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 How do you get a quick flat belly?
i run at least 3 miles a day and i eat healthy so wtf am i missing?...

 I think I have an eating disorder???
I binge/purge at least once a week, usually more, and the rest of the week I skip meals, or eat very little. No body knows this information, but everybody assumes Im okay because im smarter than that,...

 Is the Aitkins Diet safe?
Does any have serious objections to this diet? Are there any short term or long term side-affects Ishould worry about?...

 Am I fat???? Professional help would be great, but other help works too!?
Im 5'2" female, and weigh 91 lbs. Thats not fat...is it?

im 13...

 How tall are you? How much to you weight?
I'm 5'3" and weight 175lbs (i'm pregnant) not that it's an excuse....

 Is it true that diet coke makes you gain weight?

 What are the quickest ways to lose weight that are not necesarily healthy?

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i'm not huge but ive gone into a depression for my weight. i dont know why...im 5' 1" , 15 years, and weigh about 130....

 Why do fat people allways blame their weight on medical conditions?

 I wonder is it possible to lose 100 pounds in two-three months..?
Do you think so? They say the body is very amazing and what it can do? If so how...?
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Am really considering doing this and live to tell it....

 Am I overweight?
I am about 5'3.
I weigh around 122.
I just turned 12.
If I am what is the QUICKEST way to lose weight and how much?...

 How many liters of water should i drink per day ?
How many liters of water should i drink per day ?...

 5'2'' and 106 lbs. am i fat?
i think i'm fat.
but i wear a size 00 pants and XS shirts.
but I FEEL SO FAT. everyday.

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andd it's not like a have a
six pack ...

 How can i get my legs ( especially my thighs) slimmer quickly?

 Were you hppier after you lost weight?
was all the hard work worth it?...

 I'm on a diet, but can I have a pack of crisps today.....?
I started my diet on Monday and I haven't eaten any bread, chocolates, rice, crisps or chips since then. But I'm really craving for some crisps now...Please help. Thank you for your ...

 Ive recently started working out and drinking lots of well guess what ive gained 5lbs im crying here help me?
i dont want to give up but i feel i ...

 How much weight should I lose.?
Ive always been a big person even though no one in my family really is. I am 6"0 and i weigh 219 pounds i have a good amount a muscle and im 15 years old. How much weight do I need to lose to be ...

 Is it possible to smoke and still get fit?
I have joined a football team and have been smoking for about a year....

 I am a 14 year old . I weigh 125 pounds. I am a size 3 in jeans, and a size 5 in dresses.... Am I fat?

 Diets for 12 yr old 5'6 150 pds?
i need to lose weight so i want to go on a diet. my goal is to lose 30 pds. I exercise every weekday for an hour. What r some good diets? also these are a list of foods i DO NOT like


Weight help!!!?
Hi I am 12 years old, five foot 4 and I weigh 140 lbs and maybe even more. You dont have to tell me that I am overweight because I already know I am. But I just cant stop eating. I dont feel hungry but I usually just feel the need to eat. Before I weighed 120. But now I put on a lot of weight. How do I lose all this weight? I cant go to a doctor because lets say I was sick, they would charge my parents 60 dollars just to tell me that I needed to buy cough syrup at CVS. So
it's way to expensive to go to the doctor. But anyways, what can I do about this? I feel really depressed about it. Please help.

Go on a diet eat fruits and veggies exersize dont sit on ur *** go do somthing

♀ woody ♀
thats not over weight

i guess guys weight are diffrent from girls >.>

at ur age

i agree with


Sarah C
Figure out your triggers and avoid them or replace eating with something else.

For example, if you eat when you feel bored, go read a book or do something constructive when you start to feel antsy.

If you eat when you are sad, try writing in a journal or calling a friend to talk.

