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 Im 5'8 and weight 110 and Im 18?
I still feel fat. I have been struggling with weight since I was 13. i have been doing better lately-than a few yrs ago when i was in the 80's lbs. help me feel good about my self whats wrong?...

 I am 20 years old, two foot six, and weigh fifty billion pounds. Am I overweight?

 What can a 24 year old girl do that is fun that DOESNT'T involve drinking, eating, or spending money?
I don't want to eat because I am on a diet.
I don't want to spend money because I am in college.
I don't want to drink because it is just not good for you!

What ...

 What age do you consider to be old?

 How do I lose weight without exercising?

 Am i a fattYYYYYY?
im 5''1
110 pounds.

tell me tell me
u can be cruel so i lose weight cuz i feel liek a ...

 Help me i want to loose weight!!! do guys hate chubby/fat girls?
I am sooo depressed this summer has been really boring because all i have done is sit around at home!! I live about 10 miles away from all of my friends in a smaller town both my parents work and I�...

 Why is it that smoking makes you lost weight?
is it physical cause it speeds up your metabolism or just sorta mental coz you smoke out of boredom instead of eating out of boredom....

 What is your favorite exercise and why?
And your favorite exercise machine? What results have you gotten, and why? What machine do you recommend for weight loss? Thanks!...

 Is 108 overweight for someone 5"1?

Additional Details
well for a long time i was bilemic and was told to gain weight now i want to lose it ...

 Can you still drink Coke and lose weight with exercise and diet?
Even if it's one or two sugar cokes a day....

 Im I Fat ?
Im 5'7 and 122 -125 pounds and i feel like im a whale. Whats the right weight for me ?...

 What to do when your Bored??
I'm trying to stick to my diet but i have nothing to do, and i think thats why I am not in shape because when im bored i eat. I need something to keep me busy so I don't eat anything till ...

 How much weight should I lose?
I'm 5' 3'' and 125 pounds...how much weight should I lose...?...

 At what age did you lose your viginaty?

 How do I control my food cravings...now?
Like right now I want to eat mac and cheese with ketchup and then a cupcake....werid taste I know. But its 9pm and am not sleepy...what should I do?...

 What is the best food for breakfast?
My mother always told me to eat fruit first thing in the morning (before oats or cereal etc.) because it helps to clean out the digestive system and get it functioning for the day. Is this true? At ...

 What's your favorite diet food?

i heard that the more you sweat the more weight you lose....is that true?? if it is, does that mean that if i walk 2km on a hot day and sweat more, rather than walking 2km on a cold day i will lose ...

 Am I overweight or underweight?
I am currently 5'6 and 95 pounds.
I know that may seem skinny, but I have curves which makes me feel obnoxiously fat and uneven.

Also, DONT be rude by saying I am obese/anorexic....

amit g
Can any body suggest me 5 easy steps to lose weight?
My weight at present is 89 kgs .i'quickly want to lose weight before my on campus placement commences. I'm final year student of pharmaceutical sciences.

i can tell u one thing that will surely help just keep ur diet same wat ever u hav other than oily food and take a walk for 2 hrs per day i lost my weight the same way

1. don't eat less, eat healthier foods
2. limit your junkfood to a couple of servings a day
3. watch how many calories you eat
4. exercise daily (walking or jogging a couple of miles is good)
5. depending on where your problem areas are, find ecercises that are good for you
good luck! :)

you hve to climb five long and difficult steps every day to lose your weight.eat and sleep is not good.

yeah having a healthy diet... No junk foor or sodas... try taking this vitamin supplement it helped me lose 20 lbs https://www.enivamembers.com/
This stuff is worth it. Email me and I will show you the website and how to set it up if you are interested! When you sign up just enter in 249345 as the placement ID# And 249345 as the enroller #.

1)Follow a diet not so rich in calories .
2)Take regular exercise .
3)Try to avoid oily food .Sunflower oil is another choice .
4)use more calories than you take in .
5)Yoga is also an alternative .
But these are things which take some time to show result . I understand that you need quick results .



Take two lemon and have its juice mixed with hot water early morning in empty stomach .Repeat this for a few days . You may have a quick result .

Never forget the first five steps .

1. Put less food in your pie hole.
2. Move more.

(Healthy food, more often, smaller in quantities. Stick to like 1500 calories or less. Avoid salt b/c it makes you retain water. Drinking more water will keep you from being hungry.)

1. Cut down on anti-water (see site). 2. Cut down on last fat loss tip item. 3. Do best exercises for weight loss. 4. Be happier. 5. Drink something with very little calories,

Good carbs like celery and carrots will never make you fat. Bad carbs like cake will, but you don't need to know the whole science of glycemic index and load. It is mostly NOT your fault, if you need to lose weight. The way we have been taught to eat is responsible for making obesity the number one health problem in the world (according to Atlantic Monthly magazine) replacing hunger and infectious disease. You need to re-learn how to eat so you can become thin. Not a diet, but diet lifestyle.

Find out about fastest way to lose weight, gradual ways to lose weight, most effective exercise, good and bad carbs and anti-water. Lose bodyfat and retained water which also makes you a lot fatter (bloated). Links page has gov. BMI calculater to find out just how much overweight you are (teens plug in your age to compare to others your age). Most important-- make sure to read the last "fat loss tip", first before anything else, to see the number one food that causes Americans to be fat.


1. Exercise cardio 1 hour per day, 4 times a week. Intesity MUST be at 70% or higher

2. Do this exercise in the morning on an empty stomach, this teaches the body to use stored fat as fuel.

3. Eat right - burn more than you consume.

4. Drink water!

5. Get enough sleep.

drink plenty of water
add fiber to ur diet and eat fruits instead of fruit juices
excercise 4 times a week
break ur 3 major meals into 6 small meals
dont skip breakfast

Lovely pal
Exercise, eat healthy (but not too much), drink plenty of water to cleanse your system, do not binge, walk a lot (for shorter distance avoid vehicular transport)....

