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 The dentist un-registered my kids?
I've missed a few dentist apointments in the past with my kids, there's just so much going on I forgot about them, and I just realised today that they were supposed to go last week and I ...

 Are toothbrushes on short supply in Britain?
The corn looking teeth is why I ask, just curious?...

 Does it hurt when u get ur braces off?

 I getting braces but they have to take out 2 of my teeth Will it hurt and how do they do it?

 Tooth Question?
Ok...this question may seem weird, but since dentists took off my braces, one of my front tooth is kind of damaged, some part of the tooth broke and it keeps breaking more I think. My tooth seems ...

 Adult Braces..Why do i look so dumb now?
It was my choice and $$ to get braces. I couldnt get the ones you take out cause my teeth are just a bit to bad for thoes. I didnt look to bad with no braces and messed up teeth. Now i have the clear ...

 ~i want while teeth~?
i want white teeth what can i use for toothpaste and what should i eat to make the really ...

 Will having 5 teeth removed under sedation hurt?And also will the needle hurt much?
Im pertrified of needles and need these teeth removed due to braces . Please please be honest.
Additional Details
Aww I didn't realise how polite and kind people are.. You have all ...

 Why do I have teeth?

 I had my wisdom teeth pulled and stitched up. Am I going to have holes still?

 Wisdom tooth removed?
I had it taken out a few days ago
and I am feeling sick , cant stop going to the toilet and am very swollen and sore

have to add though that I have irritable bowels brought on by ...

 How would I make my teeth white?
How can I make my teeth look really white and clean?...

 How bad does it hurt to get Braces on?
Will it hurt bad? Also from your Experience what foods are best to stay away from? And what foods are easy to eat? The whole time i have braces on will it hurt to eat hard food?...

 I am getting braces soon... do they hurt?
i have spacer right now... do they hurt more than spacers??...

 How to prevent cavity?
what should i do ? i brush, floss ...but not that often, and i use listerine.but i kept getting cavities !!!! is there anyway to HEAL the cavities ? so those ugly filling wont show ? any advice on an ...

 Everyday I drink a tablespoon of vinegar with a cup of water, I was wondering if this could damage my enamel?
If so do you think swishing water in my mouth after each time is enough or should I brush my teeth?...

 Can you have silver fillings replaced with white?
I had a lot of cavities when I was young and they were all filled with silver fillings. Now that I am older I hate seeing them. Is it possible to have them replaced with white fillings and how much ...

 How do I stop chewing on the backs of pens.?
It's a gross habit I've had since middle school and never broken....

 I just got braces, and they gave me small pieces of wax, whats that for?
how do I use the wax?...

 How long does nitrous oxcide stay in your system?

BRACES - what does the tooth glue that orthodontists use taste like?
i heard it tastes like sealence (the stuff that your dentist puts on your molars so you can chew - which i HAVE had done) but i am not sure....is it ok to swallow? help!!

it tastes gross..
and it's not a big deal if you swallow it because it happens.
***they wouldn't put it in your mouth if it was dangerous

DO NOT SWALLOW IT! i have braces right now and let me tell you, the glue is the worst part of getting them on. it taste like fizzy stuff, and it sorta stings your throat. don't taste it w/ ur tounge because it will give you a rally bad feeling.

ugh it was the most disgusting crap EVER!!

Bitter and gross! It is plain NASTYNESS!!!

U dont really get a chance to taste it, cuz they glue it on then use there torch :) to heat the plaster-like-stuff. U taste it for like a day. And they wouldnt put anything into ur mouth that would cause sickness... swallowing sum wont kill u :)

well it does not really have a tast i ust 2 have them and if it does have a tast tell me what please i would like to no but all i really no is that the one he put in my mouth did not have a tast by hope i helped!!!!

Katie C
Mine tastes like nothing. And I've swallowed some on accident before, like when it fell off my tooth, and I was fine. Think of it this way, they wouldn;t put it in your mouth if it wasn't safe.

You really wont have a chance to taste it you have so many different things in your mouth you wont even be concentrating on the taste of things! And they put cotton balls in your mouth that will absorb your saliva so you dont have to swallow

van kedileri
polymer or zinc phosphate. these substances are orally tolerated but are not food. there really is not much flavor to them

the bride to be
When i got my braces done it really didn't have a taste to it. I mean i guess it might have a slight taste but it is nothing that taste awful. It won't hurt if you swallow some of it but i am sure that it would not be good if you swallowed alot of it either. But the thing about the taste really it drys so fast that you really don't have time to taste it.

it taste like crap! dont swollow it!

My friend has braces so I asked her [she wants the credit]. She says, "The glue doesn't taste like anything. It just tastes a little like chalk. It's fine to swallow. I've done it before."

Good luck with your braces

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