Trenton R
try eating healther foods you can still eat it will just be good for you

ღThE OnE
If you follow these tips you will lose weight.
First of all your body can healthly lose only 2-4 lbs a week. Also i would not reccomend one of those diet books or programs because once you lose the weight you will go back to doing what you did before and gain it all back.
Here is what you need to cut out of your diet or limit.
-sodas they are empty calories and just add fat.
-also juices try to limit 1 cup of o.j. has as much sugar as a can of soda.
-fast food. they provide no nutrients and terrible meals they do have healthly selections at all fast food stores if you pic those you will do much better.
-junk food is also empty calories its ok now and then just don't over do it.
Here are foods that you can indulge on.
-veggies since they are so healthy for you and provide you with many nutrients the calories in them are meaningless.
-water!! you should drink64oz. a day at first you will pee alot but then you will get used to it.
-when eating meat try to eat chicken because it is the best.
other tips
- try to have baked foods not fried.
-eat breakfast and try to have it mostly be complex carbs like oatmeal and wheat bread they will give you energy all throughout the day.
-don't skip meals when you do your body thinks it is being starved so it will hold in more calories instead of burning them.
breakfast: Main course under 200cal ..maybe a packet of oat meal or healthy cereal bar. Along with 1 fruit and 1protein or dairy product (things like one egg, string cheese, milk, low cal yogurt)
Lunch: Main course around 200cal. Salad (low cal salad dressing) 1 protein or dairy product
Snack: 1 fruit and 1 protein or dairy product
Dinner: Main course around 250-350 cal. Salad or Fruit. 2 servings of veggies
Desert: Something under 200 cal.

**make sure ur main meals have over 5g protein and some fiber..to keep ur from getting hungry. Hot cocoa is good they have 25 calorie hot cocoa at ralphs. Coffee is ok just not with real sugar and not too much creamer. **drink plenty of water **take vitamins to keep you energized
you need to buy some weights or go to a gym and work on increasing your muscles. because that will increase you resting metabolic rate which is how many calories you burn while simply doing nothing and you will see weight loss as well as losing inches. The bigger the muscle you work out..the more calories you burn. So legs are good calorie burners.
running is also a good way to help your overall apperience.
and pilates is a good way to tone your body a simple pilates
-Denise Austin comes on Lifetime in the mornings..the workouts are fun..and she's really hyper and motivating..its not to hard but I got results very rapidly. She has some great dvd's too. (lost the 70 pounds with that)
-now that it's been a few years later I really like doing exercise classes at my school gym..because I got bored of running miles and miles everyday (too keep my weight off) and working out alone.

go online and find some healthy meal recipes and use them try to reduce the number of calories you take in daily but not by too much. Don't go below 1200 or the weight will come back really easily..even if you don't over eat that much. It's okay to still have desert everyday..just a really really small amount that is under 200 calories.
hope this helps you. Good luck

workout, workout, workout. if u do it on a regular basis u will get more i shape and lose those pounds u want to. For u i would say pushups, sit ups/crunches, go running ,etc. At the beginning it may seem hard but if you push yourself and set goals u can do it. AND STAY MENTALLY FIT. HAVE A POSTIVE ATTITUDE. And lay back on junk food and those extra snacks at the movies or sleepovers. Good luck. Tell me if my tips help........

All you need to do is commit yourself to exercising daily. You also need a strong enough will to tell yourself when to stop eating. That helped me in my younger years. =)

Also, at your age, you'll be doing a lot of growing, which should help to spread out the weight. There are also pills you can take to stop feeling hungry all of the time -- it may be something to look into. But I'd highly suggest willing yourself out of it; It'll make you feel more confident about yourself!

i think you should stop drinking soda and go play outside an hour every day

You arent overweight by much at all. Just try not to eat just to eat and when u do find an alternative to junk. I used to eat cookies and ships for snacks and now i am addicted to cucumbers dipped in fat free ranch. its amazing! eat apples and CELERY! its practically negative calories. you burn more chewing than are in the stick its self.

Good luck! ^.^

drew b
Best way to lose the weight is to exercise. Instead of just watching tv do some sit-ups and push ups while you watch. Try eating healthier foods or portion your sizes out. Look at the labels and see what a serving size and get yourself only a single serving size. Don't forget to get some cardio work in. Running,jogging,walking,swimming,rollerb... are all great ways to get the blood flowing and the metabolism working.

The lemonade diet. It's popular among celebrities such as Beyonce.
If you’ve never heard of the lemonade diet, basically it is a 10-day fast where you drink nothing but a special “lemonade” drink. It is one of the best known methods for cleaning out your intestinal and colon walls. Although not intended as a weight-loss diet, it is effective at helping you balance your body and “rebooting” the metabolic process - which often results in weight loss (I lost around 10 lbs on this). *If you are looking instead for primarily weight/fat loss I would highly recommend the Burn the Fat [see picture to the right] program. I had a lot of success with its principles.

