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 I need 2 lose weight i have 2 weeks i need a FREE way to lose 12lbs in 2 weeks please help.?
if its more than 2 weeks don't answer/ please help. and if u r going 2 tell me its not heathy dont answer .i need answers that will help ...

 Am i fat... idk?
is being 5'8 and 162lbs fat?...

 How much weight should i lose?? (pics)?
i'm sorry if the links don't work.

 Are twinkies a healthy snack?

 Is it ok to eat ketchup with scrambled eggs?
im trying to lose weight
and i like ketchup with my eggs
i knwo thats weird but yea
is it ok if i eat 2 scrambled eggs in the morning with ketchup? and whole wheat toast....

 I think i look too skinny- do you?
http://i293.photobucket. http://i293.photobucket. http://i293.photobucket....

 How to lose weight in 45 days?
Hi. I am 25 year old male and married. I used to be of 64kg or a bit less before marriage (2 years ago) but after marriage i gained 18kgs for no reason because i am eating the same sort of food. I ...

 Have I Lost Any Weight ?
Judging From there 2 pics have i lost weight??


 Am i Fatt?
I Am 13 5'3" 3/4...And 106 Lbs. I Think Im Fat...
Answers Please...?

 Is 115 pounds fat?
my friend Jackie thinks shes fat . shes 115 pounds and i think
shes like 5'4.do u think she iZ fat or iZ she just freaking out
like i think? oh ya and she is 14....

 My boyfriend says im fat. I am 5'7 and 102lbs. Should I lose weight?

 Am I overweight???
I know everyone asks these questions and they are really not but i need your guy's help.

I am btween 12-17 yrs. old, 5'3-4 and i wiegh 180-200 lbs...i need some help...if you ...

 How much water should a person drink per day?
My cousin doesn't drink as much water as she should. I'm encouraging her to drink more water per day, but how much? She's 12 years old, and 5'2" & 117lbs.

 Am i TOO underweight?
I'm 13, 5'5" and weigh 85 pounds. Everyone is like oh you look so anorexic do you have an eating disorder? I'm like..no. Even my teacher one time asked me if I had a problem with ...

 What kind of milk do you drink??
i drink fat free skim milk....it's really not THAT bad......

 Tell the truth r u fat?
be ...

 Am I overweight? I keep getting different answers and different weights I should be??
Im now 14, 5'9 160 pounds

Should I be 100 pounds (somebody said this but It really seems awkward and anarexic)

Im going for 140 pounds being normal but I dont know if thats ...

 My friend called me fat?
Lately my friend has been really nagative toward me. I bought a really cute top at hollister and she convinced me I look terrible in it. I got blonde highlights in my hair and she told me I should ...

 AM I FAt???
am i fat?
i am 5'3
i weigh 175 lb
is tht fat??
i think its normal

i eat a lot like i have..

 How can i gain weight?
i need to gain some healthy weight, my whole family is REALLY frikn skinny and i try really hard to gain weight and its impossible.
any suggestions? i dont wanna become a fatty-mc-fat-fat though....

Jasper M
What do you think of my weight?
108 lbs, 14 years old. 5'4.

too fat? not thin enough?

should i loose weight? i feel huge...

M - Buckz
At the height of 5'4 your suppose to weigh 120 pounds....im 5'5 at the age of 16 and im 110

you're at a good weight. they say ppl who are 5 feet should be 100 pounds and too add five pounds for every inch after. of course this is only a guideline. given that you are young and will probably gain a few pounds over the years and become more hippish and such, you're at a good place right now.

seems fine.
im 5'2", 16 years old, 104 lbs.
your not huge.
but if you would like to loose weight make it only a couple pounds so you don't go overboard, and look sickly skinny.

there is nothing wrong with your weight, your fine as you are!

no your weight is normal

Your 14..you look fine

your figure is perfect..
but maintain this....
There is always a chance that you can cross the limit
with the age...

i think you are fine

Alex L
gains some wait till ur 115

I'm sick of all these girls complaining that they're freaking huge when they're all small.

Did you post this just for attention? jeez.

No offense but you need to be quiet.

Ghost sexy luver
LOOK in the ******* mirror, you are not fat OR huge!!!

Some Guy
Your weight is fine, don't worry about it your doctor will say something if you are to skinny or over weight. If your really serious again talk to your doctor and he'll tell you whats up. But again don't worry your not fat

Jennifer S
no don't lose any wait ur perfect the way u r i weigh 115 and im 15 plz don't i feel to thin so don't loose any ur perfect plz don't

Sounds like you're asking this question so that you can feel good about yourself b/c obviously you're not over-weight. Get a grip!

no thats a really good weight..keep it up...dont feel huge ur fine..if u think u wanna tone up do little exercises everyday...and just try a healthy plan..like no junk food...people who eat a lot of healthy things and exercise usually tend to be more fit

You're underweight or right where you should be. What is with these idiot anorexia people thinking they are fat? When I was 14, I was 5'4 and weight 120lbs. and was absolutely not fat in any way. Is this a cry for attention?

You aren't huge. When you start thinking that way, you go down a route which is different to change. Just don't worry about your weight. You are actually below average for your height. Age isn't the important factor. It is the height that matters. Don't worry.

I think you sound fine. I weigh around that and I'm 4 inches shorter than you. You are just right. Stop worrying about it!

Sounds like you are thin.
Just stay healthy and eat well!!!

no you are perfect

Wow your reallly skinnny! im 5'4 and im 118 pounds and i like my weight! Just work with what you got!

A Person x]
Your perfectly fine =]

That's a good weight for you. Not too little or too much for your height or age. If you weight a little too much or a little too little it wouldn't be noticed by anyone. You shouldn't feel like you're huge bu t I understand how you would. Everyone tries to make us teenage girls feel as if we aren't good enough or thin enough or right for the world but don't pay attention to what people say.

Lauren (:
not fat at all .
dont even think about dieting !

Youre thin. Desired weight (on the thin side) for your height is 120.

Get a life. stop being so self conscious. Don’t you see obese women around you. You are fine. Concentrate on studies not on whether to loose 2 pounds or gain 3. Stay away from junk food


You may think your huge but thats like perfict weight. You are so not overweight. You actsualy are a little underweight.

Things Change
wow...you're prefect, if not a little bit too skinny.

that is a good weight. if you think you are "huge" then you are an idiot.

Your exactly the same height and weight as me only I'm 23 years old. Trust me you are perfectly fine. I used to worry about it too when I was in my teens but when I started college I dropped about 10 pounds (not intentional - lots of stress) and was sick all the time, my periods got irregular, I looked like crap cause I was all skin and bones, and I couldn't find clothes that fit me anymore (I wear a size 0 or 2 now - 10 pounds less and I was back in kids clothes that were too short for me). Now that I am older I actually find myself wanting to gain a little bit. I get mistaken for a kid a lot still which can be very embarrassing. Please don't try to lose weight. I know everyone seems to want to lose weight in their teens even if they don't need to. You will feel much healthier if you just stay where you are at. I get people all the time telling me how skinny I am. My guess is that you get it too but it just isn't sinking in. Good luck and quit worrying! :)

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