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 What can a 24 year old girl do that is fun that DOESNT'T involve drinking, eating, or spending money?
I don't want to eat because I am on a diet.
I don't want to spend money because I am in college.
I don't want to drink because it is just not good for you!

What ...

 What age do you consider to be old?

 How do I lose weight without exercising?

 Am i a fattYYYYYY?
im 5''1
110 pounds.

tell me tell me
u can be cruel so i lose weight cuz i feel liek a ...

 Help me i want to loose weight!!! do guys hate chubby/fat girls?
I am sooo depressed this summer has been really boring because all i have done is sit around at home!! I live about 10 miles away from all of my friends in a smaller town both my parents work and I�...

 Why is it that smoking makes you lost weight?
is it physical cause it speeds up your metabolism or just sorta mental coz you smoke out of boredom instead of eating out of boredom....

 What is your favorite exercise and why?
And your favorite exercise machine? What results have you gotten, and why? What machine do you recommend for weight loss? Thanks!...

 Is 108 overweight for someone 5"1?

Additional Details
well for a long time i was bilemic and was told to gain weight now i want to lose it ...

 Can you still drink Coke and lose weight with exercise and diet?
Even if it's one or two sugar cokes a day....

 Im I Fat ?
Im 5'7 and 122 -125 pounds and i feel like im a whale. Whats the right weight for me ?...

 What to do when your Bored??
I'm trying to stick to my diet but i have nothing to do, and i think thats why I am not in shape because when im bored i eat. I need something to keep me busy so I don't eat anything till ...

 How much weight should I lose?
I'm 5' 3'' and 125 pounds...how much weight should I lose...?...

 At what age did you lose your viginaty?

 How do I control my food cravings...now?
Like right now I want to eat mac and cheese with ketchup and then a cupcake....werid taste I know. But its 9pm and am not sleepy...what should I do?...

 What is the best food for breakfast?
My mother always told me to eat fruit first thing in the morning (before oats or cereal etc.) because it helps to clean out the digestive system and get it functioning for the day. Is this true? At ...

 What's your favorite diet food?

i heard that the more you sweat the more weight you lose....is that true?? if it is, does that mean that if i walk 2km on a hot day and sweat more, rather than walking 2km on a cold day i will lose ...

 Am I overweight or underweight?
I am currently 5'6 and 95 pounds.
I know that may seem skinny, but I have curves which makes me feel obnoxiously fat and uneven.

Also, DONT be rude by saying I am obese/anorexic....

 What's a good diet that has worked for you? Which doesn't involve exercising regularly.?

 Am i overweight?
Ok i'm a girl and i'm 14 years old. I am 5'3 and I weigh 125 but i feel like I weigh way more. Is this an Ok weight? I'd like it to be a little less. Also, is 60lbs an ok weight ...

I want to loose weight i am 5"2 and 189 lbs i don't eat alot of junk but i drink soda if i cut out the soda
would i drop most of my weight?And also what is the best tasting diet soda?

I like Diet Coke. It will take a while to adjust to a new taste.

dropping soda will help i did almost six years ago it helped with weight and i also stopped having lots of headaches be sure and drink lots of water that helps too good luck

Rurouni Ian
how about.........no soda whatsoever. i'm 5'7" and i'm 135 pounds. and i'm a guy and a little fat (working on that). drink way more water. if u don't like water (*tsktsk*) then drink this stuff called propel (not too much). dropping just soda won't lose your weight. u'll have to eat healthier plus exercise a lot more.

Yes, cutting out soda would be a great Step #1. Try replacing most of the soda with water and then drink diet soda (I prefer diet Dr. Pepper and diet Cherry Pepsi, personally) on occasion. You could also try a sports water like Propel (I know water gets boring). Making other changes in your diet and starting an exercise program (something simple like walking for 20 minutes 4x per week) will also help a LOT.

Soda of any kind is bad for your body. Look at the sugar and sodium content. Not to mention, if you are like me, you may be addicted to the caffeine, which ends up slowing down your metabolism.
When I cut out my soda intake, I lost 15 pounds in the first week. I was also excercising some... not alot.
Think about how much sugar is in 1 can-- like 20 teaspoonfuls? And it doesn't really refresh you either. Drink lots of water, it will flush your system out and you may find that you don't want soda. Drink Green Tea, it has anti-oxident properties. Stay away from Diet Soda. It's not good for you either. Sodium, it will make you retain fat and water.

Drop the soda completely and you will lose weight! Eat a balanced, healthy diet and also exercise.

Instead of switching to diet soda (which I cannot stand the artificial taste) why not limit it. I have 1 soda every other day. I used to only drink soda all the time. I started drinking iced tea and water with lemon and no sugar. Also just cutting out soda will not give you the results you are after. You need to eat balanced meals and exercise. You will not lose weight without it.

john s
simple equation to losing weight all you need is to ensure that your energy out exceeds your energy in!! simple

stopping drinking soda won't help you lose weight but it will mean you have a set of teeth in 2 years time that you don't have to put in a glass by the side of your bed when you go to bed!!!

