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 I'm so scared?!?
I heard pounding somewhere out of my house. What should I do?...

 When you are depressed, what do you do to feel better?
I mean sometimes I listen to music or throw things or even break things (by accident), but I want to know what helps everyone else feel better?...

 Okay really embarasing.................. can't help it...
Um, I am like, mentally stable, don't worry.........but I am sooooooooo scared of people. Like, when I see people I don't know.I like hide, or totally try and ignore them. they just SCARE...

 What's Bipolar Disorder?
I know it's a mental disease,but what does it ...

 I was raped by my bf best friend but im scrd to tell my bf cuz he might do somin crazy?

 Is marijuana as bad as everyone says it is???
i used to smoke marijuana to calm myself down, and also so i can sleep at night. Are there really all those bad side effects?...

 Why is loneliness the most painful thing in life?
I have many friends and am a teacher but I feel so alone. I have bipolar and have struggled to cope. I also lost mum when I was 19 and find it difficult to trust that others will not leave me too if I...

 Would u let michael jackson into ur home?

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with ur ...

 Is it bad if you smoke marijuana because you have an anxiety disorder and it helps you feel less anxious?

 School makes me want die?
im a senior and school just started but i cant do it im failing because i hardly go. i tried pot and it scares me how much better school is but i dont remember what happen in school and i like that ...

 Cure for depression that doesn't involve pills, god, or a dumb hobby?

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I said no god and no pills! So all you pill poppers and god lovers please pay attention....

 Can someone give me some words of encouragement please!!!?
I feel so depressed. I have no interest in anything. Nothing really significant happened to bring on this depression, but I have felt like this for about 2 months now. All I want to do is sleep, but ...

 If there's no one that cares about you is it still wrong to kill yourself?
People always say that suicide is bad because other people will be sad about it, but what if there's no one that cares about you? Then is there still anything wrong with killing yourself?...

 I hate myself.?
all the memories i have done good in hs gone blank.What the **** is ...

 Im a non-drinker??
would like to no what kind of enjoyment you get from drinking thats if you do ?when i see drunk people they scare me its amazing how alcohol can change a person anyone ...

 I watched my grandma die?
and I want to know if anyone has any tips on dealing with that. She had cancer and we were REALLY close....

 I've just been to a funeral. Can you help me with a question?
I've visited the funeral of my sisters' best friends' mother. She was only 52. Cancer. The family are devestated. How long does the whole "grieving process" take? Is there ...

 What's your phobia?
I have two, Apiphobia (bees) I really freak out when they are around me and Scoleciphobia (worms) I want to vomit when I see them....

 Why do people cut themselves?

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Question to the people who actually do it. what goes through your mind. hjow does it make u feel better? doesnt it ...

 I am depressed for all of the wrong reasons?
I am in my early teens and everyone seems to hate me at my school. Only a few people like me. All of my friends have girlfriends so I feel pathetic being single and I can never get one even if I ...

Peza G
Do you fear death?
do u fear death, no matter what it will happen so shouldd u actually fear it?

lynda m
Bo I do not fear it,but not ready for it also!


Tony A
That's a kind of dumb question but in a way understandable. The fear of they unknown is what it boils down to take away the fear of death and life really has no meaning. If one is not afraid to die then life is your play ground what else is there to fear so to all read and take notes. Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free be what you want and dont let the fear of death worry you we all die!

Classy Spice

no i don't fear it at all i have been with many people that have died, and like to think that they are going somewhere better than this life.

never fear of death if you die naturally.

bu if you die in purpose you do it yourself to die like kill yourself that is scary. Why 'cause SATAN will be welcome you to join in the lake of fire with him.

don't want that to happen. I better have eat everyday 12 pcs. RAW PEANUT & 1pcs. RAW WALNUTS to keep me going.
you can Laugh about it's okay.

Sometimes when i'm with friends or just have lot's of fun, I think like, if I die it should be now. So I don't fear it then.

On a normal day, it's a fear, like i want to live forever, but the fear isn't more then the fear i have for spiders and ...

"Death----the finale sleep?No,it is the final awakening"

Charlotte x =)
nope! i got lods of my life left! and you shouldnt fear it! live life to the full.!! xx

<3<3 Jess<3<3
I do in a way the whole thing of not knowing what comes next etc!! But in a way i want to go now and am trying!! So i will come and let you know what its like if you'd like??


john a
Here's the good news: There is no such thing as "hell".
Here's the bad news: There ain't nothin after this.
Get over it.
ps WOW look at all the answers..I thought there would be more talking about religious things like "heaven", and "I'm not scared because I know where I'm going when I die" etc etc.
The world really is coming of age...!

I do fear death. I just don't like the idea of not existing. But I believe there is a heaven or we get reincarnated. We don't remember much of our past lives but they can manifest themselves in dey ja vu and dreams or if we go to heaven that's the end of the journey but supposidly it's paradise but not as we would imagine.

Wisdom's messenger
no dont fear it.. just fear someone you love going before you..thats when it hurt.. but if u have lost someone close to, you seize to fear death.. the sky is the limit...

As of now, I don't fear death. I think when the time comes I will be prepared. I believe we will be prepared when our time comes.


No. I'm not afraid of bony men in black dresses holding canes.

don't fear death, because then your fearing life.
life is death.
don't be afraid to live the life of your dreams.
you shouldn't spend all this time being afraid of death, becuase then you will miss out on soo much..
so enjoy the time you have here!

I do. It's hard when you think about it. Like you wonder what it will be like when "you" aren't here...if I think about it too much I get myself in a funk and that isn't good.

It's the ONLY CERTAINTY in life!
No i don't fear it, been close to it a few times, (just had open heart surgery & BP fell dangerously) my only concern is my body afterwards!

Chuck T

I do not you can't stop the inevitable your right. I believe if you try to do good that you will be rewarded after you die.

James D
i kinda do cause of i dont want to leave everything behind on earth

Flame 187
i'm not so much afraid of dying but just the WAY i will die. I hope i don't die in pain or in some sort of freak accident. My dad died 2 years ago so i know i will see him when i die but just basically afraid of the way i will die and not knowing !!

Afraid of the unknown!

I kinda do.... but not so much.

its impossible to fear death,not knowing what lays beyond scares the bravest of us

Not really.

I do not fear death. I am so curious about it and think about what will happen. Everyone has their beliefs on where they will go, what they will become, or if anything will happen at all. I can't wait to see who was right and who was wrong. And my favorite outcome will be if all of the people who worshipped God and Jesus all of their lives, wasted their whole lives carefully taking every step in life only to realize it was all for nothing.

Dr Longenstrong
i fear islam and muslims

but thats the same as death basically

Liz B
I don't actually fear death itself i just fear what happens after cuz u don't know what happens..i also fear the feeling of not being with my family..this is actually somethin that has haunted me since my childhood..Iike you said no matter what it will happen and i try to tell myself that and face it but i'm still afraid..

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