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 What's Bipolar Disorder?
I know it's a mental disease,but what does it ...

 I was raped by my bf best friend but im scrd to tell my bf cuz he might do somin crazy?

 Is marijuana as bad as everyone says it is???
i used to smoke marijuana to calm myself down, and also so i can sleep at night. Are there really all those bad side effects?...

 Why is loneliness the most painful thing in life?
I have many friends and am a teacher but I feel so alone. I have bipolar and have struggled to cope. I also lost mum when I was 19 and find it difficult to trust that others will not leave me too if I...

 Would u let michael jackson into ur home?

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with ur ...

 Is it bad if you smoke marijuana because you have an anxiety disorder and it helps you feel less anxious?

 School makes me want die?
im a senior and school just started but i cant do it im failing because i hardly go. i tried pot and it scares me how much better school is but i dont remember what happen in school and i like that ...

 Cure for depression that doesn't involve pills, god, or a dumb hobby?

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I said no god and no pills! So all you pill poppers and god lovers please pay attention....

 Can someone give me some words of encouragement please!!!?
I feel so depressed. I have no interest in anything. Nothing really significant happened to bring on this depression, but I have felt like this for about 2 months now. All I want to do is sleep, but ...

 If there's no one that cares about you is it still wrong to kill yourself?
People always say that suicide is bad because other people will be sad about it, but what if there's no one that cares about you? Then is there still anything wrong with killing yourself?...

 I hate myself.?
all the memories i have done good in hs gone blank.What the **** is ...

 Im a non-drinker??
would like to no what kind of enjoyment you get from drinking thats if you do ?when i see drunk people they scare me its amazing how alcohol can change a person anyone ...

 I watched my grandma die?
and I want to know if anyone has any tips on dealing with that. She had cancer and we were REALLY close....

 I've just been to a funeral. Can you help me with a question?
I've visited the funeral of my sisters' best friends' mother. She was only 52. Cancer. The family are devestated. How long does the whole "grieving process" take? Is there ...

 What's your phobia?
I have two, Apiphobia (bees) I really freak out when they are around me and Scoleciphobia (worms) I want to vomit when I see them....

 Why do people cut themselves?

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Question to the people who actually do it. what goes through your mind. hjow does it make u feel better? doesnt it ...

 I am depressed for all of the wrong reasons?
I am in my early teens and everyone seems to hate me at my school. Only a few people like me. All of my friends have girlfriends so I feel pathetic being single and I can never get one even if I ...

 How can u save someone from suicide?
i posted earlier about my brother and his girl freind i found out hes doing drugs thats what he got arrested for he lives very nasty he dont care how he looks and he smells and when i seen him ...

 Know one understands me my life is miserable i cant stop crying?
people say im emo i cut myself and cry alot but i cant stop i need help
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my parents don't know about it but my ...

 How to control fear before it controls you?
Yes,i have severe anxiety....

How to avoid sleeping in class?
i've tried sleeping early, but that doesn't work.other ways?

Eat an apple before you go into class or while you're in the class. Apples are the best things for waking up in the morning, not caffeine like most people believe. I've also heard people say that chewing gum helps them stay awake too. Hope this helps.

use BZP.

Look at a hot classmate !!!

Make an attempt to become genuinely interested in the class you sleep in. I know in Math and some classes you can't do that, but in your sciences, history, english, just become more assertive and pay more attention. If you can make it interest you it will be easy to stay awake.

Make sure you get enough sleep each night and drink caffinated drinks

Adam B
dude just get lots of sleep the night before try 1 time (if its that bad) to go to bed..arounnnd...7 if ur still tired u hav a sleep disorter

Jesse's Girl
Exercise or stretch in the morning it will boost your energy, I do not recommend caffeine because you will eventually loose the energy from that and probably sleep more.

drink coffee in the morning...or maybe try listening to class...=D

Have a good breakfast that should help you stay awake. If you like coffee have a cup or tea. Do a bit of exercise if you can for at least 15 minutes a day. Good Luck!

lourdes r
do your homeworks at once and sleep early

Hot Chick
try coffee also try a caffine pill

Take a simple.... " 9-Volt Battery " with you in your pocket! YOU can get one a Radio Shack!

