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 I wish to stop smoking pot but will i get fat if a do?
as smoking pot speeds up your matabalisom I am coNcernd if i stop smoking pot and eat the same 3 meals a day as i do allready will i get fat as my matabalisom will be much slower
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 Is it bad to weigh 89 pounds and be i the 8th grade?

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im bout 5'1...

 Why are americans fat? What do they eat for their meals? Burgers and burgers??
I'm sorry if I offend anyone, but I saw an old episode of Oprah and she said more than half of the american population are overweight.
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 Am i FAT??
i am 13 (14 in two months) 5'4 and 105 pounds in the morning

am i fat?

please help because i always feel disgusting and i dont know what to ...

 How the hell do I gain some weight?
Im 5'3 106 pounds,I eat bugers,pizza,bacon,every unhealthy food I could think of.When I eat,I go to sleep and is it any way I could slow down my metabolism....

 Can any body suggest me 5 easy steps to lose weight?
My weight at present is 89 kgs .i'quickly want to lose weight before my on campus placement commences. I'm final year student of pharmaceutical sciences....

 Do you get less hungry a few days after fasting?
i'm beginning to fast friday and i would like to know if during school hours next monday (i have this week off) if my stomach is going to growl during class?


 I want to loose weight i am 5"2 and 189 lbs i don't eat alot of junk but i drink soda if i cut out the soda
would i drop most of my weight?And also what is the best tasting diet soda?...

 Am i fat.........................
My sister always says Im fat when she's mad and want to yell at me.

I'm 5 feet 3 inches. I weigh 101 lbs. My sister always i mean always calls me fat, and i think she is seriuos. ...

 Should i become anorexic just till i like my body?
im 14 and fat no joke.im not one of those girls who freak out over 1 or 5 pounds im literally fat at the verge of hitting 300 pounds!!!!!i know that anorexia is bad and so is bulimia but im so sick ...

 Which is better for me?
Should I make a corn dog or an ice cream cone?...

 Does drinking too much Diet coke make you fat?
Although diet coke or coke Zero have no calories I read somewhere that the chemicals in the drinks can slow weight loss and actually cause you to retain weight? Please clear this up for me??...

 Whats the fastiest way to lose alot of weight?
Whats the fastiest way to lose alot of weight in a short period of time? What can i do and how much weight could i lose in three months? ...

 I am exercising 5 days a week for 1 hr to 2 hrs but not loosing weight, after 3 or 4 months!!?
It is so frustrating because I go from no exercise to exercising and feel like I have gained. I started doing 60 minutes cardio, but they said that wasn't good, so I went down to 45 minute ...

 Losing som belly fat :)?
what type of work out should i do to lose belly fat im already eating healthy but i need to ...

 Help :-( im TOO skinny!!!?
i am 12 years old and have a bad problem
i am REALLY skinny! but i mean really. im not anorexic but i look it. all my friends are atleast 80 -100 and im 75!!!! my waist line is only 23 in! :...

 Im 5'8 and weight 110 and Im 18?
I still feel fat. I have been struggling with weight since I was 13. i have been doing better lately-than a few yrs ago when i was in the 80's lbs. help me feel good about my self whats wrong?...

 I am 20 years old, two foot six, and weigh fifty billion pounds. Am I overweight?

 What can a 24 year old girl do that is fun that DOESNT'T involve drinking, eating, or spending money?
I don't want to eat because I am on a diet.
I don't want to spend money because I am in college.
I don't want to drink because it is just not good for you!

What ...

 What age do you consider to be old?

Why do people keep spelling 'lose' as 'loose'?
I know its not a big deal but it bugs the hell out of me. It is spelt with 1 'o', not 2
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I don't think it is a matter of fast typing. The ones that put 'loose' once do it throughout, so they apparently think they are spelling it correctly.

Its a wonder people think Americans are so ignorant.

because some people are just stupid

Leslie C
OMG I KNOW!!! that drives me up the wall.....

people r stupid

Yeah notice how no one can spell "loser" either!

well maybe because they are typing really fast and they don't spell check.

Most people I see use lose when they should use loose. They are two different words and a spell checker will not catch it.

ugh I know exactly what you mean...it's the same reason people mix up "there," "their," and "they're," along with "then" and "than." It's just so aggravating....It's really not that hard! Pick up a book once in a blue moon!

John J
dunno the way the are

Missed that day in 4th grade

Actually, both spellings are correct, they just have different meanings, which some people who cannot spell are apparently not aware of.

Lose- to misplace something (http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/lose)

Loose- not tight (http://www.m-w.com/dictionary/loose)

We all wish people would keep those words straight, don't we?

many people may not have a proper education of grammar

I asked something about that too. Really common! People are just poor spellers.

I Don't know. It's like people spelling a lot - alot

I am bugged by this as well. I don't know what the thought processes behind this are. If there are any...

I love it here in Minnesota where it is common to hear someone say "Can you borrow me ten dollars?" What, the other verb in this transaction isn't good enough?

Carbbean LFC
cuz they here the "oo" and they don't think they just write...and cuz spell check thinks its right it doesn't change it....i blame lazyness

who cares..

Sonam D
yes they are

"Lose" and "loose" are both words so they don't pop up as misspelled by spellcheckers. It makes it harder for the poor spellers who use automated spellchecking to fix their errors.

idk ppl are just dumb...

They're the same folks who don't know the difference between "your" and "you're," or "there," "their" and "they're." You're bound to meet most of them on your favorite question and answer site. They're all there, bashing the hell out of their language.

They R two differnet Words!

I don't know whether it's all-pervasive laziness or lack of concern. It could also be lack of education. I often type "their" when I mean to use "there", but I correct it as soon as I notice the error. I just type too fast sometimes.

What really bugs me is the use of "and" in place of "to".
"Will you try and come over tonight?" This assumes that the attempt will be successful before the attempt is made, thereby placing the burden of a positive outcome on the person being asked. "I will try and make it." This promises that you will be there, not that you will try.

i don't know-it happens a lot..

well i dunno but i am a terrible speller so i prob do that sometimes when i'm not thinking :)

pretty common

Sec Educashun
It bugs me too. I see it a lot.

Cassandra M
Because they are loose with their grammar?

Lucy in the Sky
why not "looz"?

Whatever it is, it also causes them to write "a lot" as "alot".

they cant spell they did not complete all of their skewling.

Kristen M
Because they are idiots and haven't learned proper english! Drives me crazy too!

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