Well here goes:

Lemonade Diet Recipe

For at least 10 days, drink around 10 servings/day of the following:

2 Tablespoons (1 fluid ounce) fresh-squeezed lemon or lime juice NOT BOTTLED JUICE!! (approx. 1/2 lemon),
2 Tablespoons (1 fluid ounce) organic Grade B maple syrup,
1/10 Teaspoon or more cayenne pepper (hot red pepper), and
1 Cup (8 fluid ounces) purified or spring water, NOT fluoridated water.
(This is what I did) This is the equivalent of taking an empty gallon water jug and filling it with:

the juice of 5 lemons
1 1/4 cup of organic Grade B maple syrup
1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper
10 cups of water
Shake it all up and you got your days’ serving!

Salt-Water Flush Recipe

Upon rising drink a mixture of:

2 level teaspoons of uniodized sea salt to a…
quart of lukewarm water
Herbal Laxative Tea (You can find this at most grocery stores)

Each evening drink an herbal laxative tea to help with elimination - preferably right before bed.

That’s it! Do that for at least ten days for a complete intestinal cleanse. If you haven’t read my experience with the 10-day lemonade diet, check it out here. Or if you just want to read about the final results you can go directly to the 10th day of the lemonade diet.

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push urself to stop eating by doing something else and get your mind off it

example: excersize

nothing but common sense will help you my dear. stop eating all the time and exercise.

right now, eating is an activity for you - therefore, you need to do other things to occupy your time.

go for a walk, clean your room, organize your books. anything.

Hey, I know how you feel. I mean, I don't.. but I do. You see, I am not in that situation, but I have been before.I am 12 years old also, and you have probably just entered middle school, and this is an important time in your life for keeping your reputation striaight. I think, that all that your thinking about, is "I want people to like me", and that's normal for the average teen. I think that it isn't worth having people like you, if they only like you for the way you look, If you let that happen, then you are just going to end up hurt, over and over agian. And, obviously, that not a good thing. Just try to stay yourself, and not worry about your weight. That's what I have to say.

I hope this helps! Thanks for reading, Hannah <3

ok HeRES THE DEAL. im 14 years old and am 4 ft 11 in. and are 140- 145 lbs. u r NOT over weight

Andy S
eat to live dont live to eat

that's really odd for me.u know.because i am always in the mood of not eating.so even now i can't imagine your feeling! how can u be that much heavy and i am 40kg even i am 18! that's strange.i think there are more things that u can do instead of eating.i hate eating u know.take some practices. go to the pool.there are many things that u can do

Some people eat things that are "comfort food" to them, like, eating cake when your depressed or something. If eating is your way to gain comfort, try running instead. Yeah, I know it sounds totally stupid and wierd, and I thought so too, but it helps. It actually releaves depression! You probably don't believe me, and I don't blame you, its hard to believe, but trust me, it really does help..it gives you time to focus on other things, and I found taking showers when your thinking really hard good, too. Because you have all your shower time to ponder on things that have been bothering you.
Eating can also be a result of boredom. Especially in the summer! The best way to prevent eating because of boredom is simple and easy, do something to not make you bored! Try sports, get outside, play with friends, get active!
Yeah, sounds cheesy, right? But its so much better than staying at home eating, then worrying about your weight. I'm sure if you tried a bunch of different sports, at least one will have you sweating, laughing, and feeling great! Like for me, its basketball and volleyball. You should try them, it makes a differnce on how you feel, and it will totally make a difference on the scale. But don't become too obsessive with your appearence, to the point where you start an eating disorders, looks matter but they aren't everything. Your health is more important. When you wanna eat, instead of driving to McDonalds or something, try eating something healthy. Alot of fruits are healthy and really good. Or just make a fruits smoothie. Visit http://www.mypyramid.gov/ to check how many calories you should be getting a day. You don't have to go full on calorie counting, though. Just don't like double the calories a day. Creating a food diary helps, also. Write down all the foods you eat every day, and check back to see how much your improving.

READ THIS: This is very long, if you don't have the time, I summed it up at the bottom.

Ah, it's difficult to keep your weight down, I know.

Spinach really is the wonder food, though.
Before you discredit this, lemme explain.

