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 When i pee its always really dark in coulour and has a strong odour .help?

 How many Americans are born dumb?

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Prove to me that you are real before I go into a paranoid haze of destruction around the local ...

 What makes you mad?

 What do you do to shake off unpleasant thoughts?
I've been thinking about a situation that I cannot change and the thoughts are just going round and round my head making me feel sad.

As it's not anything that I can change, or ...

why are people so rude and bothered by people with body piercings..i have them i just want opions on why people are against them and bothered??..if you were a parent would you let your kids do this?.....

 I cut myself. Again!?
Here's my previous question:
Yesterday i was ok. But then i spoke with ...

 Is it wrong to feel happy all the time?
I know this sounds silly but my life has so much passion and meaning, sometimes I wonder if it's really meant to be as such. I look around me and see people that have so much pain and grief, but ...

 I am going through a lot and Thinking of Suicide. What should I do?
My dad and I are argueing. My boyfriend and I are about to break up. My mom is starting to become Bulimic and My best friend hates me because she is in love with a guy that I wont hook her up with. I ...

 Ugh! I feel like crying?
It's Sunday and,yet again,Im scared of going to school tomorrow. I have anxiety and being in a classroom makes it soooo much worse. Please give me some ways of not thinking about anxiety or ...

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 I cry for no reason?
I guess I should say I get teary-eyed for no reason. I am extremely emotional and can get teary-eyed if someone says something nice or mean to me. I get teary-eyed at the smallest things, like in ...

 Do u think they will put me in a mental hospital?
I'm only asking this because my mom mentioned it to me the other day. I had cut myself that night, have been doing it for a year, and she found out. She said, "Next time you do that, I'...

 It`s my birthay tommorow???
i`ll be 27 but i still feel about 18!!! how old are you and how old do you feel??...

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 What is the best way to cope with bipolar disorder?

 Do you fear death?
do u fear death, no matter what it will happen so shouldd u actually fear it?...

 Smoking Marijuana...HABIT or ADDICTION??

 What do you do when your spooked and alone?
My boyfriend leaves for work at 3am and I ususally wake up when he leaves and since I am alone in the house I sometimes get really creeped out and spooked... partially because I am really sensitive ...

Right now i want to die?
i hate myself and i hate my life...i don't know how i'm going to face another day but i know deep down i don't really want to end it....how do other people cope with feeling lke this constantly? who do you talk to? i talk to one person but he's in a worse frame of mind than me so i find i help him then have no energy left to help myself (which i don't resent in the slightest cos he's worth a thousand of me) I take anti-depressants and have done for years and i'm on a waiting list for CBT but what do i do in the meantime, i want to talk to someone but feel uncomfortable on the phone?
Additional Details
i'm 26 and i'm sorry to those that think i'm seeking attention...i'm really not, i just am t the end of the line and really don't know what else to do. i've tred councelling and meds...what else is there?



Diego G
Okay um im no psychologist but if there is a mess in ur life try to clean it up. Relationship? If so ur r probably better of without them if they make u feel this way. U like someone but dont know if they like u? Talk to them and if they dont like u, their loss. just wake up tomorrow and look at the great things u have

i don't know where to tell you get help, but if it offers you any comfort all i can say is your not the only one feeling like you do.

Amanda Overmeyer-Janis of today!
Sing some blues or rock'n'roll. Trust me, it'll make you feel better.

thank u man
talk to your God.i'm not joking.even if you don't belive in God go on your knees and close your eyes and say what you feel and ask to take the feel away.question him.just try it.anyways i'm not a christian or belong to any church.i just read the bible.and its helping me to over come any problems i have.they had the same problem we have back than.it life manual.Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth.

have fun in your life

Judi P
Do you go to church? A minister is a good person to talk to, they are very good listeners and do not repeat what they hear. They also can direct you to additional help. If you don't have a regular church, I can't speak for other sects but pretty much any christian church will help you even though you don't go to their church. I really hope you get the help you need.

