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 Help :-( im TOO skinny!!!?
i am 12 years old and have a bad problem
i am REALLY skinny! but i mean really. im not anorexic but i look it. all my friends are atleast 80 -100 and im 75!!!! my waist line is only 23 in! :...

 Im 5'8 and weight 110 and Im 18?
I still feel fat. I have been struggling with weight since I was 13. i have been doing better lately-than a few yrs ago when i was in the 80's lbs. help me feel good about my self whats wrong?...

 I am 20 years old, two foot six, and weigh fifty billion pounds. Am I overweight?

 What can a 24 year old girl do that is fun that DOESNT'T involve drinking, eating, or spending money?
I don't want to eat because I am on a diet.
I don't want to spend money because I am in college.
I don't want to drink because it is just not good for you!

What ...

 What age do you consider to be old?

 How do I lose weight without exercising?

 Am i a fattYYYYYY?
im 5''1
110 pounds.

tell me tell me
u can be cruel so i lose weight cuz i feel liek a ...

 Help me i want to loose weight!!! do guys hate chubby/fat girls?
I am sooo depressed this summer has been really boring because all i have done is sit around at home!! I live about 10 miles away from all of my friends in a smaller town both my parents work and I�...

 Why is it that smoking makes you lost weight?
is it physical cause it speeds up your metabolism or just sorta mental coz you smoke out of boredom instead of eating out of boredom....

 What is your favorite exercise and why?
And your favorite exercise machine? What results have you gotten, and why? What machine do you recommend for weight loss? Thanks!...

 Is 108 overweight for someone 5"1?

Additional Details
well for a long time i was bilemic and was told to gain weight now i want to lose it ...

 Can you still drink Coke and lose weight with exercise and diet?
Even if it's one or two sugar cokes a day....

 Im I Fat ?
Im 5'7 and 122 -125 pounds and i feel like im a whale. Whats the right weight for me ?...

 What to do when your Bored??
I'm trying to stick to my diet but i have nothing to do, and i think thats why I am not in shape because when im bored i eat. I need something to keep me busy so I don't eat anything till ...

 How much weight should I lose?
I'm 5' 3'' and 125 pounds...how much weight should I lose...?...

 At what age did you lose your viginaty?

 How do I control my food cravings...now?
Like right now I want to eat mac and cheese with ketchup and then a cupcake....werid taste I know. But its 9pm and am not sleepy...what should I do?...

 What is the best food for breakfast?
My mother always told me to eat fruit first thing in the morning (before oats or cereal etc.) because it helps to clean out the digestive system and get it functioning for the day. Is this true? At ...

 What's your favorite diet food?

i heard that the more you sweat the more weight you lose....is that true?? if it is, does that mean that if i walk 2km on a hot day and sweat more, rather than walking 2km on a cold day i will lose ...

How the hell do I gain some weight?
Im 5'3 106 pounds,I eat bugers,pizza,bacon,every unhealthy food I could think of.When I eat,I go to sleep and is it any way I could slow down my metabolism.

Why would you want to gain sloppy weight?

skip breakfast and like after lunch start eating a lot and stay in the computer all day and eat like not just unhealthy food but high fat food and lots of it.

chahine c
ur weight is fine reli u dont need anything im kinda jelous

starchy foods, lots and lots of fries, im 5'10 and i used to weigh 120 now weigh 140 :) chili chesse fries are great also. it can sometimes be hard to eat all the time but eat as much as possible. and when i say fries i mean REAL FRIES, from potatoes not the fake shortning fries they serve at fast food places. and chicken too.

**** son, slow ur life down a bit, no activity

eat like crazy

william g
You can gain weight by working out, if you want size do heavy weights low reps.

well first off how old are you? i used to have this problem. I ate 24/7 and never gained weight. I started being more active like jogging, playing sports. Keeping myself busy made me forget about eating. So when I did eat i ate large meals. This helped me gain weight. But either way you should definitely exercise.

eat lots of carbs and lots of carbs

why would you want to?!
im the same way. 5'6 115 and eat anything i want and dont gain anything. someday you will gain it all but just be happy with what you have. tons of people woul kill to have that metabolism!

