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 When you are depressed, what do you do to feel better?
I mean sometimes I listen to music or throw things or even break things (by accident), but I want to know what helps everyone else feel better?...

 Okay really embarasing.................. can't help it...
Um, I am like, mentally stable, don't worry.........but I am sooooooooo scared of people. Like, when I see people I don't know.I like hide, or totally try and ignore them. they just SCARE...

 What's Bipolar Disorder?
I know it's a mental disease,but what does it ...

 I was raped by my bf best friend but im scrd to tell my bf cuz he might do somin crazy?

 Is marijuana as bad as everyone says it is???
i used to smoke marijuana to calm myself down, and also so i can sleep at night. Are there really all those bad side effects?...

 Why is loneliness the most painful thing in life?
I have many friends and am a teacher but I feel so alone. I have bipolar and have struggled to cope. I also lost mum when I was 19 and find it difficult to trust that others will not leave me too if I...

 Would u let michael jackson into ur home?

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with ur ...

 Is it bad if you smoke marijuana because you have an anxiety disorder and it helps you feel less anxious?

 School makes me want die?
im a senior and school just started but i cant do it im failing because i hardly go. i tried pot and it scares me how much better school is but i dont remember what happen in school and i like that ...

 Cure for depression that doesn't involve pills, god, or a dumb hobby?

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I said no god and no pills! So all you pill poppers and god lovers please pay attention....

 Can someone give me some words of encouragement please!!!?
I feel so depressed. I have no interest in anything. Nothing really significant happened to bring on this depression, but I have felt like this for about 2 months now. All I want to do is sleep, but ...

 If there's no one that cares about you is it still wrong to kill yourself?
People always say that suicide is bad because other people will be sad about it, but what if there's no one that cares about you? Then is there still anything wrong with killing yourself?...

 I hate myself.?
all the memories i have done good in hs gone blank.What the **** is ...

 Im a non-drinker??
would like to no what kind of enjoyment you get from drinking thats if you do ?when i see drunk people they scare me its amazing how alcohol can change a person anyone ...

 I watched my grandma die?
and I want to know if anyone has any tips on dealing with that. She had cancer and we were REALLY close....

 I've just been to a funeral. Can you help me with a question?
I've visited the funeral of my sisters' best friends' mother. She was only 52. Cancer. The family are devestated. How long does the whole "grieving process" take? Is there ...

 What's your phobia?
I have two, Apiphobia (bees) I really freak out when they are around me and Scoleciphobia (worms) I want to vomit when I see them....

 Why do people cut themselves?

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Question to the people who actually do it. what goes through your mind. hjow does it make u feel better? doesnt it ...

 I am depressed for all of the wrong reasons?
I am in my early teens and everyone seems to hate me at my school. Only a few people like me. All of my friends have girlfriends so I feel pathetic being single and I can never get one even if I ...

 How can u save someone from suicide?
i posted earlier about my brother and his girl freind i found out hes doing drugs thats what he got arrested for he lives very nasty he dont care how he looks and he smells and when i seen him ...

Smoking Marijuana...HABIT or ADDICTION??



Ruben T
addiction, of course......not a habit cos habits are good or bad but there aint no good or bad addiction....

ADDICTION AND (Stupidyti).,.Hi..XD

it starts as a "fun" thing, turnr into a habbit, from thier it turns to an addiction, and then it controls your life

dont try to look cool u look stupid smoking illegal stuff


Simona S
Hi... I say: dont try to look cool u look stupid smoking illegal stuff, like a little baby who want to appire biggest.... bye bye=)

def. both

IT is an addiction......those junkies only use the word habit to get by with doing it all the time and make it sound like its natural. Its NOT.

It's impossible to become addicted to Marijuana...
It's always a hell of a good time though!

Hot Quity
I've learned from people younger then me that go to this D.A.R.E program thing that it's addiction

Habit...marijuana is in no way physically habit forming...and considering I've tried other things...I can say that everything I have tried is simply a mental addiction. The only thing I've found to have an physical addiction is juice/hard...and the physical addiction to it only lasts at most an hour. As in after using...the longest that I actually CRAVED it was an hour, after that, it's back to a mental game in which you simply have to have some will power.

it surely is a habit but i ve seen people becoming addicted to it, mainly psychologically

I agree that marijuana is not physically addictive. It is psychologically addictive for a small portion of regular marijuana users. I am one of those people.

Chronic marijuana users who quit cold turkey DO exhibit physical withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, sweating, and tension.

If a person goes home every day and smokes a blunt, that is a habit. If a person goes home every day and NEEDS to smoke a that blunt, they are an addict. I know it seems like a fine line but it does exist.

When I run out of pot, I NEED to get more and crave it heavily.

If marijuana is having a negative effect on your life, regardless of the amount you smoke, and you can't stop, you are an addict. If you smoke a lot and are having no issues, I would call it a habit.

I wrote a post about the negative psychological effects of marijuana on my blog. Check it out here:


smoke weed every day :P

smoke weed every day and your problems go away :P

Chely V
Habit. It is one of the few drugs that a person can't become physiologically addicted to because TCH doesn't totally mimic a compound our body makes. Our body therefore doesn't create new receptors for TCH like it does for opiates and narcotics.

both! depends on the person but both were dumb enough to try it

NY Lady
with you or with me?

Sara S
All habits are a form of addiction whether it's mental, emotional or biological. Habits and addictions are very similar.
Weed is not addictive physically...however many people enjoy the altered brain so much they habituate its use.

It IS by far better for you than booze or cigarettes, and the government made those legal?
But weed makes big money for cops, lawyers, and judges...so why make it legal?
It's f-up. In most countries weed is legal in small quantities, as is coke and other 'social party usage.'

neither i smoke it for MS, it relieves my joint pain.

Do aids patients trying to develope an appetite have an addiction or habit no it's medicinal, so it's neither for millions of people

An addiction must satisfy three criteria:

1. It brings pleasure.
2. It causes havoc in the person's life or other persons' lives.
3. The person cannot control or stop the behaviour.

Therefore, it depends on the marijuana user whether it is an addiction or a habit. Some people smoke it occasionally with no negative side effects in their lives or other people's lives. Other people smoke regularly, spend lots of money on it, and making their lives less fruitful or meaningful.

Neither. Stupidity.

ive smoked it for years, on and off. i think its a habit.

It can become a mental addiction but not a physical one.

Collective Soul rocks!
Marijuana is NOT addctive. It's just a habbit that some people develope.

Its just reeeeealy nice, man.

Its a Habit. I don't think its necessarily an addictive substance. Its a pleasent substance that could cause you to want to take it, but it is not physically addictive.

While not physically addictive, many users have a strong psychological dependence on marijuana. Therefore, marijuana is psychologically addictive and not physically addictive in the traditional sense. Many habits are addictions. For example, many people who have smoking habits are addicted to nicotiene.

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