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 Is it okay if I don't eat?
every other day. I exerisce and eat healthy, but its not coming off....

 Is this considered over wieght?
a female who is 13 and is 5 feet 7 inches ways 150 pounds.
is she over weight?...

 Am i FAT?!?
5ft 4in

130-133 ...

 At 12 years of age at "5.4" is 108 pounds normal?
Is that overweight?...

 How do u get rid of constipation?!?

 How tall are you?
im 5"7. u?...

 Curvy or skinny?
I am a uk size 12 and sometimes feel quite big especially compared to other girls is it too big?...

 Am i overweight?
ok i am 13 and i weigh 115-117 pounds..am i overweight?
Additional Details
i am 5'4 ft ...

 If someone called you fat would you?
a) Get there as* in a bear trap
b) Donate to charity
c) Go eat your troubles away
d) O...

 I'm so hungry right now... should I binge and vomit or take laxatives?
i want cheeseburgers, 10 of them and french fries!...

 How much weight do you lose if you don't eat for a few days.?
And the only think you did is drink water?!
Additional Details
I understand i'd gain it back, but would if i started to eat ...

 Is moldy bread OK to eat?

 If someone is desprately trying to lose weight, do you think they should turn to anorexia?

 Am I Overweight? Just Curious?
Hi, this is Emma on my cousin's yahoo.

I am 13 years old, weigh 142. I am 5'6.

Am I overweight, just curious. and a little self-concious.

Thanks =]

 Can i lose 10 pounds in one month and a half?
Hi, im 14 and i do 8 miles every day but not in a row.
I eat wright too.
Im over weight and i need to lose at least 10 pounds or more.
Is it possible for me to loos that much weight ...

 I diet coke bad for you??
is diet coke bad for u and does it really slow down ur metabolism? like i am a 13 year old dancer and i weigh 106 pounds. so would it really be bad for me to drink it if it does?...

 Am i overweight?
Hi im 5' 4 1/2" and i weigh 123 lbs. am i overweight?...

 How old do you think is acceptable to go out drinking?
im fifteen and almost every week i get totally wrecked
everyone says our group are pissheads and i kinda agree but alot of people are doing it!


 Am i fat???????
I am 12 and weigh 133 pounds.MY doctor says its all muscule but i am not sure.I do a lot of sports. Someone give me advice.My confidence is low.

-Don't be mean ...

 How can someone get a big butt?
without plastic surgery. what is best to do?...

How much will i lose if i go on a 5 day fast?
I know its not considered healthy but i just want to do it to get started on, and motivate me to lose more.

After, this fast i will be going on a regular diet like eating healthy & exercising.

Will it be better if i go on a juice diet?
BTW i will be exercising these 5 days for 30min-45min a day.

Don't criticize me or tell me its not the way to lose weight, i made my decision.

Please just tell me about how much will i loose if i do the fast.

Thanks in advance, :)

Anything you lose, you will just gain it back within your first day back on food.
Fasting doesn't do anything. It is starving yourself, when your body needs food. The second you eat anything, your body will store it as fat, because it thinks that it will not get food for another long time. Eat regularily, just make it healthy. Keep up with the excersize.

Seriously, not eating just makes you gain weight. It is a common scientific fact.

The Joker
It depends on how fast your metabolisum is

I depends on your body's metabolism and your activity level...there really is not enough information to hazard a good guess,sorry!

dancer for life<3
just to say that is not the wat to loase weight i havent been eating rite for almost a month now and i am very sick so dont do that

just laugh
i know you mentioned not to criticize you, but anorexia is not the way to go. i suggest drinking nothing but cranberry juice (not super sweetened) for up to 36 hours and then beginning a healthy diet and exercise plan. good luck, be safe :)

a five day fast with exercise will make you faint simple physics no energy when your body needs it you will end up in the hospital i garuntee it

ummm....UR LIFE!

You have to burn 3500 calories to lose a lb. It depends on how much juice you consume. It's better to try to eat as much veggies and protein and work out like hell to lose the most weight-ESPECIALLY since juice contains sugar which contains calories. LOTS OF THEM.

you should just eat chicken instead of red meat.and don't eat as many sweets.also drink diet sodas. and eat fewer things with salt.salt retains water witch is bad.

hon, if you do that your just going to end up gaining weight.
your body will end up going into starvation mode and you will start gaining weight.
if you want to LOSE weight, do not fast, seriously you WONT reach your goal weight. I've tried it, you'll gain weight especially if you plan on eating after that
just eat lightly, cut dark meat out of your diet, exercise, dont eat fatty foods, and avoid stress
you'll lose weight in no time

