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 I am 115 pounds how do i lose 15 pounds?
i have been 115 for 2 years and when i starve my self i lose 4 pounds and i look fatter and when i eat something i look skinner.

i just want to look lik nicole richie:(...

 How can i do the aerobic part of my training without losing muscle?

 Am i fat???????
i am 136 puonds and about 5'4...

 Can We Take Fruits in breakfast? If so Which fruits are good to Have?

 I am a girl,im 13 years old,and i weigh 130lbs,i am also 5'8 am i over weight?

 Would you rather be anorexic or obese?
P.S you can die either way....

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 Why do people eat over 300grams of protein is healthy?
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 Am i fat???
Thigsh- 20 inches (highes point on my thighs)
Waist- 26 inches
Hips- 32 1/2 inches

is this fat?
are my thighs/hips/waist to big?
im a girl and 14
104 pounds ill ...

 800 calorie diet?
i need to lose 40 pounds.
can i do it in 14 weeks eating 800 calories a day.
oh, no dairy or meat too.
only fruits,veggies, nuts/seeds....

 I need 2 lose weight i have 2 weeks i need a FREE way to lose 12lbs in 2 weeks please help.?
if its more than 2 weeks don't answer/ please help. and if u r going 2 tell me its not heathy dont answer .i need answers that will help ...

 Am i fat... idk?
is being 5'8 and 162lbs fat?...

 How much weight should i lose?? (pics)?
i'm sorry if the links don't work.

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 Is it ok to eat ketchup with scrambled eggs?
im trying to lose weight
and i like ketchup with my eggs
i knwo thats weird but yea
is it ok if i eat 2 scrambled eggs in the morning with ketchup? and whole wheat toast....

 I think i look too skinny- do you?
http://i293.photobucket. http://i293.photobucket. http://i293.photobucket....

 How to lose weight in 45 days?
Hi. I am 25 year old male and married. I used to be of 64kg or a bit less before marriage (2 years ago) but after marriage i gained 18kgs for no reason because i am eating the same sort of food. I ...

 Have I Lost Any Weight ?
Judging From there 2 pics have i lost weight??


 Am i Fatt?
I Am 13 5'3" 3/4...And 106 Lbs. I Think Im Fat...
Answers Please...?

 Is 115 pounds fat?
my friend Jackie thinks shes fat . shes 115 pounds and i think
shes like 5'4.do u think she iZ fat or iZ she just freaking out
like i think? oh ya and she is 14....

Is cardio more effective earlier in the morning?
Thanks for the help!

yes, you jumpstart your metabolism in the morning. then not only are you sure to digest the food you ingest the rest of the day, but burn off the excess from the day before. the morning excorsize is great, it keeps the blood flowing all day and muscle tone and fat loss should occur slightly more rapidly; however, implementing excorsize into your routine will have these results no matter what time you work-out. good luck


It helps you to wake your brain up.
As for the heart.
I'm not sure.

cardio is just as effective regardless of when you do it. it's not like your body says, hmm, 60 minutes of cardio in the morning rocks, 60 at night, well, i'm kind of tired so i'm going to shut-off the burning effect. either your burning during the day or your burning while you are sleeping. the difference is that if you do it in the morning, it's generally the first thing you do in the day so other things don't get in the way. also, if you ate junk during the day, you still have the junk in your stomach when you start doing the cardio at the end of the day so you feel less like doing a good workout. want proof? look at kids, they play and run around at the end of the day, not in the morning before going to school to sit all day (don't look at the fat kids, they sit all the time)

Do it anytime.

Da Ben Dan
it shouldn't make any difference

Burning calories is burning calories, no matter what time of day you work out. Just find the time that works best for you.

tha_king_17 a.k.a. josh

Maybe... But check all this out with a doctor first...

Yes, any workout is more beneficial in the morning because your body will still burn calories, carbs, fat etc. You will also benefit from the burst of energy and strength it will give your body to deal with stress and all the other bs that bombards all of us. Exercise also stimulates your brain by releasing endorphins (serotonin, nor epinephrine, and dopamine) which not only make one FEEL better, one will find that they are more alert during the day if exercise is continued in the AM........however, this is an accumulation of benefits and must be consist ant in order to reach the full potential of exercise and must also coincide w/ heart rate, age, and what you ultimate goal of a work out plan is.........good luck!

