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 Is anorexia the right thing?
I weigh 150 and im 5'7 and i kinda stopped eating 1 week ago... i still eat just like not much at all. i've tryed eating healthy and excersizing but its not working! so i wanna know if ...

 No hope left.. What do I do now?
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What are the odds?
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My son is bipolar with manic tendencies. While he was institutionalized, he met a really nice ...

 Please help me 10 points, whats wrong with me!?
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Do i have a drug problem?
I really can't tell if this is a problem.
But at the moment things are rubbish, my relationships with friends are getting worse and all i can do is cry, i just feel depressed.
When ever i go out (3 -5) times a week i drink a hell of a lot and do a lot of different drugs (e.g ket, pills), i can't have much fun without drinking or other stuff.
And now I'm sober at home with nothing to do and it's rubbish.......

Additional Details
Well, i don't mind being sober so its not as simple as "yes" i do have a problem.
what are you supposed to do in this situation, going on yahoo answers i guess ;)

Alcohol is horrible for depression and your substance abuse is ruining your brain. Quit while you are behind and become addicted to volunteering or something useful... for your own good. Get ahead of it. Good luck!

baby gyal <3
no i dnt blame u i would do tht too if my friendz relationship got worse too =[

Well, you kind of sound like I did about a year and a half ago. I had a drug problem and I knew I did when all that started to matter to me was the drug I was addicted too. I mean sure, other things mattered to me too but the differance was that I couldn't do those things without needing to get high first. The more depressed I felt, the more I wanted to do the drug. I also minded being sober. I didn't want to be sober.

It still sounds like you have a problem although it sounds like there is still room to get worse. Just get help now. Check into a clinic just to talk about things that I driving you to cry and be depressed. Good luck

*k* Ønε
obviously, yes. u need to obviously get help.

well, yes you do but, there's help out there you just got to want the help before it will do any good trust me i've been down that road with my dad before i know what's it like. but if you step up and realize that you have a problem, that's your first step. then go find the help at any rehab place there everywhere just look. but if you don't think that you got a problem then the treatment ain't going to do you no go. cause as soon as you get out your going to go right back where you was at doing the stuff all over again. and you be ding all that work for nothing. but just step up and go get the help. trust me you're feel a whole lot better after you get out. you're feel like a new person.

as much as it hurts to hear the truth----> yeah u do have a drug problem... But i can relate.. i smoke a blunt everyday.. life is stressful!! it calms my nerves and help me get by... i look at it like this.. you control the drug.. don't let the drug control you!! if you feel you can't function at all with out it.. and all your doing is taking drugs, and drinking and not doing nothing constructive with your life at all.. get help!! but if your making it, your good money!!

Ken U
I would perhaps say that you do not have a drug problem. The only thing is that since you are going through a tough time you think that the only way you can have fun is by being intoxicated. This FEELS like fun since all your problems are forgotten while you are intoxicated.
I would suggest that instead of going to places where you have drugs and alcohol easily available, you should perhaps take a walk in the park, maybe go to some kind of museum, somewhere you will not have the option of diving into drugs to alleviate the pain you are feeling.
Perhaps the best way to feel better, and not so depressed, is to speak to someone - anyone - that will just lend an ear- this will leighten the burden of the time you're going through.

I hope you feel better!

James' Girl x
the start of a drug problem i'd think, yes. which is probably making things seem worse than they are, but i do sympathize, i know what its like to be there, you need to get help now before you dig yourself in deeper and its impossible to get out, good luck! *hugs*

Steve R
Yes, you have a problem. Consider seeing a counsellor, sometimes just talking about all your problems help.
Good luck to you

You have a problem with depression.
You are hurting, bad, so you try to mask the pain with drugs/alcohol.
So, I would say treat the underlying reason that you go out and drink and take drugs for, which I would guess as being depression.
Try seeing a psychologist.

ya you have a problem go see a support group to help or talk to some of you friends and see if they cuold look past what you may have done and help you. That's what friends are for, they are a support group.

Leslie C
YES! You are addicted. It takes 21 days to develop or kick a habit. Choose life! God Loves you. You can't be what he created you to be addicted to drugs and alcohol.

God bless you

yes you have a problem but just think a lot of us have had problems like that but overcame them and now we are drug free. so you can do with out them like we have ( for those of us who have used drugs). .

You have a LIFE problem and a Drug and alcohol problem. You need to seek professional counseling, and get your life together.

Being sober is wonderful, when you get your head out of the shadows. If your life is " rubbish" , recycle it. Everyone's junk is someone's treasure.

I had a similar experience, but i always wanted to play the violin. I bought a used violin, and found a cheap tutor. I spent hours leaning, and palyed my *** off. It really helped me to get my mind off of things, and gave me something to focus on. You cant drink and practice, because it requires a lot of concentration at first.

I think you may be depressed and the depression is leading you to use. Everyone I have ever known uses drugs to escape/cope. You might think it is just fun, but regular people don't take ketamine for fun. People who use downers usually have real anxiety issues and self medicate. They find people are easier to get along with and social situations become easier when they are high.
You can't just stop without help. Is there anyone you can turn to? If not, check your phone book for NA-Narcotics Anonymous- and go to a meeting.
Good Luck

you got a biggggggggggggg problem

Yep stay off the ketamin, those pills and all that sh*t will age you - when you reach 25, you will look 40. When (and if) you reach 40 you will look like a pensioner!

Talk to a professional councilor or psychiatrist immediately. It's better to work on fixing things now before they get worse or engrained into your habits.

Also tell any close friends you have left and family for help.

I'm sorry to say but i think you are! Not many people take that much drinks, pills e.t.c!!

Digging for answers
The fact that you have to ask if you have a problem is evidence that there is a problem. Testament to this is the statement that you are losing relationships with friends and you are suffering from depression to which you respond by abusing alcohol and drugs.

The issue of having nothing to do is something only you can resolve. Escaping negative feelings is possible without drugs and alcohol. You may thrive on the temporary relief while using them but that escape is self deprecating and will destroy you if you dont destroy yourself.

At least you are reaching out for help. This is good. Dont give up. Stay sober and find activities that make you happy. I personally enjoy paintball :-) Its a great stress reliever, is physically demanding and I meet lots of great people. My wife enjoys embroidery, my son plays paintball with me and has started his own lawn care business. Make yourself busy. Find creative outlets. Satisfy the need within you to express yourself in a positive manner. Above all else know that you are strong enough to overcome anything that life throws at you.

I would say so.

~loose lips~

kissable lovable unbelievable!!!
ya, u do

yeah you have a drug problem

Go talk to a doctor about getting off the drugs. Regardless if you perceive it as a problem or not, it's not helping you to keep drinking and popping pills.

Maybe. Sounds more like depression to me though. I would talk to a professional about it before it gets out of hand.

If you feel all that can make you better is drugs and alcohol.
then yes, i would have to say you have a problem!
.. but if its just an occational thing, no you dont.
.. .. and drugs is bad for you.


ur on yahoo answers instead of doing drugs :D thats a start

Seamus K
Yes you do

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