Details
I dont know if this has anything to do with it but since ive been nervous about it my stomach feels like theres a lot of gas in it and i cant burp it out. Its sorta like having butterflies in your stomach.

I think brain tumors rarely if ever manifest themselves with pain. Usually there are neurological irregularites such as seizures, or involuntary twitching, sometimes dementia.

Your stomach could very well be reacting to your worry however.

I don't know what the head thing is, but if it doesn't clear up, go see the doc to allay your fears. So you can better help the doc help you, start writing a little log of when it happens, if there is stress going on at the time, if aspirin relieves it, etc.

Good luck and don't worry.

I don't think you have a brain tumor, but I would see a neurologist to get checked out.

Scott S
Unlikely. Brain cancer usually makes itself know by causing seizures or double vision or something like that. If you want to know for sure, get an MRI, but that would cost thousands of dollars if not paid for by insurance.

Some symptoms are:

Behavioral and emotional changes
Impaired judgment
Impaired sense of smell
Memory loss
Paralysis on one side of the body (hemiplegia)
Reduced mental capacity (cognitive function)
Vision loss and inflammation of the optic nerve (papilledema)
Impaired speech
Inability to write
Lack of recognition


Your symptoms don't sound like these.

Haley P
Usually, brain tumors only cause one side of your body to be affected. The left side of the brain controls the right side of the body, so, if there was an increase of pressure on the left side of your brain, you could experience problems with your right eye, right arm, even right leg.

To answer your question. No, these do not sound like signs of a brain tumor. You should get your eyes checked. Eye strain from being tired/not seeing well can cause headaches. Remember, brain tumors are very rare.

These are not good signs, You may need to have a scan. Don't wait to long. If there is a problem, they can work on it right away. May save your sight or your life.

Kari M
It sounds like maybe you should get your eyes checked first.
Migraines can cause pain around the eyes. Good Luck

That doesn't sound too bad but these are some symptoms, but if it stays like that see your doctor

Headaches: This was the most common symptom, with 46% of the patients reporting having headaches. They described the headaches in many different ways, with no one pattern being a sure sign of brain tumor. Many - perhaps most - people get headaches at some point in their life, so this is not a definite sign of brain tumors. You should mention it to your doctors if the headaches are: different from those you ever had before, are accompanied by nausea / vomiting, are made worse by bending over or straining when going to the bathroom.(1)

Seizures: This was the second most common symptom reported, with 33% of the patients reporting a seizure before the diagnosis was made. Seizures can also be caused by other things, like epilepsy, high fevers, stroke, trauma, and other disorders. (3) This is a symptom that should never be ignored, whatever the cause. In a person who never had a seizure before, it usually indicates something serious and you must get a brain scan.

A seizure is a sudden, involuntary change in behavior, muscle control, consciousness, and/or sensation. Symptoms of a seizure can range from sudden, violent shaking and total loss of consciousness to muscle twitching or slight shaking of a limb. Staring into space, altered vision, and difficulty in speaking are some of the other behaviors that a person may exhibit while having a seizure. Approximately 10% of the U.S. population will experience a single seizure in their lifetime.

Nausea and Vomiting: As with headaches, these are non-specific - which means that most people who have nausea and vomiting do NOT have a brain tumor. Twenty-two percent of the people in our survey reported that they had nausea and /or vomiting as a symptom.

Nausea and / or vomiting is more likely to point towards a brain tumor if it is accompanied by the other symptoms mentioned here.

Vision or hearing problems: Twenty-five percent reported vision problems. This one is easy - if you notice any problem with your hearing or vision, it must be checked out. I commonly hear that the eye doctor is the first one to make the diagnosis - because when they look in your eyes, they can sometimes see signs of increased intracranial pressure. This must be investigated.

Problems with weakness of the arms, legs or face muscles, and strange sensations in your head or hands. Twenty-five percent reported weakness of the arms and/or legs. Sixteen percent reported strange feelings in the head, and 9% reported strange feelings in the hands. This may result in an altered gait, dropping objects, falling, or an asymmetric facial expression. These could also be symptoms of a stroke. Sudden onset of these symptoms is an emergency - you should go to the emergency room. If you notice a gradual change over time, you must report it to your doctor.

Behavioral and cognitive problems: Many reported behavioral and cognitive changes, such as: problems with recent memory, inability to concentrate or finding the right words, acting out - no patience or tolerance, and loss of inhibitions - saying or doing things that are not appropriate for the situation.

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