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 At what age did you lose your viginaty?

 How do I control my food cravings...now?
Like right now I want to eat mac and cheese with ketchup and then a cupcake....werid taste I know. But its 9pm and am not sleepy...what should I do?...

 What is the best food for breakfast?
My mother always told me to eat fruit first thing in the morning (before oats or cereal etc.) because it helps to clean out the digestive system and get it functioning for the day. Is this true? At ...

 What's your favorite diet food?

i heard that the more you sweat the more weight you lose....is that true?? if it is, does that mean that if i walk 2km on a hot day and sweat more, rather than walking 2km on a cold day i will lose ...

 Am I overweight or underweight?
I am currently 5'6 and 95 pounds.
I know that may seem skinny, but I have curves which makes me feel obnoxiously fat and uneven.

Also, DONT be rude by saying I am obese/anorexic....

 What's a good diet that has worked for you? Which doesn't involve exercising regularly.?

 Am i overweight?
Ok i'm a girl and i'm 14 years old. I am 5'3 and I weigh 125 but i feel like I weigh way more. Is this an Ok weight? I'd like it to be a little less. Also, is 60lbs an ok weight ...

 Im in 7th grade and i weigh about 95 pounds i want to go on a diet but my mom wont let me what should i do?
i tried going anorexic but my friends didn't like that so i stopped and i don't want to ruin my intestines or what ever so I'm not going to be bulimic im a teen so im like always ...

 I am not a water drinker. How can i start acquiring a taste for water?

 How tall I am?
My mom is around 5 and my dad is 5' 8. What do you think my height would be...just a guess!...

 How much weight do you want to lose?

 What's the fastest way to lose weight?
I really want to lose weight!
Additional Details
I'm not over weight, but I want to lose some because I guess that's just ...

 How long after eating something can you get food poisoning?

 I don't want to live this life and be this way anymore please help me!?
I'm 25 and I've struggled with my weight all my life. Ive suffered from two miscarriages and I currently weight 375lbs. I have trouble breathing, and I cant walk very far maybe two blocks ...

 What can you eat to satisfy a sweet tooth in stead of chocolate?
looking for a healthy ...

 I'm looking into becoming anorexic, Any Good tips would be appreciated?
I heard this is a GREAT way to lose those extra pesky pounds, It also makes your hair shiny and smooth, I am just too fat!! if you know of any links to any websites let me know, thanks ...

 Are ramen noodles healthy?
im on a ...

 Do I need to lose weight? and how do i?
i think i need to lose weight
im 12, 5'4, and weigh 145lbs.
but what is an easy way to do it?...

 Will eating only eggs make me lose weight?

What age do you consider to be old?

it is only a number. you are old/young as you feel. just stay active and take care of ur self.

Grand pa
When you have done every thing you ever wanted to do and your health problems cant be helped.

Didn't I just answer this question last week?
This week I may answer it differently. It's later at night and I am more tired. But I had an event this week that made me feel very inexperienced. I hoped that when I turned 40, I would have enough sense not put my foot in my mouth.

shyane d
I would say 50-when ever you die.But if you think high or lower believe in yourself.

Karen S
Senior is to be over 80 , but you are only as old as you want to be.
Enjoy life


I have to say, I fully agree with ( mmrcarlto ) It's just to close to the answer I was about to give you.

You are only as old as you feel!

Its a silly question. Your perception of "old" entitrly depends on how old you are. If you are 15 and I'm 40, we will both agree on somebody 90 as being old. But you might also think I'm old. OMG, I'm old!!!!

No. I'm not at all. Not to me.

It depends on the individual. I've met some very "old" children and I've known some very "young" people who are mistakenly called senior citizens.

OK well im still a teen so I'd say 53 is old but the true old is 78 it really depends on how you act tho

thats old

there isn't a real good or bad age for anyone...You are only as old as you fell

70 +

You are only old if....you toot and mummy dust puffs out of your butt.


Physically old, mentally old or emotionally old? Your ? is too broad. What I am trying to say is this: A person has 3 different ages based on the following:

Your current age.
The way you look.
The way you feel (cognitive age).

Personally I enjoy being around people who are a lot older than me, they do take care of themselves, love themselves and their spirit is full of energy and young. They are wise, interesting, flexible and open minded. I am in my early 40's and I feel that life only gets better as you age.

WEll that all depends on your age too...I am 38 so old is maybe anyone over 60!

jane h

What you consider old will change the older you become. In 1975 we kids all contemplated how old we would be in the year 2000 because it sounded so far away. to a 10 year old 30 was ancient. Now that I have past 30 , that is not my old mark any more. My aunt lived to be 108 so now that is my old mark. Once I live past that I guess I will have to change my old mark. LOL

Two hours after I die. I'm 51 now, and I don't plan on giving up backpacking, shooting sports, winter camping, rappelling, whitewater rafting, and other fun things just because of age. By eating right, proper exercise, I plan to continue to enjoy life. I'm not old, just getting older, and hopefully smarter.


Been There~Done That!
80 - 90 maybe.

They say age is a matter of mind. Or "Your as old as you feel".
I have seen 87 yr. old people work rings around someone that is 30 yrs. old.
If you stay in good health and take care of yourself, you will never feel old.

lil sammy
I always thought 30 was old when I was younger, but now that I just got there, I think it's young. I guess I'll go with 75.

Barkley Hound
Old is always 10 years older than you are.

River Girl
I consider a persons frame of mind to be old. Not their age.

If you asked me this question 30 years ago, I would have said 50.
But, being 50 now, I have to say 80?
Everything is revelant isn't it?

maria fkun
I would consider anywhere between 90-116 old, although people in those age group not all some of them are even more active than some younger folks.

Brown-eyed girl
I used to think 30. But, I'm 31. It depends on your health, how you look, and how much you are enjoying life.

In my opinion (me, currently at 20):

Really Young = __ - 13
Young = 14 - 29
Middle Aged = 30 - 55
Old = 56 - 69
Pretty Damn Old = 70 - 79
FACKIN Old = 80+

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