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 I weigh 36 stone, I want to go swimming at the local pool, but will people laugh at me? call me a whale?
would you be disguisted?...

 Is 107lbs ok for someone who is 5'8 ?
your opinion please....

 Does smoking weed make you lose weight?
just wondering cuz a lot of my friends r drugies and skinny...they never workout or anything of that nature and well me im in lykee every sport imaginable and cant lose weight...just curious does ...

 Am I fat/overweight?
I'm a teenager and I'm about..meh..4"11 to 5"0 tall. I weigh (my weight changes often) to 102-106 pounds.
I feel fat =( honestly.
Am I fat or overweight or anything?...

 Am i fat cause I'm 14 and i weigh 85 pounds.... please help!!?

 How can i weigh 90 lbs?
im 13, 5'4 and i weigh 116.. i want to weigh 90. and please i dont wanna hear thats not healthy cause i hear it too much..

so yea can u give me some ideas on how i can loose 90 lbs.<...

 How long does it take your body to adjust to drinking more water?
I understand the importance of drinking plenty of water so I have recently started drinking 2-3 times more water than I usually do. Needless to say, this change has caused me to constantly have to ...

 I'm 13 and weigh about 125 pounds. I'm 5'4'' and 1/2. Do I weigh too much?
I'm 13 years old 5'4'' and 1/2 and weigh 126 pounds. I play soccer and basketball at least 5 times a week. Do u guys think I weigh too much? If so could I have some good dieting ...

 Should i sell my daughters Hockey Sticks on ebay because she is fat?
I feel as though her recent weight gain has made her undeserving of her hockey sticks of whicxh i bough her after she succeeded at the Jenny Craig bread and water diet.
ALSO she wets the bed ...

 Does smoking help you lose weight?
just wondering.....

 Anorexia? How do they do it?
OMG, how do they do it? How do anorexic people starve themselves, I tried to see how it is and i have no iea how they could do it?

How do they starve themselves? 3:S...

 Would i look weird if i went jogging at 12 am???

 Am i chubby? pics.?
im 5"8" and around 135 pounds, i hate it when i look bloated, am i bloated? my hips are big, how do i make them smaller?


 How much weight will i lose if i don't eat anything for 30 days?

 Im feeling weird....please help!!!please!!?
It was my holidays so my mum was frequently making fried stuff like french fries and other fried stuff...on wednesday she made fries and i ate them and then she made them on friday and then she made ...

 I want to learn to be bulimic...?
i really want to be skiny. and i need some help. i want to be bulimic. but the only problem is...i have tried and its hard to get use to sticking your finger or toothbrush down your throat. i really ...

 Do I look anorexic? How much do you think I weigh?

yes, I am tucking in my stomach, but not very much. I'm only around 5'1, keep in mind. How much does it look like I ...

 Is it possible to drink so much water that you die?

Additional Details
To those you say it's called drowning: I said DRINK water, not inhale it! LOL....

 What do you do when you feel fat and ugly?
Do you have any coping mechanisms for when you feel fat and ugly? What do you do to deal? Work out? Eat less? Meditate? How do you handle it? I feel like a blimp and no amount of eating right or ...

 Poll: Do you like your body?
what do/don't you like about it?

asking this because a lot of people posting questions here seem to not.......

Kathryn B
What are some CARDIO things i can do to burn mega fat?
CArdio.. no weights. thanks

Cardio-kickboxing is a really good way to burn fat, but it's hard. . You can also try spinning bike or aerobics. I don't know if you're like me, but I can't excersise on my own, I always have to join a class, it's more fun to do it with other people and to have instructos that can guide you. If you don't have any experience doing excersise, it's better for you to join a class, otherwise you might end up hurting yourself.

Personally I love martial arts.

To Be Free
Ride a bike.

HI people!!!
run run run!

Walking is the best thing you can do. A good fast pace is best.

run, walk, jog, boxing, push ups, sit ups, maybe yoga or the martial arts.

Anything you do will help, start by walking. Add in housework. Can you swim? It is the best exercise you can do. How about a bike? Ride it (even a stationary, it does wonders for me!) And finally cut out the junk food, i.e. fats and sugars. Don't deprive yourself, just have smaller portions.
This is called the any food diet, eat ONLY when you're hungry, and stop when you are full! No more "clean your plate."