North Star
Well hun, I won't say cheer up, cos that will do no good. The best advice I could give you is to throw the crap drugs down the toilet.

Best of luck and there WILL be light at the end of that dark tunnel. I promise : )

I'm pretty much in the same boat as you, however I'm 16.
I've been through a lot, really have. And I find it hard to cope with life, but there are days were you have to.

If deep down, you don't want to take your own life. Then there could be something or someone that's making you want to stay.
Is it the person you talk to?
Is there some you care about?
Something you enjoy doing?
Or your pet animal?

I lost my best, close friend to suicide in April. She was only 16 too, and when you think about it...its such a waste of life (when I say that, I mean she left the world way to soon, she didn't even live her life) and the people that loved/cared about her are the ones left suffering for her loss.
Its too much to deal with.

I see no point in doing it. However there are days, where I just want to disappear from the world.
I just need to find something to occupy myself.
Whether it be;
- Sleeping
- Reading
- Going for a walk
- Sewing
- Drawing/sketching
- Having a shower/bath
- Patting/stroking my dog
- Watching my fish swim around

If you want to chat, feel free to email me. (Click my picture, which will lead to my profile where it'll say 'Email -').

I really wish you the best with your life. I hope you get through all the rough patches and that you'll be okay.

Talking about your problems is a great help. If you want, talk to me. Sometimes an outside prospective helps. Depression is common in people. Everyone has it. It's how you handle it and cope is what everyone does differently.

I sent you an invitation to my IM. I'll be happy to talk to you free.

Whoa you have tried counseling and meds and know you still don't feel better. There are some simple rules for the human brain that we must accept. The brain doesn't like to believe that some concept is true only to have to erase the truth factor later. Your brain will hurt you with the chemicals it can make . These depressive chemicals get into the fluid and go to your primitive brain and cause havoc. The medulla is the auto brain controlling many body functions. Heart, lungs emotions and many more functions are then forced to be abnormal until the chemicals are gone. The meds can help for a short time but after ten years you lose brain power and will never figure out life. The medical people are there to protect society and you from harm not to teach you the secrets of life. They know the mysteries of life but need to be professional as they treat you. Search my on line notes for each idea that comes to you. Email me with specific concerns. You will help another person only if you can be free again.

i know how u feel your like AAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! and just spend time and think what makes u feel this way and get it out of your life DO NOT KILL YOUR SELF!!!!!!!!!!

Think LIFE, LIFE, LIFE...... when I feel sad, I will not let it go on. It may be during the night when I wake up with such sadness, I start to move my arms, I exercise, then my legs, and most importantly my neck and head from side to side up and down, and I go on with the rest of my body until this sadness has vanished . I then start my deep breathing, for 15 minutes, if I last that long, or I may fall asleep again, being tired. Think well of yourself you are a child of God, who has sent His Son, to save us and redeem us from sin. Try Prayer, Meditation, and counting your blessings. Get to know the Lord

talk to me!e-mail me!life is worth living!we can do it together!!you already made the first move,so,come on,talk to me!we can work it out!!i'm here for you,babe!:)

Captain S
Then e-mail me first then we can talk about possibly conversing via IM.

dylan s
try a hot line... there is many out there... they are usually free... just go on a search engine and type in depression hot line.... they have people who are all ways there to talk with you and to help you

Nicky C
Depression is a touchy subject but i think the truth wich may be the absolute cheesiest thing you have ever heard, is do what you love. Find a passion, you like to paint, PAINT! Like to play a sport, go PLAY IT!! Like cooking, COOK! Surroud yourself with people you love and make you feel good, even if it pains you to let go of the bad influences in your life. Theres a peice in your question that i think is interesting: "he's in a worse frame of mind than me so i find i help him then have no energy left to help myself (which i don't resent in the slightest cos he's worth a thousand of me) " <--- this tells me that you are more interested in helping others, it proabably makes you feel good to help people. And that you put others before you, but you also need to help yourself first. Its not being selfish its being trustworthy. You wouldnt ask a nerd to help you get popular? You just need to re-evaluate your situation. And live life the way you wish, as well as do things you love.

