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 My eyes are two different sizes?
i have asian eyes and my right eye seem to be bigger than my left. its like the crease on my left eye fold in more? im not really sure how to explain it but it looks similar to this..


 Eye contact help pleases help I'm so scared?
my contact is stuck in my left eye after I slept with it in for 4 hours now I can't even see it does anyone have any tips to get it to come to the surface. Please help I'm not sure what to ...

 Are Contact Lenses Safe?
My dad says that i'll go blind from wearing them. is it true?...

 Eye Contact problemm!! HELP!?
Hi. i wear contacts and my 30 days were up so i opened up a new pack.

this was like a week or two ago.
and i can not were one of the contacts.
it is just so uncomfertable. its ...

 My vision is blurring in the mirror?????? [im starting to get kinda freaked now.....]?
ok so a few months ago my right eye started, like twitching. More like, pulsing...? Well on my eyelid it looks like my eye kinda has like a heart in it cause it like "pulses" to my heart ...

 Laser eye surgery?????
i want to have this done but i dont know any effects or anything...got any ...

 How long is an eye glass perscription good for?

 Allergies and contacts- Medication? Eye drops?
I'm going to get contacts, but I have allergies. I've heard it won't work for people with allergies, but how about with daily allergy medication? Or couldn't you just take the ...

 Is it possible to order a trial pair of contact lenses by just mailing my perscription?
and not having to go through my doctor to get them?

what contact companys do that? and I have a ...

 16 year old with 20/30 vision... do i need glasses?
and one eye is slightly more higher than the other(as in the eye itself)...

 Out of contact solution?
Should I just sleep with my contacts in or put them in water?
They are soft lenses (2-4week disposables)
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I can't drive, I just took lunesta....

 If i put my contacts and eyeliner on when i have an eye infection do u think it will get worst?
ok so i went 2 the docs and he said i had an eye infection due 2 my makeup! that was yesterday!! can i wear my contacts now its been a day my eye is not red anymore its normal!! can i wear a new pack ...

 Glasses or contacts?
I'm near-sighted and I have been using glasses for almost two years and I still feel very uncomfortable with them.

My optician told me that I should wear them all the time, but since I...

 Okay, stupid eye twitching!!?
Omfg, okay my right eye has been twitching ALL day long and its driving me nuts!! is there something wrong with me, why is it doing this?? i was like, WTF, im mental, lol....

 Problems- Lasik Eye Surgery?
What problems may arise after the procedure I plan on getting it in about 3-4 years.

Is it safe?...

 Can eye color change for Indians? (naturally)?
I have dark brown eyes but wondering if I can change them naturally, no contacts or eye ...

 How long does it usually take to get used to new glasses...just got progressive bifocals yesterday...?

 Dad and contacts?
ok, so i'm 13 years old, and I've had glasses since 6th grade.
I also have extremely bad vision [-6 in both eyes]

anyway, i've been talking to my parents ...

 Twich on my eyelid is PISSING ME OFF!?
ok my left eyelid (top) is twitching and has been doing so for a couple days now
i dont really think im nervous--why would i be!!??
i dont drink coffee i hate it-
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 How to get glas out of your eye?
yesterday i broke a lightbulb and some of the glass went into my eyes, its really irritating is there any where to get it out without visiting an eye docter and is it dangerous its been in my eye for ...

My eyes always become blurry after starring at the computer? I do wear contacts.?
Is there a way to recover from this quickly?
Is there a special contact or glasses that prevents this?

I am not for shure but i think it's from all the mega-pixels that make up a screen and your eyes get dried out starring all all of them(Mega-pixels)

I wear contacts, too.

Sometimes that happens to me
after I stare at one for too long.
I'd take a day away from a computer,
and see if that helps.

your supposed to look away and blink a few times every 15 minutes

chances are that you are getting fewer natural tears - to lubricate your eyes

this happens to people using computers without contacts, but is expecailly bad on people wearing contacts.

It's because you blink less while staring at the computer, so your eyes get dry, and blurry. It happens to me too. Try "Blink" lubricant eye drops. They come in a little green bottle, and are specifically for contacts.

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