Spinach isn't as disgusting as it seems. Canned mushy spinach is the nastiest thing in the world, but baby spinach leaves are fresh and good. They're a little bit tasteless, so you might want to put something on them. Usually any kind of salad dressing does nicely.

Anyway, spinach has almost your entire day's worth of vitamins and minerals, and it's pretty filling.

Also, if you really can't lose the craving to eat, buy some celery. It takes a long time to digest, so you'll feel full longer. If you're like me, you don't really like the taste of celery, so if you can't eat it plain, put just a little bit of peanut butter on it. It's still a bit hard to stomach, but with peanut butter, I can actually swallow it.

I've also found that raisin bran is a bit tasty. If your Spinach/Celery diet doesn't give you enough fiber (Which I assure you it will.), You may add a small bowl of this occasionally.

Finally, you're gonna need some protein. Salmon has a good nutrient in it, so you should eat some salmon every once in a while. NOT OFTEN. Salmon causes a LOT of stress on your body. Don't ask why, I'm not entirely sure what that means either, but I know it's not good to eat too much salmon.

In general, beans and rice are the cheapest and most healthy sources of protein and carbs.

Make sure to eat them together, or you'll get unbalanced.

Also, instead of snacking, set specific times every day to eat small amounts. Say 5 times a day, you eat a small something. (Bigger servings are the worst thing to make you fat. Small servings a bit more often are better for you.)

And you should cut drastically down on the junk food.

And for good immunity, cranberries are good. DO NOT GET CRASINS OR CRANBERRY JUICE. The way they're processed makes them worse for you than candy does. If you can't stand raw cranberries, cut a small handful of them up into quarters and put them in your spinach. Their taste will be almost completely overwhelmed.

So to simplify:

1. Baby spinach leaf salad for vitamins and minerals.
2. Celery to keep food cravings down. (Add peanut butter if necessary.)
3. Beans and rice for protein and carbs. Eat together in one sitting.
4. Salmon rarely for one particular oil nutrient.
5. Raisin bran rarely for a sweet food (Also if you need more fiber)
6. Raw cranberries if you feel like it, add to spinach.
7. Eat less food, more often, and at the same times every day.
8. Cut the junk food.

Mighty Mac
you are 12 and need to eat.

actually, if you eat less, more frequently, you will speed up you metabolism and burn more calories. about 4 hours after you eat, your body turns whatever has been unused to fat, because it knows not when you will eat again.

try using fillers...oatmeal and rice, in your diet. stay away from alot of fried foods including snacks like chips. by the baked kind. buy a bunch of fruit and berries, nuts, and veggies to snack on.

drink a lot a water, and i mean a lot. basically you should be drinking half your weight in ounces of water a day. every ounce of anything else you drink should be supplemented by the same amount of water too. remember, you are mostly water. it curbs hunger, it detoxifies, and aids in your muscle development. it also keeps you from drying out and helps give you healthier skin.

don't skip on taste. the worse thing you can do diet wise is eat bland. make it fun and tasteful. spices, sauces(thinner the better), extra virgin olive oil, whatever. dress it up.

give yourself a challenge. make a fist. look at your fist and make that amount of food per meal(albeit 6-7 meals a day), and eat that every 3 hours.

there are tons a things to do, but in reality, you have info at your fingertips and proven known health sites to help guide your way. I only mentioned the diet side, because at your age, just being active each day should be enough exercise if you are eating right. I shutter to think of what happens if you're getting ready to hit a growth spurt(which may be the case also)and already at 5'4"...hehe

in reality you should not feel depressed about it. you should feel relieved that you even noticed a difference in yourself. usually that doesn't happen and they have to be told after it's too late. but i suspect that you are not the overweight person you think you are. one's self image is usually amplified well more than how others perceive them. i say, do some research on healthy living(you could go to health department online for that)...basically reviewing stuff that you learned 5, 6 years ago.

good luck

Mark S
Try to eat healthier, snack on fruits and vegetables instead of potato chips or something similar.

Also, try to stay active.

Visit www.smallstep.org for tips on small things you can do to stay healthy.

You're not extremely overweight. Depending on your body type you might look just fine. You're a little young to be worrying about your weight, dear.

Instead of eating when you're not hungry, do something else. Distract yourself. Drink a lot of water to fill your stomach up so you don't feel like eating between meals. If your mouth feels the need to have something in it, try sugarless gum.

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