Um...the REST of your brain.

this is a really stupid question. you have no idea...i dont give a **** if you become anorexic just dont broadcast it to the world. this is soo attention seeking. get over yourself

your going to lose quite a bit
i think they call it YOUR LIFE

first , i tell you that you are an good &normal person.

you can make your dream truth through your hard working.
do exercises everyday. you are right, going on a regular diet like eating healthy&exercising. you will be ok and perfect.

and by the way,
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it really depends on you.

you have to remember that though your stomach will shrink, and you will lose weight you will find that when you start eating again you will most likely put the weight straight back on.

i know you know its not the best way to do it but good luck anyway!

in my religon there sometin called ramadan and what we do is fast. *wake up before sunset to eat and then not eat until around 7* when i was fasting for a month and half. i didnt lose fat. trust me it doesnt make u lose weight and if u really do fast. DONT EXCERCISE! it'll make u very tired and weak!!!!!

I agree with Emma. Also, if you don't eat your body isn't getting any nutrients or essential fats, so it actually holds on to the fat you have.

youl get sick, loose muscle, and gain the weight back really fast.

Homer Jay
well yeah i guess it depends on ure metabolism and ure body , but if u fast for 5 days , ull gain the weight very quickly afterwards m but ull probably lose 10-15 pounds , i recommend doing ure exercise routine now , instead of losing the weight in an unhealthy manner

Renee C
you shouldnt go on a five day fast

bad for your health

do it naturally eat more fruits and veggies

you slim down in no time !

Jesse X
depends on what kind of exercises ur doing.
if cardio ur probably lose 3-7 lbs.

no good. just go on a no sugar and no fat diet. that will produce better results. I have done it is how I know. it works real well. no juice drink water eat good food and dont eat after four pm. only stuff like celery if you must eat after four. good luck.
If you do fast you need to increase your exercise or you may gain weight. because your body will store the fat you already have. look it up. you will learn a lot. look it up on google instead of here google 'weight loss' good luck.

Cannibal Emma
Well, if you fast for 5 days and then go eat, your going to gain weight verrry quickly.


there are many factors on how much you lose. The larger you are the more you will lose. But you will be losing muscle mass more than fat. I think you would be better off doing a liquid diet if you have to fast. There are different liquid diets that are fairly inexpensive.

One is the New LifeStyle Diet. I have done it and lost 10 pounds in ten days. http://www.newlifestylediet.com/

Good Luck!

I'd say about 5+ pounds but you'll gain it back right away.

Drink a lot of water, and most of it will be water weight, making that about 3 lbs. or so...it's okay, you can survive on water...

Good luck hon,
peace {dohiyi}

well that is really not healthy because if you go on a 5 day fast, you will obviously become skinny, if you do want to go on a diet there is a diet where you mix maple syrup, lemon juice, and kayan pepper together, (i think that is how you make the drink, you should do some research on google about it) and that is all you drink, i think i am pretty sure... but do not go on a five day fast, it is extremely unhealthy, but the best thing to do is eat fruits and veggies, and exercise.

Nikki M
i did that! ...sorta.
if your going to excersise do juice fast.
for 5 day...i would say about 3-5 pounds.

when you starve the body the very first thing the body does is it depletes the stores of glycogen in the body. glycogen is excess blood sugar that gets stored in both the liver and muscle. when the body stores glycogen it also stores water to help metabolize the glycogen when it gets used for energy. this combination typically equates to about 3-4% of the total bodyweight. so after fasting for 5 days I would expect to see a loss of about 3% of the total bodyweight.

Jodie S
you could lose atleast 5 pounds

No criticizing...but...the first day I think if you're to drink the cleansing juices that are known to work for fasting, you could lose up to 2-5 lbs in the first day alone ....this is because your body is ridding itself of its toxins. Everyone is different in the max they lose depending on the level of toxins. The first day is also the most difficult. I would suggest going to bed early so as to not have to suffer the evening hunger pangs. The day after that, again with the juice, you could lose an additional 2 lbs...max. After day two, you're body will be ready to go into 'storage mode' so to speak. If, at this time you decide not to eat, your metabolism will slow dramatically, as your body begins to conserve calories. For maximum loss, (which IS what you want) by day 3 I would begin to consume 900-1200 calories (even this is less than recommended) to avoid having your metabolism slow too dramatically. If you stick to your workout routine mentioned, After 5 days, you could realistically lose up to 10 lbs...but remember, if your body goes into storage mode...your initial 2 day cleanse will have gone to waste. I hope this helps you and that you find success in all of your weight loss goals.

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