I'm trying to take the non-medication road to healing my panic and anxiety (seeing as how all the meds they put me on for that just THROW me into panic attacks). I was wondering what other ...
i've been bulimic for 4 years now. but sometimes i get better but it always comes back. i haven't purged in 2 weeks now and i think i'm getting better. but still i know i'm not ...
how damaging can these things called 'parents' be? I remember a red dwarf episode in which people from the future finally proved that all our hang ups and neurosis were caused by our ...
I have been suffering from Anxiety and Socail Disorder for many Years now, I tried allot of thing to overcome it, but nothing worked. I have never taken medication for it because I am to afraid to ...
I'm really close to this teacher in my school, I could trust her wth anything. She's helping me quit self harming, but I'm worried that it's putting her job at risk cause I know ...
Please help! And please don't just tell me to accept myself because ive tried,i cant and i wont,i cant be this way and need as much advice as possible. And if this is any help,im 14 and i dont ...
I know how dramatic this sounds but I feel as though no one understands me. I mean..for a teenager I'm very emotional and think about things in depth so much more then others and no one seems to ...
I just hyperventilated and felt like i was dying...i could see the light....I'm dying inside and no one cares. Is this normal? Additional Details I just feel like giving up and ...
i feel like i haven thad a childhood and i was stripped opf my innocence at a very young age. now that i'm 19 and found someone who is like the mom i always wanted - just someone who would love ...
I'm 17 years old and I'm in Austin,Texas. I live with my 19 year old cousin, I was kicked out the house shortly after my 17th birthday, so I moved from Mississippi to Texas. I have a few ...
I'm a 17 years old girl. I really don't know what to do anymore, I can't seem to do anything right. I have a few friends, I also have horrible grades. I'm failing almost all of ...
I have some friends who came from abusive households, and had to endure abuse throughout their growing up years and carried it out throughout, social and work life, unfortunately such people are not ...
How can i avoid that awful sunday evening pre - work depression?
sunday afternoons are always spend feeling down + preparing for another boring week at work
is there a way around this?
Spending Sunday mornings in church will cure that down feeling in the afternoon.
A talll glass, some sugar, a dash of bitters, some brandy and then topped up with cava or champagne if you are feeling flush.
Get drunk and pass out
avoid watching sunday evening tv esspecially antiques roadshow and heartbeat there so depressing i cnt watch them not cos there bad shows just cos of that sinking sunday feeling u get.
Start your own small business. Then you'll have that feeling 7 days a week, 24 hours a day and you won't know the difference.
give up work, that way every day can seem grim! seriously look to work smarter not longer, take long weekends, have holidays. If you do a job that you love then this would not be a question here.
You need to work out what interests you and ask yourself why you aren't making time for it. Maybe Sunday is the best time for practical preparations for the week after all, so what are you doing from Friday night all the way through to Sunday afternoon? I agree with the other poster who suggested finding another job. Something is out of balance, but without more information to work out what this might be I suggest you need to do a bit of serious thinking about what makes you tick. For example try to write down all the things you don't like about your current situation and then work out what this tells you.
Instead of thinking that it is the beginning of a new week, think of it as only 5 days to go till the weekend again, you are closer than you were Friday night! Weekends come round quicker than you think. Try to think posititve.
take monday off
do something relaxing =)
start a sunday night hobby!
flying charlie
A quick fix--fish out your cv and admire it, look at your professional affiliations/memberships/qualifications, work history, prizes etc and feel proud of your self and your work status, imagine yourself in a different light, ie your job is great and you are successful, hence you are going to look forward to emphasising that specialness by looking forward to getting another week's work in starting this monday. I know people (not me) who join professional associations, institutes academic-like for the prestige then they can feel proud of themselves, its called giving yourself a motivational boost, because at that crucial point noone knows you to give you motivation, also spend sunday nights with the crowd, friends, they will ease you into the work mode.
get a nice fat sunday dinner in you go to the pub watch the football and get so wrecked you cant even spell work let alone think about it
Darren J
I agree with Gozaine. Change your job to one that you enjoy doing.
1. Don't drink Saturday night...hangovers give killer anxiety.
2. Find a ritual you can always do on Sunday: watch football, join a club that meets on Sunday, clean your house, go out to dinner. Do it every Sunday afternoon, so it gives you something to look forward to.
3. Do all of your prep like cleaning, etc. at some other time, because that's only letting your mind wander about doing tedious work at work, while you do tedious work at home.
4. Get a new job. Everyone should at least not mind work.
i love colleen
I would plan on doing something fun after work on Monday evening, that way you have something good to look forward to that can carry you through the Sunday blues and work itself!
Change your job. No I'm not being flippant. Seriously, life is way too short to be doing a job you aren't enjoying. Think how much time you spend there! add the travelling and the creeping horror that begins sunday afternoon. Well it's pretty much you whole life. No, you don't want to do that surely? Get looking at the situations vacant column.