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 I want a fashionable mental illness! Should I go for Asperger's, bipolar or borderline personality disorder?

 Why am I so tired but I cant go to sleep?

 I was raped by my boyfriend when he was drunk should i trust him again since he was drunk?

 I feel empty.?

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Emotionally empty....

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 Should I feel stupid for crying to my psychologist in the first visit?
Umm, yeah, I'm really emotional, all she had to do was ask me to describe my mood swings and feelings...and I started crying...should I feel dumb?...

 What is the best way to suicide?

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i'm 14...........................

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could they be depressed,

what do ...

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 When you're tired but you know you won't be able to sleep?
You know you wont be able to go to sleep, because too much on your mind. what is your solution?
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i'm sleepy now....

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Well, my daddy died last year.I have tried sucidie 2 and the only person i trusted told everybody and made fun of ...

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I honestly never thought I would post something like this on a message board, but I feel like I'm out of options.

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I can't control my temper, what can i do about it?
serouisly, i am really gonna end up killing someone one day and i can't stop arguing with my mam. everyday is hell for me! how can i stop being so stressed out? no nasty people please, i know i'm crazy asking all these questions but i need help!

count too 10 then 20 then 30

Try anything and everything. Ask your Doctor about anger managment classes. Try hypnotherapy, accupunture, massage. Try relaxation techniques till they come out of your ears. Ask your Mam for help. Anger comes from within and if the within is in a knot then the rest of your life will be too. Eat well and exercise. Sleep well and take care of yourself. Also, try the old cliche, count to 10. If you feel yourself going, count slowly in your head and think about how your response will effect others. The people you love will only put up with it for so long before they get bored and won't want to help you. Do it now while you can get help from everyone. At least you've overcome the first hurdle, recognising it! Good luck! x

You could try taking some Evening Primrose Oil and some Kalms - Both available from the chemist, they helped me and they are both made from natural ingredients, so no chemical crap.

The Evening Primrose Oil takes a weeks or so to start working properly and so take the Kalms to start off with as well, then only take the Kalms if you have a bad start to the day ?.
Hope they help.

Read this book, it is given out at anger management classes but your local library should be able to locate a copy for you:
It is quite helpful without the classes but you also need to take anger management classes, see a therapist and maybe take meds.
Good luck

anti-depressants from your gp will help and try emotional freedom training .www.eftme.com bob is fab..www.eft-talk.com is good too

Depends what the cause is. If temper has always been a problem then you may be best helped by drug therapy. If you can identify a time in the past when the problem didn't exist, then its possible a therapist can help you sort it.

First, start with some anger management. Then maybe try some induvidual therapy sessions to see if it will help you figure out the root of your anger issues, maybe you're not really angry, but you just don't know how to express a certain emotion( like anxiety, or fear).

think before you speak count ten each time you feel angry and try behaviour therapy

char g
Alright when you feel that bad temper of yours coming on then sit down and count to ten and give yourself a few minutes to cool off before flying off of the handle. When you and your mom start arguing with each other stop. Tell your mom that she is getting you upset and you would rather not lose your temper. If mom is making hell for you everyday then you need to tell her that and that she is stressing you out and you would like some peace of mind sometimes so you would rather talk to each other than scream at each other. Give it a try if your mom won't listen or give you the respect of listening then tell her that you think that she is wrong for not letting you tell your side. Good Luck, calm down and God Bless.

Anger management can help but perhaps you should see a therapist and find out what the root of the anger is. Learning to control anger is one this but learning it's cause and finding relief is another

voodoo chilled
i wish i could help you more but speak to a psychologist or your gp they can help i have lost 3 of my best friends becaus of my temper (i dont mean i murdered them or anything i just said some things i didnt mean and raged one too many times and the damage was done) and nearly my job for putting my foot through a wall. i was put onto cipralex (an antidepressant) and that helped

take it easy

You want help? Then go get it, there's loads of help for you out there .
What makes you get Angry ?
Find out what is ? This would be the first step in
right direction... I get very stressed out . I'm a real life Victor Meldrew / Homer Simpson - Dude Why ??
'Am a family Man, with wife & 2 young lads.'
Should'nt be that way... It's just how i'm made.

Speak to someone mate... DO IT. OK !
Have a chat with your G.P. for starters...
Listen to people, They WILL help you -- Got it ?
Get up Monday morning, Visit your G.P.
Let Me know how you get on ..
I'll be waiting on your e-mail...

you don't give your age so i am guessing that it's hormonal, if your not that old then it can also be down to your hormones and if you have a good G.P then they should be able to help you whichever is the case. i do have a young friend in same position she has very nearly killed literally so don't keep it bottled up seek help, all the best of luck sweet

There are a number of self-help books available that will help control your temper. This is a battle you'll have to win by yourself. No anger management techniques will work long-term. You will have to rely on yourself. Medically, try taking Evening Primrose Oil. Stay off alcohol, get 8 hours sleep each night no matter what. Most importantly when you feel yourself bubbling walk away and start breathing deeply. Check your pulse and make sure it doesn't get to rabbit levels. Hope this helps.

