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 Help I need advice, my eyes are bleeding (photo included)?
I got in a scrap last week and I caught a punch around my eye. At first my eye was a little bit red in the far corner, and then it just started dancing across my eye. I woke up this morning and it ...

 Do color contacts need a prescription?
i want to buy colored contacts, but i want to know if their is any risk if i buy them in a corner store where they sell clothes....

 I'm myopic (-2.50), is it healthier for my eyes if I wear my glasses all the time, or just every now and then?

 What eye drops are recommended to be used for general eye health are care?
eyes prone to allergy symptoms....

 Bi-focal contact lenses: What's my problem?
Hello all-

Here's my problem. I am very near sighted. Without glasses or contact lenses, I can see the tiniest of print. Not as well if I wear reading glasses over regular contact ...

 I need a vitamins for the eyes.?
i am 35 and wearing contact lence for a decade now and i am tired of using those lence but i am afraid of operation or laser, this is not a cataract, i might say that i am a nearsighted i felt about ...

 Why are my eyes watering????
just recently my eye has have started to water a ton and sting totally randomly! like i'll just be sitting there (or today, marching) and it'll start watering and stinging a lot. in fact,...

 White part in the eye otherwise know as the sclera.?
I have very bright white eyes. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about that. If it could mean I'm healthy or not so much because my blood vessels are not visible. It could mean nothing, I&...

 Would contacts be a better option over glasses?
Okay so I have an appointment to get my eyes checked and I haven't done it since 2003. Anyways, I've always worn glasses but I was thinking about switching over to contacts so I need some ...

 Question for contact wearers?
Okay..when you put contacts in do they sometimes feel a little itchy for the first couple minutes? I've had my contacts for about 10 months..and sometimes when I put them in they itch and feel ...

 What is the best way to sterilize my contact lens case?
i always see glitter and other little tiny particles at the bottom of my contact lens case... i know its really germy! how do i sterilize it safely?...

 Soft drinks and eyes?
I wonder, are there any links between drinking soft drinks (especially diet soft drinks) and decreasing vision? Drinking diet soft drinks is one of my vices (and probably my only vice when it comes ...

 My friends say that I look better without my glasses on...?
My friends say that I look ALOT better without my glasses on, so I went to costco to try on contacts. I just couldn't get close to my eye without me freaking out. Is there anything I can do to ...

 Is this eye prescription high?
20/150 for the right eye & 20/175 for the left. I also want to ask why some eyeglass lenses are thicker at the sides than at the middle, and some are just flat or have the same thickness at all ...

 A question regarding continuous wear contact lenses?
I have been wearing continuous wear lenses for a couple of years now, and have always been told that as long as they are changed every 30 days that they are ok to leave in all the time, I have also ...

 Whats with the things in your eyes in the morning?
Yeh ya know when you wake up in the morning and at the bottem corners of your eyes theres that stuff.What it is and please dont answer eye boogers.......

 Bright spot when i blink??!?
i havebeen getting a tiny bright spot in my eye every time i blink
(it happens every now and then)
its the same as you get after someone has taken a pic of you aith a flash cam!!

 Opthalmologist or optometrist?
if i just need a routine eye exam and i haven't had my eyes check in about 2-3 years, which one do i go to? would it really matter?
Additional Details
forgot to add...a few years ...

 Lasik surgery?
I was considering getting lasik surgery, i was wondering does anybody know the price? or does a medical card cover the expenses?...

 Contact lens issues - do i really have to live with this?
Well, i've tried a good few lenses, and none have been brilliant - i've settled for a rare pair of bausch and lomb ones, given the advice that if they're not that bad, i should just ...

Can eye color change for Indians? (naturally)?
I have dark brown eyes but wondering if I can change them naturally, no contacts or eye replacements

Lori L O^O

David S
Very subtle changes are possible, with eye color, depending on diet and other factors. It's unlikely that any of these factors could shift brown to blue though--merely more subtle shades.

noo ... onli coloured contacts cn help!! nt possible!!

richard v
Eye color change is possible with interocular surgery. I had it done and am very happy The website is www.NewColorIris.com

There is no way you can change your eye color naturally!
It is known that some medications, eye diseases, hormones and illnesses can change the eye color of a person by changing the distribution and/or density of melanin or lipofuscin on the iris. These things can not be controlled to intentionally change the color of your eyes. Unless you get colored contact lenses then your eye color will stay the same :) Since you have dark brown eyes you should try the "opaque" colored contact lenses because they block out the color underneath so you can have blue eyes....
So hun you either have to get color "opaque" contacts... or own it hun... work what ya got :) lol
There is no other way!!!

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