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 I was raped by my boyfriend when he was drunk should i trust him again since he was drunk?

 I feel empty.?

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Emotionally empty....

 I need help i think I kill my self..?
I'm so sad and depressed I don't know what to do I really need some one to talk ...

 Should I feel stupid for crying to my psychologist in the first visit?
Umm, yeah, I'm really emotional, all she had to do was ask me to describe my mood swings and feelings...and I started crying...should I feel dumb?...

 What is the best way to suicide?

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i'm 14...........................

 Im really ashamed of this but, I self-harm and need help.?
Is there anyway I can cover up the cuts on my body? And it will not wash off in the shower or bath etc. Could I use make-up or would it just wash off? Because people are getting suspicious about ...

 Is a messy house a sign of depression?
i often wonder when i see these programmes about how clean is your house, wether kim and aggie think about the people who are living this way

could they be depressed,

what do ...

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 When you're tired but you know you won't be able to sleep?
You know you wont be able to go to sleep, because too much on your mind. what is your solution?
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i'm sleepy now....

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was wondering if this is a good way to clear your ...

 I am a depressed teen all the time, i hurt so bad and have noone to talk to and no doctor what do i do?

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Well, my daddy died last year.I have tried sucidie 2 and the only person i trusted told everybody and made fun of ...

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I honestly never thought I would post something like this on a message board, but I feel like I'm out of options.

2 weeks ago, My girlfriend of 2 years and I ...

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How do you get ride of stress?

its hard
believe me
i stress over everything
tthis is what i do
when ever i fin myself thinking way to much about something totaly streessing over the outcome or the situation that i have no controll over i wiill stop write it don and then think "i could be worse off" i look at and try and make things positive, i am alive... i have my health... i have a job... i could be starving in africa, i could be a 10yo with cancer, i could have thngs worse!
sometimes i need to snap myself back in to realty
goin for walks helps
or talking it over with people like i call my mum whenever i start stressing i dont tell her that i am but she seems to make me feel better

Google stress relief. There are many ideas on how to get rid if it, you just have to find what works for you. Here are some ideas to look into, you can just google them to get the details:

1)Breathing exercises for relaxaion
2) Visualizations
3)Progressive Relaxation
4) Buy relaxation tapes
5) Exercise!!! This one really works, any kind you like
6) Take up a hobby that takes your mind off of your stress
7) Figure out what is stressing you... can you change it to make it less stressful? Ask someone to help share your load of responsabilities or give up an activity to slow your pace a bit?
8) Get good sleep at night, give yourself the time to recharge each night
9) Write in a journal, it helps to pour your worries and stress onto paper, it get's it out of yout head.
10) Talk to a close friend and tell them what's stressing you out.
11) Do something fun!
12) Listen to relaxing music
Good luck.

Find out what causes the stress and then eliminate it. Stress is caused by yourself and therefor you need to identify the stress factor. Try deep breathing technics and relaxation. You can get relaxation tapes or CD's at the book store.

Well, get rid of the problems that give you stress

beaner m

Get some sleep! I have this cd that's call "sound sleep solutions" by Dr. Micheal Breus and Dr. Fred Schwartz

You can order it at this website http://sound-sleep.stores.yahoo.net/music.html for $13.97

I have the cd and it's AMAZING it makes me forget about the world and I relax and SLEEP!

divorce the spouse, win the lottery!
and valium

Do something that relaxes you, stop thinking about the stresser, realize it's all going to be fine and just be happy. Try yoga, working out, relaxing on the couch and watching tv.

I don't know how to "ride" stress, but if you want to get rid of stress, you need to remove whatever it is giving you stress from your life.

Make it a good ride I think! ;-)

tickled blue
you're doing it all wrong.....you have to get RID of it, not RIDE it, silly!!

stop everything and relax

calm down, go for a walk, take a relaxing bath, get a massage, read a book, use a stress ball, write about your stress, paint about your stress

Find the thing causing you the stress and lessen it, or just drink lots of alcohol.