Stella la la...
dear moody, all you have to do when you feel out of control is thinking of a windmill going round...just follaw with your mind this movemant and youll soon feel calmer.. cant garantee anything thouh!!!!! good luck..!

Next time you get upset don't speak, count to ten , go to your room, write down what happened, describing your feelings & read it to yourself. If it doesn't make sense write it until it does. Then go to the person who drove you crazy (your Mom for instanse) and either read it or give it to her. Moms drive us crazy all the time. Other people do too but she is close to you & you can practise with her. Plus it will make her happy (your not screaming at her) and you will get her understand your position (which is not going through when you are screaming!)

Anger Management classes would help you greatly. Also write out your resentments (who your p.o.ed and the why's) you need to let those go resentments by finding your part in them. It's not easy but if you really want to let go of anger you can. Look at everyone as human who make errors, they are God's children too and they are not perfect (neither are you). Much Luck.

try a physical activity like sports or some hobby that u can express urself in some way. it'll help get rid of some of ur stress that helps create some ur anger.

anger management helps too. if u feel urself start to get angry, try taking deep breaths, counting to 100 or something like that. if none of those help and u're still angry, just walk away before it gets worse. go punch a pillow or something like that. give urself time to cool down and when u feel calmer, go back and talk about the problem.

it might also be a chemical imbalance in ur brain. u can talk to ur doctor about and be put on medication for it. medication doesn't magically make the problem go away but it makes it easier for u to control ur anger so that anger management is able to work better for u.

anger management works for me when i get angry like that and my husband is on medication for anger issues plus he does running and stuff. good luck!

Dave J
With a name like moody i'm not surprised....
How old are you cos if your'e still growing your hormones will play some really funny tricks on you.

Find a way to really chill down that works for you. Once chilled try and explain to your mum that you are having these difficulties - without her butting in - If you feel an episode (red mist) decending WALK AWAY.

Life dont get any easier when youre older so learn a way to deal with it.

Sir Sidney Snot
The only person you're likely to kill is yourself with a heart attack. SEEK help with your GP and anger management before the damage is done

nosey old lady
you must see ur dr. n he will recommend u to a psychyatrist who will help u to talk about it also to get anger management. 4 ur own sake dont delay cos ur unhappy and need help NOW!!! god bless.

mother of 4
Anger managment is a great place to start.

Accepting you cannot control your temper is the first thing you can do about it.

The second thing you can do about is realise and accept that there is nothing anbody on here can do - too help you, other than urge you to PLEASE

"Go See a doctor". ASAP - explain it too him/her and ask for help..

(ohhh and don't drink alcohol)

You don't give your age. As well as seeing your doctor if you're school age there may be a teacher you can speak to.
It's much better to seek help now than if you do something first.which you'll regret

????? ??????
think of someone ....... that matters you a lot

or think of Honda Unicorn (my bike ) he is always silent even at higer RPM he remains silent ,he has great potential

think above every one and in your mind treat others fools that bother you a sillly ,and try to act as a great man to forgive and life is short ,think that youve got better things to do and life is too short for fighting

Wow! You too!
I've just found a better release for my anger, just not as anger. In short i got a girlfriend.

Screaming Eagle
Take up boxing or karate or Tai-Kwon-Do Self discipline is important.

I set lines for myself that I will not cross.

I set rules for myself that I will not break. Here are some of my rules, you define your own.

1. Never get angry while sleepy, because I am too sleepy to make sense.

2. Never get angry when I am sick, because I am too sick to think straight.

3. Never get angry in the morning, because I really haven't woken up yet.

4. Never get angry at night, because I am really too tired to make sense.

5. Never get angry when I have been drinking, because I really don't make sense then anyway.

6. Never hold a grudge.

7. Never leave the house without making up.

8. Never get angry when taking medications, such as decongestants, which can cause irritability. I understand that it is the medicine and I am not thinking straight.

Know when it is okay to get angry and when it is not okay. If I see someone beating a pregnant woman, I will get angry.

Lisa G
If you recognize that you have a problem that's a good start. If you are agressive kickboxing and something similar could be beneficial but you ALSO need to talk to some form of counselor and/or therapist that would fit your needs. Many have different ways of helping so just look around. also before getting angry take in a breath and when you breath in expand your stomach and when you breath out let it in. repeat until you become calmer

What's stressing you?
Would it kill you to allow someone else to have the last word?
Do you have to be right ALL the time?
Are the things you're arguing about really THAT important?

I think it's often just habit - you get into a cycle of dealing with some people in a particular way.

Try not getting involved in a conversation you know is going to go bad. Just head it off at the pass. Use banal comments to stop the argument before it starts, like "I see" or "I hear you" or change the subject really obviously.
With your mam just tell her you're not going to talk about it bacause you know it'll end in a fight.
Pick a calm moment, organise your thoughts, figure out what it is you're trying to say in the heat of the moment, and find a way to say the same thing calmly and reasonably.
If that doesn't work - Walk Away until you cool down.

I used to be unable to control my temper until I learnt karate.
Some years ago a mate of mine who had a simular problem was ordered by the court to take up boxing.

It worked for the both of us, give it a try.

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