The most effective diet I've ever been on was the "I got no money for food diet" I wouldn't recomend it though. Why did you pick 5 steps?

Diet and exercise are the golden oldies, but then there's the whole psychological issue too, now. When I saw myself on my sister's wedding video, that made me want to lose weight, it was really embarrasing.

Diet - only eat when you are hungry and only eat small portions.
Exercise - Cardiovascular (jogging, swimming, dancing) 25 minutes every day, anarobic (weights, pressups, situps) every other day.

Psychological - Make a habit of picturing in your mind what you want to look like, naked. Then compare that once a fortnight with what you see in the mirror. Get some motivational tapes, or a personal trainer if you can afford it.

1. Eat whole foods 99% of the time in fist size portions several times a day
2. Drink alot of water
3. Exercise 3-4 times a week at least 20 mins at a time
4. Keep active and moving...walk as much as you can
5. Avoid soda, refined sugar and "white" foods.

Eat 5 small meals a day instead of two or three big ones.

Exercise 30 minutes or more.

Decrease your calorie intake gradually over a period of time and exercise, like walk for 15 to 20 mins a day. It will make a change over time.

Eat little meals over the course of the day, and remember to be diciplined with your calorie cutdown. Absolutely no chips ahoy and doritos and stuff like that.

Eat less, exercise more, increase will power, decrease temptation and no that's it....

There's the Alpine Ski Team Diet in which you lost 20 pounds in 2-3 weeks. It really works, my mom did it.

1. Change your relationship with food. Learn to leave some of every food on your plate. (portion control).

2. Put down your fork between bites.

3. Park in the farthest parking space from your destination.

4. Join a gym, and don't overdo it at first. If you do it right, by two months, the benefits you feel internally will keep you going.

5. Listen to the above suggestions.


1)Use zero calorie sweetner.
2)Convince yourself fried , oiled, sweet creamy food are not at all good and need to be avoided
3)Get habit of eating low calorie high fibre diet Egg White, leafy vegetable, Soyabean...
4)Regular exercise.
5) Avoidance of high calorie food for some time is often followed by bouts of heavy eating which ruins all efforts done, so have little portion to keep desire low but keep telling yourself -" it is unhealthy, not at all tasty, sweet poision and I must develop habit not to even think of having it next time".
Lastly if you benefited from my words "G I V E M E 10"

1. Exercise the same amount every day...or you can exercise more just make sure you set a side time for your exercising everyday
2. Portion your foods..but eat enough to keep you full so you don't feel like snacking between meals..but also don't overdo it
3. Eat more healthy foods..but don't exclude any food group because they're all necessary for you to have energy and to stay healthy
4. Set goals and achievements for yourself..you wont stick to your routine very long if you don't have an end weight or an achievement to look forward to
5. Stay motivated and stay interested..switch up your routine..and have different choices of foods to eat so you dont get bored

just to let you know the body goes into starvation mode at 1,200 calories

This plan really worked for me so here goes,
If you are serious about losing weight, the calories in the food you eat should be less than the energy you use. You will have to increase your metabolic rate now, and plan your diet carefully.
Formulate your own weight loss plan and you will lose weight faster. More details available at http://tinyurl.com/m7ckx

Good luck

Vijay S
First, you have not told, about, your height. Wait is always, seen, in relation to height. Any how, follow this regimen, strictly:
1) Do not drink water, with meals or immediately, after meals. Take water. in plenty, after half-an-hour.
2) Do not empty, your bladder, till half-an-hour, before, taking your meals.
3) Do not go to bed, immediately, after meals. You need to give minimum 2 hours, after meals, for going to bed.
4) Avoid, taking high cholesterol food, like Ice Cream, fried foods, Bananas, Mangoes, etc.
5) Walk daily for minimum half-an-hour.
The first two, suggestion, will look difficult, but, if you have will power and manage it for a week, you will succeed.

Scott A
that's exactly what I was gonna say CORN FLAKE.........even the pie hole part, and that you only need two steps!!!!!!!!!


Tony W
At least twice a week walk on a tredmill while watching tv, use smaller dinnerplates, drink water and fruitjuice, if you dont like vegetables eat 3 servings of fruit(yougurts count), Finally get propper rest you lose 3% of bodyfat!

Jenny P
well....i have been on a diet..of my own..and it has worked for me for the last two months...dont go out and buy all those weight loss shakes..or those pills....or nothing like that...if you want to lose weight..you have to have the will to work....you need to set a time each day to exersice a little bit....make sure you are active..i play softball and all this summer i have lost 15 pounds..i drink alot of water..infact i substitute my drinks with that....i like tea and doctor pepper but i have to lay off that...did you know that dr. pepper was the leading cause of high blood pressure in teens?? lol thats weird...but anyway.. eat vegetables..and lay off all the junk food..as in chips...candy..and dont eat too much bread.... you should feel lighter..and drop some pant sizes in no time!

Magnum PI MP
Snort an 8 ball of cocaine per day, smoke 3 packs of cigarrettes daily, refrain from injesting anything but lettuce and coffee, run 12 miles a day, and get liposuction.

1. Eat less. Eat three balanced meals and three nutritious snacks every day.

2. Walk more - aim for at least 10,000 steps a day, which is about 5 miles - a pedometer is an inexpensive gadget that will help you with this.

3. Drink a lot of water - at least 8 big glasses a day.

4. Begin a weight lifting program.

5. Record what you eat and your exercise so that you know there is a "calorie deficit" - that you have burned off more than you took in.

Here are a couple of sites that can help you. Best of luck with it.

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