Limit your soda intake, especially if you're a woman; for the phosphoric acid can leach calcium from your bones.

diet soda is worse than regular soda, dont drink it. eatin healthy isnt enuff, u also need to work out and exercise

AsianPersuasion :)
Maybe not most, but definitely some. Soda is very high in worthless calories. I don't drink diet soda, but I would think whatever the diet version of the kind you normally drink would taste best to you.

Soad is badddddddddd. Try drinking diet Snapple instead. I lost weight by not eating ANY sugar at all. Use Splenda with everything. Read labels, you will be surprised what sugar is in. Drink alot of water, water speeds up the metabolism, and can also curb your appetite.

you should drop the soda, and just drink water. it might not be what you're eating, but how much you eat. When you eat, stop every few bites and see if you're still hungry. if you're still a little hungry, DON'T EAT MORE!!! just stop there and in about 10 minutes you won't be hungry. always drink water, and eat fruits and vegetables as snacks. that should really help you.

yes, try adapting to water or V8 or something. Coke/Alcohol is a huge calorie addiction, and I almost find it impossible to overcome. Start by saying that you'll have only 2 cans a day of diet pop. or 1 can of regular pop.

My friend who was 210 lbs dropped to 190 in 3 months by doing that and rationalizing portions safely.

cutting back on soda will make you drop lbs. quickly. diet mountain dew tastes just like reg soda as dose diet wild cherry pepsi or diet vanilla pepsi the flavor makes it taste better

You should cut out all soda and just drink water.

cut the soda. If you must, drink diet soda. Also get moving! You will be so surprised at how quickly it will fall off.

Try to cut out all the soda in your diet. Even tho diet soda has few calories, there is a lot of other nasty stuff taking its place. My suggestion is to move to sparkling water/soda water/mineral water (what ever they call it in your area). Drink it with a slice of lemon or lime. It will take a while to transition but the results will be noticeble. Also, take 45 minutes and go for a walk, that should help. good luck.

Chlo Bell
Definitely cutting out the soda would help. Dieting is really quite simple: Burn more calories than you consume and you're sure to lose wight.

It'll certainly make a significant difference, especially if you combine it with some increased activity, and slightly smaller meal portions. I dropped 15 lbs that way, and didn't feel deprived.

I was a diet soda hater (Mt Dew was sustenance). Coke Zero tasted less diety than the others, and it slowly got me accustomed to the other diet sodas. Good luck!

You might lose some weight if you cut out the soda. The best thing to do is to keep a food journal. I have done this in the past and was amazed how much I was eating everyday. I didn't even think about the "bites" of meals I would take to see if it was the right temperature. The second helpings, the snacks between meals. All of these things add calories.

So cutting out the soda, writing down everything you eat, and then I would add exercise, thirty to sixty minutes three times a week and you should see some changes in your weight. Don't expect the change to happen quickly though. Losing weight right will take you about six months.

If you like me and don't like water, switch to diet drinks. I like Diet Dr. Pepper. I lost like 10 lbs just after switching to diet drinks. good luck.

-Eat healthy
-Cut pop out period its nothing but sugar and the sugar free is nothing but aspertame..
-excersize AND eat healthy
-try making meals smaller perhaps... ?
-go to a doctor

stop drinking soda and drink more water and u will lose 5 Pound and don't drink any diet soda it bad for u and try to clean ur system try candida and than clean ur whole system u will lose 15 pound

Suesan W
Cutting out the soda will help. Try diet squirt I really like it.

Cutting out soda would definitely help, but you need to find an exercise program that works for you as well. And don't just replace regular soda with diet... the aspartame isn't good for you, and you could still be drinking something healthier (like water!) Good luck!

melanie g wrote:

-Eat healthy
-Cut pop out period its nothing but sugar and the sugar free is nothing but aspertame..
-excersize AND eat healthy
-try making meals smaller perhaps... ?
-go to a doctor

Pop does not have sugar in it. Instead they use high fructose corn syrup, which doesn't even exist in nature.
If I were you I'd cut out all pop because like melanie g wrote even diet soda is bad for you. Try water, tea, or juice when you get thirsty.

Yeah, stop drinking the sodas. Don't even do the diet. Sodas have a lot of sugar. Drink more water. I drink 80 oz a day. The way i do this, for every hour I'm at work I drink a 10oz glass of water. Think about it like this, you have 60 whole minutes to drink one glass of water. That's how it worked for me. Try it for ten day, I bet you'll see a difference. Its also good for your skin.

soda does make a diference. i generally drink flavored water but reward my self with soda occasionally. you won't drop most of it, but it will make a difference. i notice that when i do drink soda, i gain weight, otherwise, i generally stay the same.

exercise will help and cutting out a lot of excess carbs will do the trick. try also eating veggies instead of sugars and cutting out caffeine altogether. fruit will help too. i find that if i ever get the munchies, variety packs of ice pops work wonders.

try limiting your proportions and snacks. eat slower and you will soon realize how full you really are sooner.

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