Bling Bling
try sit ups, that will really burn fat

I just started spinning and LOVE it. If you never heard of it ---its a class full of bikes and the instructor guides you along flat rides and hills etc for about 50 minutes. At my gym they turn down the lights and play cool music and it flies by. I ususally hate cardio but this I look forward too and after 2 weeks my clothes are already getting looser.

best thing in the world is to run, run, run. There is also dancing, biking, hiking, swimming, walking, calisthenics, . . . .

still waiting
My favorite thing to do is dance. Seriously--I'll put on the radio and just rock out--to dance, electronica, rock, whatever. I get my arms going, my legs going, and I try to keep my tummy tight while I'm doing it. It usually gets me all revved up and ready for some situps or crunches, or light cardio. Seriously--15 minutes of dancing in front of your mirror at home and you'll be sore in places you didn't know you had...Good luck!

Heather C
I love tae bo! its fun too! also dancing!! put your favorite CD in and dance dance dance!

Honestly told
For 30 to 45 mins:
Walking briskly on treadmill
Using an eleptical
Doing housework

But dont forget that eating is half of the equation as well! :)

you can use a stationary bike, jog, powerwalk, or use a step machine

prettygirl W
um do push ups!! well will u email me anyway?thank you!


Mrs W
Running, elliptical trainer, swimming. All great cardio exercises to do. Works like a charm!

i've found the best way to get motivated to walk 3 miles every day is to make myself a music cassette or CD that lasts 50 minutes. hopefully you can even mix them so they start of at a regular walking pace and get faster and faster, then for the last 3 songs sortof slow you back down to a regular walk.
they even have Christian walking tapes, i love those 'cause then you feel like you're "wording up" while you cardio up. i lost 30 pounds in 3 months doing music fast walks and eating 1000 calories a day!

ps or if you can't mix a tape or CD, just pop in one of your favorite artists and listen to the whole album. they usually last 50 minutes to an hour....
and, good luck! you GO girl

The best cardio exercise to burn fat is anything dealing with HEAVY leg workouts. For some reason, this really gets the metabolism flowing! My suggestion is spinning class. I was able to lose 25 pounds in 2 months doing that and stairmaster with a light diet. (and I wasn't very fat to begin with)

Well, other ppl have said wht I was gonna say...personally, I luv dancing. It gets my heart pumped up & there's no "limit" - u can do a variety of dances.

Running is also great. My cousin lost a lot of weight since she started running 3 times a week. I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw her. (She used to be around 200lbs & now she's around 140lbs...she's 21...call impressive!).

Boxing/Kickboxing - And it is a LOT of fun! :)

running, jogging or dancing. i've heard belly dancing is good and helps you with pregnancy and giving birth!

swimming, or dance both are great work outs

Kathryn B...I say, watch "The Ellen DeGeneras Show"...and start DANCIN'! XOXO Moonpie

Running is highly effective.

dancing with headphones on to block out distraction. dance your butt off! ( all puns intended )

rj e in new york
For overall cardio swimming is really the best. It requires all of your muscles to work and is a very low impact way to work out. Outside of the water, interval training works wonders as well. You have to get your heart rate up and maintain it so moving from one excercise to another will little to no breaks does this. It will also help step up your metabolism allowing you to better burn fat while not excercising. You don't need weights anyway although it nevers hurts. Moving your own body weight first should be everyones first step. Push-ups, squats and sit-ups can be just as usful without weights and simply put, if you can't move your own weight, then why would you be trying to move extre weight?

drink plenty of ice cold water, the body burns more when you drink a lot of cold water because it has to burn calories bringing the water down to body temp. when you drink tap water it does not burn calories because the water is already at body temp. ask you doctor he will inform you of this

Olivier P
Don't forget that what and how often you eat is 70% of the equation.

Playing Nice
My ideas? Try to do 200 minutes of cardio a week. Remember fat does not turn into muscle, so you need to lose your fat while putting on muscle. Work hard, but don't over 60 minutes at a time. Do planks and other abs exercises on alternate days.

On training days, do 5-10 minutes of cardio to warm up, then do your weight training. Do 30 to 60 minutes more of cardio, then go home.

The best time to eat is just after your workout within an hour when your metabolism is raging. For your muscles, incorporate some isolated soy protein or whey protein. Whey is more potent but the soy tastes better!

Don't look at your scale as the be all and end all, but get a measuring tape to check your progress, and that will show more tangible results.

Read magazines like Shape, Womens Fitness, Fitness, etc to get tips and to stay motivated.

Good luck and stick at it. This plan has lost me 20 lbs in 12 weeks so far, just go for it!

Start with walking, build up to jogging. Jogging burns lots of calories.

Just realize that you can't burn away a lot of fat FAST -- it will take time. So be patient and KEEP AT IT and you will see results. Take the long view, not the short view! Good luck.

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