I don't know if it's more effective but it might help earlier cause it will boost your metabolism for the rest of the day.. plus, I like cardio in the morning cause it makes me want to eat healthier all day long!

Yeah, because you can burn more calories throughout the day. If you exercise at night, you will have less calories to burn later cause you already ate most of what you were gonna eat.

I've heard that morning workout jump starts your body for the day, but I've read that it's a bad idea to do any weights, or any heavy stretching first thing as your back is very delicate in the morning.
One other thing that I have heard-I don't know where I've heard it, is to take it easy when you first wake up. Your heart need a little time to get ready and pumping-If you jump out of bead, the stress associated with that may give your heart a problem. Crazy, but I'm sure your not going to jump out of bed and go work out in your PJ's.

perdu dans mon esprit
yes, because it gets your metabolism going for the rest of the day.

if you exercise in the morning you will feel better the rest of the day, continue to burn calories and you dont have to worry about doing it for the rest of the day

Most definitely yes. All stored body fats and muscle tissue are at work at that time. Plus you have more energy in the morning.

I think so... Even i feel effective at the early mornings...

I find it more helpful to do cardio in the morning. It helps to rev you up and give you an all natural high. That helps with getting yourself going in the morning. Plus, by evening I am just too tired from my day at work. As far as benefits, I am not sure if it matters.

Any exercise done in the morning is more beneficial because fat cell "wake up" faster than muscle so when you exercise in the morning your burning more fat.

I think so, I have been working out for the past 3 months.
I have more energy now, than I have ever had before.

I think as long as you get it, doesn't matter.

i believe so.
I think i read that in a magazine once.
it said start your day off with a jog because it helps your heart.

cardio is effective anytime. the key about the morning is that you have less excuse to exercise than later in the day.

ok. studiez show u should wake up. drink coffee, den cardo. 4 say 25-50 min 2 maximize fat buring zona. Den break some bread of jo haz head. Den Pawz will make Milk lalala Disa pperr. C.

nay tipe of excersice is more effective during the morning. First of all, you're full of energy because you just ate breakfast and got out of bed. Second of all, your metabolism runs faster in the morning helping you burn more calories and doing cardio increases the functon of the metabolism making it run faster throughout the day.

sexy senior
No, stretching should come first. Once your body has become more flexible then cardio exercise can be added for the best results.

WHat exactly do you mean by effective? If you mean does it burn more fat, then yes it does. If you do aerobic exercise first thing in the a.m.without eating anything, your body will immediately utilize your stored bodyfat for fuel. However if you eat something before you exercise, the body will first utilize sugar in your blood stream first for energy, then stored body fat.

No. You should do cardio in the evening. The body is not warmed up in the morning and you may hurt yourself unknowingly if you do vigorous exercise like cardio. It's better to do brisk walking in the morning and more strenuous exercises in the evening. Also very important not to do cardio on an empty stomach

Yes, you burn the fat from yesterday if you don't have breakfast before working out.

It is not WHEN you do cardio that matters but HOW LONG you do it. As to when it is more effective, I would suggest to do it in the eavening instead of the early morning.

The reason is that in the eavening, you have had a full day of using your muscles and working and you're ready for action. In the morning, you have been sleeping all night long and your muscles need some stretching and workout before you start your cardio.

If you want to do cardio in the morning, you'll have to do at least 15 minutes workout, streching, before you do or you'll have a higher risk of injuries.

Also, your body has been fasting for all night long and will burn fat LESS effectively because it is more economic on calories.

In the eavening you already had 3 meals and your body will be more than happy to burn calories during cardio.

Anyways, you need to do cardio at least 20 minutes duration for it to have full effect.

It gives you a great kick start to the day supplying your brain with fresh oxygen and speeding up your metabolism for the whole day, it's also just as important to feed your body the correct nutrients straight after you finish, especially for weight training, it is recommended to eat mainly protein no longer than 15 minuets after you train this is easily done with a healthy shake, One of my favourite is Bananas, Whey protein and a couple of egg whites.

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