It's okay to feel this way. Many people do at this time of year. Just do not act on these feelings. This feeling might mean You're just exhausted, and You might not feel this way tomorrow. Even if You do, this depression will not last through the spring. I know how hard it is to believe that right now. I feel this way in the summer, and i always welcome that empty, exhausted feeling because it immobilizes me and keeps me out of trouble. Just try not to be AFRAID. And remember H.A.L.T. Don't allow Yourself to be too --

Lonely, or

Get some daylight when You can! I promise it will help!


Only you can make changes in your life. Don't look for a magic wand there are none out there. What ever it is that is bugging you in life take steps to change it and don' t just talk about it.

Valtor (Atheist)
Well don't. Life's too good for a smart girl such as yourself.

Jer$ey Girl
Well it sounds like you're very depressed about your life. The only thing you can do is pray to God and it's guranteed he will answer your prayers for everything in life to get better. (Imagine me). Everything will change and be gone. Depression, troubles, failures, mistakes, and ppl who don't deserve you too.

Keep telling yourself that you are stronger than this and that you are worth the effort. And whatever reason that you are so unhappy, it's not important enough to let it get the best of you. When I was at the end of my rope, I saw a posting for a support group at school. Turns out the group had stopped meeting, but I met with a nurse and she put me in touch with some people that could help. And they did. Sometimes talking to strangers is easier, especially if those people have been through something similar. Remember everyone has hard times, even if they don't let it show. This is too will pass.

suga Hunii
only time i will help you heal, but if you need to talk add me on msn, d_41510_babe@hotmail.com

i was going through something like that awhille ago. its great that you are helping soemone else out and maybe you could start taking your own advice ... alot of the times it does seem like you can't take anymore of what life is dishing out to you but in reality you are never givin more then you can handle an it does take a little while to realise that, you'll be able to pull through and when its over you can take it under your belt as an experience and learn how to handle it better.. at points where you have noone to talk to it might be the worse but you can always take time off with yourself.. sounds pretty ridiculous but the other night i felt like that and had noone to talk to nowhere to go so i put on a jacket an walked around for hours with my headphones on just sobbing relly loud... i must of looked like an idiot but i was able to laugh about it later ... i dont kno what your going through but you will be able to find the strength to get out of it eventually

Read this web page first...
it will help you find some relief

Justin V
Alrighty first advice; get out of the anti depressants. Drugs aren't going to solve anything, and from the sound of it, it doesn't exactly seem to cure you. Second; if you feel uncomfortable talking over the phone it is obvious that you should talk in person. Third; start having more self esteem, you are unique, why would you want to kill the only you, you have?Fourth; What makes you think you can't stop it by yourself, most likely when seeking for help, you are making yourself think that it's beyond your control, it ISN'T, you can change anytime you want at anytime of the day. You can't control the world, you can't control other people, but what you CAN change is yourself.

Amanda J
You can call the number below, and they will connect you to a crisis center nearest to you. You don't have to talk to them, but they can tell you the closest place to go where you can talk to someone face to face.


Adam S.
what you need is an evaluation because your anti depressants are not working. by the extremity of your condition you may be bi polar. (I am as well)

I know you are looking for answers but you to find them yourself. life is meant to be enjoyed.

I made bad decisions before and found a new outlet in life which is my career in helping people.

find your x factor and eliminate it, do something that makes you happy and avoid alcohol and drugs.

best wishes friend

michelle F
I hate to admit this myself but I suffer from BiPolar disorder and also battle the med, and mood swing lifestyle
I wish i could tell you everything is going to be just peachy but we have been dealt a much harder card to hold than many. The stigma attached to mental health problems is crazy.. We are considered like the plague..they keep pumping us with medicines they are not sure of the outcomes.

May i ask do you have a Doctor you can trust?
I finally found one and it made a huge difference
Please contact me if you wish to discuss further
God is REAL and hears your prayers so keep praying and this too will pass
I never give out personal information but I feel your pain
Please take the hard road

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