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 Do I weigh too much?
I am 10 years old/almost 11. And my height is 4 feet 30 centimeters. I weight 80 something....

 Is picking your nose bad?

 Do you feeel good after a good workout??
i do!...

 I just want to be THIN!?
i am having the hardest time staying motivated to lose weight. i work out religiously, although it probably helps just keep me at the weight i am am and keeps my heart healthy above anything else. <...

 I weigh 92 pounds and I am 12 is that o.k.???
Is that o.k....

 Is it okay if I don't eat?
every other day. I exerisce and eat healthy, but its not coming off....

 Is this considered over wieght?
a female who is 13 and is 5 feet 7 inches ways 150 pounds.
is she over weight?...

 Am i FAT?!?
5ft 4in

130-133 ...

 At 12 years of age at "5.4" is 108 pounds normal?
Is that overweight?...

 How do u get rid of constipation?!?

 How tall are you?
im 5"7. u?...

 Curvy or skinny?
I am a uk size 12 and sometimes feel quite big especially compared to other girls is it too big?...

 Am i overweight?
ok i am 13 and i weigh 115-117 pounds..am i overweight?
Additional Details
i am 5'4 ft ...

 If someone called you fat would you?
a) Get there as* in a bear trap
b) Donate to charity
c) Go eat your troubles away
d) O...

 I'm so hungry right now... should I binge and vomit or take laxatives?
i want cheeseburgers, 10 of them and french fries!...

 How much weight do you lose if you don't eat for a few days.?
And the only think you did is drink water?!
Additional Details
I understand i'd gain it back, but would if i started to eat ...

 Is moldy bread OK to eat?

 If someone is desprately trying to lose weight, do you think they should turn to anorexia?

 Am I Overweight? Just Curious?
Hi, this is Emma on my cousin's yahoo.

I am 13 years old, weigh 142. I am 5'6.

Am I overweight, just curious. and a little self-concious.

Thanks =]

 Can i lose 10 pounds in one month and a half?
Hi, im 14 and i do 8 miles every day but not in a row.
I eat wright too.
Im over weight and i need to lose at least 10 pounds or more.
Is it possible for me to loos that much weight ...

What can i do to gain weight?

The Avenger
Gaining weight in my opinion is a lot harder than losing it. Be careful when eating because people gain weight by eating the crappy foods. Just eat right and go on from there.

Add more to your daily intake, and make sure you are full up when finished. Make sure its good foods... dont stuff your face with sweets and all.

You should add more details to your question... like your height and current weight. Either way, I hope my info helps you.

Live life, be healthy, good luck

M&M's worked for me.

It's not often you see this question, it is usually the reverse, but I realise it is the same for underweight people and they are rarely taken seriously........

Pls do not just start eating fatty foods as this will make you un-healthy....look at your family, mum, sisters etc, if they are naturally thin this may be what you body is going to be like due to genetics etc......your best bet would be to consult your doctor before doing anything.....good luk love.


Try Ensure and/or milkshakes (esp. with peanut butter!). :)

eat loadsa junk food big macs and pizza or any greasy take away and big bars of chocolate crisps and all that sorta Crap you'll soon pile it on prob feel like tosh mind and break out in zits with all that but hey it'll make u grow outwards

No excercise - Fatty High calorie foods and plenty beer or Guiness... That did it for me! Until I decided to lose it all again...

eat alot of french fries it worked for me. not that i wanted to gain wait

you need to eat bigger meals, a lot of carbohydrates, have treats in between meals, i really wish i had your problem

Try food, it usually does the job. Then sit around all day and watch TV. Eat lots just before bed that always works as well

why would you want to gain wait for? alot of people are trying to lose weight.

have a good day

if you want to gain weight you can get weigt gain drinks from youkr doctor who will proscirbe them for you or you can buy nutional drinks from your local spa or cornor shop or drinl protrin shakes which are really good for you but just be aware if you are a windy person then there are some horrible smells if you no what i mean.

darren w
live on mcdonalds food for a month , you will feel like crap but the pounds will pile on

kayleigh s
eat carbs ...bread pasta etc

Bartemis Crowl
Eat lots of things with fat, like oily stuff and also meat and fast food. The other main thing is not to do any excercise. If you do, you'll burn off all the calories that you've gained

Eat a lot of carb and protein rich food. Do some weight lifting. It will build some muscles. Muscles weigh more than fat.

Nicole X
There are several wonderful websites that can help with these questions. My favorite by far is www.sparkpeople.com. It focus' on losing weight, but a lot of the concepts are fitness and I am sure that they would be able to point you in the right direction on how to gain weight the right way. It is a completely free website with wonderful recipes, exercises, and information that would help. Good Luck!

Eat lard, it'll make you happy too!

try weight gain, bodybuilders use it to bulk up. ask in your local health shop. its with the protein shakes etc

If you need to ask then you don't deserve to know!

Eat more food than your eating now....i think

eat 2 banana and milk full cream] for one month.wish i can give u some of my weight-i am over weight!!!!!

Dwayne Dibley
Go live in America

Gerry M
Eat lots and lots of sausages

Take no exercise at all, drive everywhere, eat rubbish and spend every evening in front of the TV with crisps and chocolate. Seems to work for most people.

Drink more liquids such as juice and milk. You can consume a larger intake of calories that way without having to stuff yourself with lots of food.

Some people do struggle to gain weight, just like I struggle to lose it. Gaining huge quantities of fat is not the answer! If you are a man, large amounts of protein, carbs and free weights will gain you weight (heavy weight, low reps). If you are a girl and don't want to look butch, then more food may be the only answer, but thin people can still have unhealthy diets.

michael s
It depends...if you want to do the truffle shuffle...Cake is yer answer...if you want to build muscle...5 meals a day...not massive..hi protien, hi carb...low fat....more carbs in the morning....less as the day goes on...til near nil by dinner...and of course the sting in the tale....go to the gym and seek the advise of a gym instructor for safe appropriate exercise....high weight low reps...and plenty of sleep...and reduce the amount of booze in yer diet!....a lifestyle change in short!! But worth it

When Robert De Niro put on over 70 ibs for Raging Bull he had ice cream after every meal, mixing carbs too helps (breads, potatos, pastas etc...napping after meals too (sumo dudes do that) You're not going into sumo are ya?

sOuL dOcToR
Start taking ALFALFA TONIC its a specific homeopathic medication to enhance your food assimilation appetite and digestion and you will gain weight without any side effects or complications.
Take care and God Bless !

eat lots of chocolate, crisps and cake

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