When YOU.... find your self.... getting GROGGY..... Stick Your.... TONGUE.... ON.... Both Terminals.... at Once!

Thanks, RR

Eat a good breakfast. It will give you more energy throughout the day. Make sure it's not a fattening breakfast though or it will weigh you down. Try a bowl of cereal and some fruit or oatmeal and a yogurt. Exnay on the McDonalds.

stay in bed and don't go to class
education is overrated anyways
especially education from most of these universities
just grab some books out of a library and read those

If you are having the right amount of sleep at night you shouldn't be sleeping in class. Are you sleeping enough ?. Bed by 9:00pm.

Terrible G
Eat well, get solid exercise each day. Sleep at least 8-9 hours a night. If that does not help, go see your doctor for help.

Several Circles
Sleep better by exercising throughout the day. When the sleep is more...intense, you don't need to sleep for as long a time to feel rested.

Drink Coffee before class, or durring class if you can. Avoid laying your head down to read, it is just trouble.

Eat breakfast first thing in the morning, it will get your body moving right.

well if you are falling asleep in class and its in the morning,
try eating breakfast, but not a sugary breakfast. Try a piece of toast with peanut butter on it, or you could have cherios with skim milk. coffee would work too - but stay away from energy drinks, they cause the crash and burn affect.

Drop sum speed man!!!!!!!!

well back in basic training i always lifted my feet up when i was in a class because when your feet are off the gorund and you are sort of holding them up not only cant you sleep it wakes you up. also when on class break if you can place permitted go for a quick jog around the building. this does wonders. you dont have to jog a mile or anything but just a quick one to get the blood flowing. good luck

† Seeker of Truth †
take B12 vitamins and try to eat a good breakfast. a piece of fruit or something healthy. if you can drink something in class, try an energy drink. I have never crashed after it, but there are different results for different people. I got totally buzzed one day when I realized I had drank like 4 energy drinks and three iced coffees and then had iced tea on that (totally unintentional). I didn't sleep all night. My house was clean, tho.

talk to your doctor, though, too it could be just a nutrient deficiency.

I always fell asleep in my English class-it was right before lunch and the teacher spoke in this montone voice that just soothed me into a nap. Perhaps try to eat something in class-it could boost your awareness-chocolate makes me sleepy, pretzels and peanut butter seem to revive me-find your "cup of coffee". You may have an insulin problem. Perhaps you are mentally feeling exhausted and the class is just at the right time to offer you a chance to rest.

Francine M
Get a good night sleep.

try eating fruit. your blood sugar could be low causing you to be sleepy. don't use coffee, sugar or energy drinks. after you come down off of them you will be tired again.

Madeline C
Eat breakfast,pay attention,make sure you have at least 8 hours of sleep,think about the topic.

cocaine the breakfast of champions!

I've struggled with this a lot. Mainly in History and English classes. I'm a math/science nut, so history and English are REALLY boring for me. But what it comes down to is just flat out paying attention. Coffee, energy drinks, and other stimulants help but you also suffer a severe depression in energy when the "high" you experience off of these drinks goes away.

Don't allow yourself to put your head down. Don't allow yourself to rest your head on your hand. Take notes and be actively engaged in the lecture. You WILL get distracted simply listening to a lecture ... taking notes, making notecards, or something else will keep your mind focused and on the subject matter. Ask a friend next to you to wake you up if you fall asleep. Or, if you won't listen to them when they tell you to wake up, ask your teacher to wake you up if they see you're drifting away. I was fortunate enough to have teachers who asked questions to those who she could tell were starting to have a wandering mind.

The absolute best thing you can do is to get a good night's sleep. It's not overrated, I promise. In three years of high school full of difficult classes, I've learned that excessive studying is not worth sacrificing sleep. I've fallen asleep during tests and failed because of it. So all of my studying was worth nothing. Eight hours of sleep usually is good for me, although I can function on six.

sit up front, go to the b-room alot, and sit behind a hot girl if possible

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