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 After you use mouthwash are you suppose to wash your mouth out with water?
Also, what is the order your suppose too brush, floss, and use mouthwash??


 When you wake up, should you eat before or after you brush your teeth?

 Do you walk around while you brush your teeth?
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 Does getting your teeth pulled hurt?

 COLOR IDEAS 4 braces?!? help!!?
wut colors should i get 4 my braces 2morrow ant ideas!?!
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wut colors should i get 4 my braces colors!! I'm a ...

 In 45 minutes im getting braces?
well im 14,
and in 45 minutes iom getting braces :(
can anyone give me some tips for what to expect, stuff for the pain, etc?
im really scared.
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 How many times did you brush your teeth today?

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 Is it possible to pull out my wisdom teeth myself. and of so what tools do i need? thxs?

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well some numing stuff, a razer and pilers right?...

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please help!
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How do get rid of bad breath?????

Salam ya Hamza

Bad breath can come from two things - sinus infections or stomach problems. For sinus infections I recommend a Neti pot, you can put a little warm water (use bottled water) in it with a little salt (sea or kosher salt preferred), and you need to inhale the water through one nostril and let it come out the other. Once you get good at that, let the water come out of your mouth, and spit it out. Blow your nose and follow the instructions below. There is a reason for bending over after you do this. There is water left in the cavities that will come out after you put your head down as shown. Takes a bit of practice, just don't swallow it, close your throat, like you do when swimming. Also, have your sinuses checked out by a nose doc.

The second could be from you stomach. Go to a doctor and have it checked out, especially if you know you have issues. Foe stomach problems I use mint tea or chamomile tea. Mint is for when you can't go to the bathroom (ginger tea also works well) and chamomile for when you can't stop going.... Both will help calm your stomach. Some people also just eat fresh mint tea leaves for bad breath.

But, seeing a doc is important as bad breath is for sure a result of a more serious condition, generally a very treatable one.

Here's a clip to show you how a neti pot works.


Brush your teeth and tounge really well, and use mouthwash and maybe some mints during the day.

Soy Sauce
brushing ur teeth,using mouthwash,eating tic-tacs,eating mints or boiling mint leaves in water then gargling with it.
My friend said the last one works ok

Little Miss Sunshine
Besides not having good oral hygiene, bad breath can be caused by a sinus infection. Make sure that is not the cause, talk to your doctor if you have other symptoms besides bad breath.

Scraping the tongue, brushing and flossing, chew gum after meals - the stuff with xylitol helps.

dark angel
I like scope mouth wash.Gum is good too.And tic tacs are the best.

brush often, brush your tounge and use listerine. Listerine kills bacteria causing odor.... Oh and if that doesn't work go to the dentist, it might be worse than expected. Good luck!

It wasn't me...
go to the dentist to be extra fresh....

I'm bakman
brush you teeth as well as your tounge and the inside of your cheeks

Devin F
Well first of all brush and mouthwash your mouth an teeth 2 to 3 times daily. There are some gel capsols that you swallow to give you good breath. My mom uses them and she says they work great. I believe they are called Breath Assures. You might be able to find them at walmart. Or maybe a good drug store. Well thats all.

At Walgreens they sell gum and mints in the toothpaste section for people with really bad breath problems.

A breath mint, gum, and Listerine I guess.

brush your teeth,floss, and a lot more

brush, floss and gargle...brush your tongue...if that doesn't work go to the dentist

Start using Listerine mouthwash and rinse for 30 seconds twice a day.

you can try...
`you can buy a tounge scrapper to getthe bacteria of your tounge, which causes the bad breathe.
`you also might have Halatosis and need to go see you rdentist for possible treatments.

Brush your teeth if need 2 times a day and use mouth wash and put Gum in mouth and fresh meant if needed, or see the Doctor to get your teeth clean. plack on teeth OK !!!

mouthwash. mint gum, and brushing you teeth way more

brush your teeth, like you regularly do, 2x to 3x a day. also, brush your tongue. rinse your mouth with mouthwash and the floss

you should get your teeth professionally cleaned every six months. brushing twice a day, flossing, and using mouthwash will help, too. make sure you scrape your tongue or brush it.

parsley ..........chew a sprig a day

Don't use gum or breath mints...they contain sugars which lead to bad breath. Brush (especially your tongue...thats where most of the bad breath comes from), Floss, and use a non-alcoholic mouth wash.

Mrs. Connors!
Brush your teeth regularly, floss, and rinse with listerine.

If you do this on a regular basis and is still doesn't work....I would check with your dentist.

I know for a fact that Diabetes and a bacterial infection are known causes for chronic bad breath....my mom has diabetes and suffers from it....and my dad has had a pretty nasty infection in his mouth...

to know how to get rid of it is to be able to know first the cause of it. after determining the cause of your bad breath, you can seek appropriate treatments for your bad breath. know that bad breath is caused by so many factors like like lack of oral hygiene, dirty mouth, eating a garlicky meal, dry mouth, medications, smoking, gum disease and stomach related problems.

proper oral hygiene can best eliminate bad breath, as well as keeping the mouth hydrated by drinking lots of water to be able to keep bad bacteria at bay. keep saliva going for it is the best defense that you can build against bad bacteria in the mouth.

if all commonsense measures did not work to stop bad breath, it is best that you talk to you dentist. bad breath does not only limit its cause in the mouth like gum disease or the lack of poor oral care. sometimes it can be caused by stomach related problems. better ask the help of a dental expert to determine the underlying cause of bad breath and get some recommended treatments. visit http://www.oramd.co.uk for more bad breath eliminating tips.

listerin mouth wash, gets rid of plaques which causes bad breath

Get your teeth cleaned, my daughter had bad breath, so I took her to the dentist and she had really bad plaque- she flosses every day, now it's not a problem.


ed a
the number one best way!?!? go to the dentist often, floss often, brush your teeth..... all the other ways are temp fix.

Usually, brushing your teeth works nicely.

the majority of the bacteria that causes bad breath resides on your tongue. it's a great soft pallette for bacteria. flossing and scraping your tongue will get rid of a lot of the bacteria.

Big-shot CEO
Halitosis (bad breath) can either be a sign of bacterial growth in the mouth area, or an infection beyond the mouth area. If brushing, flossing, gargling with an anti-plague mouthwash, and brushing your tongue to remove bacterial growth, all doesn't correct the problem, then you need to see a doctor to make sure the problem isn't somewhere beyond your mouth area.

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