Stephen K
I run loads of laps

Eh Dee
Go join a pilates or yoga class and totally forget everything for that one hour. After a while you'll just start concentrating on the moves and the breathing and at the end you'll wonder why you didn't do this stuff before! Actually, if you can get "lost" in any activity for an extended amount of time, that also helps ease stress. It's just simpler with yoga or pilates because the instructor usually tells you how to breath and counts for you and there's kind of soothing music in the background.

I know when I'm at work shuffling papers and I'm listening to my MP3 player, for like 20 minutes I can work, zone out, concentrate ONLY on the task at hand and feel good. It's really like meditation. But yoga also helps me with my back and legs. :)


Carol T
Breathing exercises and slow stretching exercises. Kind of like Isometrics in slo mo. Visualize a quiet place I've been to that makes me feel peaceful.
Surround yourself with little reminders of your "happy place" when you need a quick unwind. For me, white carnations.

Lelaki Curious
Stress tip.

Exercise Regularly. Start engaging in regular physical exercise 3-5X/week for 30 minutes, like jogging, walking, swimming, biking, dancing, aerobics, etc. Exercise releases mood-enhancing chemicals, like endorphins, the mind-body's natural painkiller and mood calmer. Briskly walking 2-3 miles allows us to experience a tangible sense of accomplishment and control. When everything is up in the air, exercise helps us feel grounded. Even better if you can find an exercise buddy.

Find a Hobby. Hobbies can be active or reflective; sometimes they can be both, like gardening. Hobbies may be shared, but often it's enjoyable activity pursued or engaged in solitude. Hiking in forests and mountains work wonders for me. Helps me get perspective, step back from my troubles, see a bigger picture, be at one with nature. Also, try your hand at creative writing, poetry or keeping a journal. Research shows writing that analyzes our problems and expresses our emotions is stress relieving. If you can't discover a hobby, I'd take that as a warning sign. You may actually be depressed. Loss of interest in things we once enjoyed, or loss of vitality in general, is a common symptom.

Watch a sitcom or a comedy movie.When you laugh, you actually cause a pleasurable change in your body’s chemistry that lasts as long as 45 minutes. So take in a comedy at the movies, watch a funny television show, or invite friends over for a game of charades.

Listen to music. Music’s calming effect has been proved during dental procedures, during labor, before and after surgery, and in emergency rooms. This effect is probably due to music’s ability to distract and soothe.

Have a balanced diet. A healthy diet containing B vitamins and magnesium helps to relieve chronic tension. B vitamins are essential for stress management. Magnesium helps to ease muscle tension, stress and anxiety. When exercising to reduce stress, a balance of carbohydrates and protein is necessary.

Have adequate sleep. Sleep is the number one defense against stress. It allows the mind and body to rejuvenate. When we awaken refreshed, we are more able to handle stressful situations. For the average person, adequate sleep is eight to ten hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Share your feelings. Talking to a friend or loved one after having a stressful day is one of the great ways to relieve stress. You don’t have to go it alone.


just relax and get your mind off of what your stressing about

find stuff to do that relaxes u

Take a breather..Run a mile, watch a comedy movie like the 40 yr. old virgin and the like, take a long ride, change scenery for awhile. If all these you can't do just look at a tree or any green coloured things because it soothes your eyes which helps relaxes your tensions or look at an aquarium with school of fish swimming and bumping at each other their colours and the dreamy effect of water helps drowning the stress away.

I face my stress.
E.g. My exam is giving me stress. I get over it.
My report is giving me stress, I finish it quickly.
If someone is giving me stress, I will avoid her/him at all cost.
If can't be avoid, I will tell the person straight at his/her's face to back off.
If I can't tell and avoid, I will push this person to my friends/foes.

Try yoga and meditation. Focusing on each yoga move helps focus your mind, and slow down the worries floating through your brain that could be causing you stress.

Physical activity is the best way to get rid of stress. The more physical the better because it gets oxygyn to the brain and releases the tension in your body and gets you off your *** thinking about all the stressful stuff in life!

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