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 I need a vitamins for the eyes.?
i am 35 and wearing contact lence for a decade now and i am tired of using those lence but i am afraid of operation or laser, this is not a cataract, i might say that i am a nearsighted i felt about ...

 Why are my eyes watering????
just recently my eye has have started to water a ton and sting totally randomly! like i'll just be sitting there (or today, marching) and it'll start watering and stinging a lot. in fact,...

 White part in the eye otherwise know as the sclera.?
I have very bright white eyes. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about that. If it could mean I'm healthy or not so much because my blood vessels are not visible. It could mean nothing, I&...

 Would contacts be a better option over glasses?
Okay so I have an appointment to get my eyes checked and I haven't done it since 2003. Anyways, I've always worn glasses but I was thinking about switching over to contacts so I need some ...

 Question for contact wearers?
Okay..when you put contacts in do they sometimes feel a little itchy for the first couple minutes? I've had my contacts for about 10 months..and sometimes when I put them in they itch and feel ...

 What is the best way to sterilize my contact lens case?
i always see glitter and other little tiny particles at the bottom of my contact lens case... i know its really germy! how do i sterilize it safely?...

 Soft drinks and eyes?
I wonder, are there any links between drinking soft drinks (especially diet soft drinks) and decreasing vision? Drinking diet soft drinks is one of my vices (and probably my only vice when it comes ...

 My friends say that I look better without my glasses on...?
My friends say that I look ALOT better without my glasses on, so I went to costco to try on contacts. I just couldn't get close to my eye without me freaking out. Is there anything I can do to ...

 Is this eye prescription high?
20/150 for the right eye & 20/175 for the left. I also want to ask why some eyeglass lenses are thicker at the sides than at the middle, and some are just flat or have the same thickness at all ...

 A question regarding continuous wear contact lenses?
I have been wearing continuous wear lenses for a couple of years now, and have always been told that as long as they are changed every 30 days that they are ok to leave in all the time, I have also ...

 Whats with the things in your eyes in the morning?
Yeh ya know when you wake up in the morning and at the bottem corners of your eyes theres that stuff.What it is and please dont answer eye boogers.......

 Bright spot when i blink??!?
i havebeen getting a tiny bright spot in my eye every time i blink
(it happens every now and then)
its the same as you get after someone has taken a pic of you aith a flash cam!!

 Opthalmologist or optometrist?
if i just need a routine eye exam and i haven't had my eyes check in about 2-3 years, which one do i go to? would it really matter?
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forgot to add...a few years ...

 Lasik surgery?
I was considering getting lasik surgery, i was wondering does anybody know the price? or does a medical card cover the expenses?...

 Contact lens issues - do i really have to live with this?
Well, i've tried a good few lenses, and none have been brilliant - i've settled for a rare pair of bausch and lomb ones, given the advice that if they're not that bad, i should just ...

 New glasses tip?
Just got glasses yesterday and never realized how bad my vision was till I put them on. It's amazing!!! Anyway, will I have to worry about little spots getting irritated for a while or does ...

 Can you wear contacts in the shower?
Can you wear contacts in the shower? I always feel its hard to wash my face well with them on. Do they fall out often? Or is it usually safe. I just got contacts a few weeks ago, so will I get more ...

 How can you improve your eye vision? I don't have glasses yet, but I believe I do. My vision is not terrible
but bad enough that I can't see very well. Are there any exercises? And, please don't answer CARROTS...

 Getting contacts fitted.?
If I purchased my lenses online and they are too big, can an optometrist "shrink" the contact so that I can see better through them? They are "planos" (no prescription.)
Or ...

 Contact Lenses?
I have severe astigmatism, and have been wearing glasses for almost 10 years now. I have been considering contact lenses. However, cost is also an issue. How much would a year's supply of lenses ...

Colors seem richer in one eye vs. the other?
I've noticed that colors seem richer in one eye and not so much with my other one. Does anyone else have this "problem"?
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Actually, this has been going on for, like, 10 years, and that's only because I just realized it out of pure chance. I've had an eye exam every other year during that time frame, and nobody has said anything to me about issues. I'm 35 y/o.

Nope, can't say that I do, but I have heard of others that have had similar complaints in their mid to late 40's.

You didn't mention your age and/or any other vision changes, but I would certainly recommend you talk to your eye doctor, or even your general practitioner, if you need a referral to have your vision & acuity checked out.

You only get one set of eyes. Gotta treat them right.

see an optometrist

Bionacca Waters
I have this too!!!!!!! Thought I was the only one!! I went to an optomotrist and he found nothing. He was not concerned. But I still find it unsettling and it kind of scares me. Not that misery loves company...but I am glad someone else knows what I am talking about. No one else even knows what I mean.

Have an eye check to be certain nothing's wrong.

It is caused by the astigmatism in that eye. That eye instead of being round is shaped like a football, so that when your eye sends the messages to your brain, it sends them somewhat distorted. This causes colors not to be as bright and if bad enough can cause near-sightedness. It hard to explain here, you can always google it - I have astigmatism also. When I wear my contacts I can tell the differences in colors and crispness of everything. An example of that is tree leaves look completely different when I have my contacts on - I can actually see the little veins in the leaves - etc.
Hope this helps -

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