Junk food isnt the best choice. Try protein shakes and mixed nuts. Also dont drink much caffeine, it can speed up your metabolism.

eat food that has alot of protein

I think that you are only doing yourself harm by eating all the wrong foods.
I will suggest talking to a nutritionist He or she can help you with a healthy diet plan to help you slow down your metabolism. For me I eat a serving of string cheese every night for a snack. And I also eat a whole mango sliced in small peaces served with a little salt and some lime.also try to drink a lot of gatorade (the original lime only) and cranberry juice. you should gain 5 lbs in no time.

Thang G
My daughter is like 90 lbs. she has been trying to gain some weight, so her clothes fit better. Shes been drinking BOOST it seems to be working, she has gained 2 lbs. in a weeks!

Paul V
okay first of all im guessing your probally not trying to become an unhealthy obese cow lol more like a muscular manly physique right?, so your gonna wanna eat lots of foods, but try staying healthy with a balanced diet. you can eat all kinds of meats but stay away from signifigantly unhealthy foods like the ones you mentioned. next your gonna wanna lift weights try going to www.bodybuilding.com to get some tips on lifting or ask a dude at the local gym you can workout at. the whole key is to consume more calories than you burn but at the same time keeping up your cardio fitness. thats the first step to being a beast. hope it helps =]

Rathaur Brijesh P
Be Happy always and and eat to your levelbest but dont do over eating
all the best to you

Dude I'm with you. I massive amounts and try to eat right before going to bed. I still can't gain a single pound. And when I work out I just gain muscle but no weight! But btw, eating unhealthy food isn't going to help you any...

i'd gain just about 4 pounds or so. i'd try maybe walking?

drink a lot of protein shakes

make sure you eat very slowly and sleep a lot try to be lazy but don't eat a lot of junk just little by little or just go around and try different fast food places.

you dont wanna gain the bad weight. the best way is eat hella. and then WORK OUT.. sleep man? cmon now. lol. get those muscles ripped

pack on protein! and gain muscle mass, muscle weights more than fat.

Just eat food with proteins...

protien shakes you will tone a lil bit and the muscle will give you some weight but dont worry about getting it on you may get more then you care to handle

June J
Try eating healthier foods but increase the bread, carrots, rice and potatoes.You don't want to gain the weight you desire but then die of blocked arteries! .

eat more

lots of protein.

worker b
There is a possibility you may have a health problem and should check
with the Dr. I believe an over active thyroid sometimes causes no weight gain.Pasta - has the carbs that could put weight on-soft drinks
and a lazy life style - no lifting weights to create muscles that would
burn fat calories. Good luck - See the doctor!

Well...your problem is that you have tried every unhealthy option instead of the healthier ones. Try eating food that can be easily digested, include green vegetables and lots of water, eat at regular intervals and in a planned balanced manner and exercise.
Once your digestive system is functioning properly and your body starts absorbing the nutrition you eat insteading of flusing it all out, you will start gaining weight.
Exercise, balanced nutrition and disciplined lifestyle will help your digestive system to function correctly and build muscles too (in case you choose muscle building exercises).
And yes you will gain weight and look good too.

be a cop

Jason R
Well, I'd like to know your age before I give you advice. I suppose that you are around 16 +-3

Eating fatty foods will not make a huge difference, since your metabolism is extremely active at your age. Same thing with many other young people. Once you get older your metabolism will slow down and you will probably look back with tears in your eyes ;-)

Although pizza, bacon and all that stuff will not make you visibly gain weight, it will do a lot of interior damage. First of all it will clog up your arteries which is of main concern here. It will also dramatically increase your cholesterol level. All this can cause stroke, cardiovascular disease, and increase the chance of cancer and other dangerous conditions. You are also more prone to contagious diseases now that you eat unhealthy.

Remember that just because your exterior seems to be in shape, your interior doesn't have to do the same. Stop now and look for healthy ways to gain weight, such as bodybuilding (which is not particularly healthy but healthier than eating burgers and bacon every day). Try some whey protein and if your weight really bothers you, GNC sells some weight gainers. I guess you can take those in moderation but don't just go and buy them without consulting with an expert or a doctor.

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