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 Soft drinks and eyes?
I wonder, are there any links between drinking soft drinks (especially diet soft drinks) and decreasing vision? Drinking diet soft drinks is one of my vices (and probably my only vice when it comes ...

 My friends say that I look better without my glasses on...?
My friends say that I look ALOT better without my glasses on, so I went to costco to try on contacts. I just couldn't get close to my eye without me freaking out. Is there anything I can do to ...

 Is this eye prescription high?
20/150 for the right eye & 20/175 for the left. I also want to ask why some eyeglass lenses are thicker at the sides than at the middle, and some are just flat or have the same thickness at all ...

 A question regarding continuous wear contact lenses?
I have been wearing continuous wear lenses for a couple of years now, and have always been told that as long as they are changed every 30 days that they are ok to leave in all the time, I have also ...

 Whats with the things in your eyes in the morning?
Yeh ya know when you wake up in the morning and at the bottem corners of your eyes theres that stuff.What it is and please dont answer eye boogers.......

 Bright spot when i blink??!?
i havebeen getting a tiny bright spot in my eye every time i blink
(it happens every now and then)
its the same as you get after someone has taken a pic of you aith a flash cam!!

 Opthalmologist or optometrist?
if i just need a routine eye exam and i haven't had my eyes check in about 2-3 years, which one do i go to? would it really matter?
Additional Details
forgot to add...a few years ...

 Lasik surgery?
I was considering getting lasik surgery, i was wondering does anybody know the price? or does a medical card cover the expenses?...

 Contact lens issues - do i really have to live with this?
Well, i've tried a good few lenses, and none have been brilliant - i've settled for a rare pair of bausch and lomb ones, given the advice that if they're not that bad, i should just ...

 New glasses tip?
Just got glasses yesterday and never realized how bad my vision was till I put them on. It's amazing!!! Anyway, will I have to worry about little spots getting irritated for a while or does ...

 Can you wear contacts in the shower?
Can you wear contacts in the shower? I always feel its hard to wash my face well with them on. Do they fall out often? Or is it usually safe. I just got contacts a few weeks ago, so will I get more ...

 How can you improve your eye vision? I don't have glasses yet, but I believe I do. My vision is not terrible
but bad enough that I can't see very well. Are there any exercises? And, please don't answer CARROTS...

 Getting contacts fitted.?
If I purchased my lenses online and they are too big, can an optometrist "shrink" the contact so that I can see better through them? They are "planos" (no prescription.)
Or ...

 Contact Lenses?
I have severe astigmatism, and have been wearing glasses for almost 10 years now. I have been considering contact lenses. However, cost is also an issue. How much would a year's supply of lenses ...

 Why is my right eyelid lower then my left?
could my lazy eye have something to do with it?
Additional Details
i dont smoke ...

 Is this too long to wear contacts?
I wear contacts about 17 hours a day. I have frequency 55 aspheric lenses. I am going to they eye doctor this week and I was wondering if he would be able to tell how much I wear them. I wear them ...

 What is the most rare eye color at the moment?

 What is the average price for prescription contact lenses?

 VERY DESPERATE & FRUSTRATED - trouble putting contact lens on!?
This is the 2nd time I spent over $100 out-of-packet money to buy and try a pair of contact lens. The 1st time and this time is the same. I CANNOT put my conntact lens on by myself no matter how hard ...

 It is true glasses r bad for ur eyes and....?
somethin called "eye yoga" can improve ur vision??
has any1 eva done this?
did it work for ya?...

Help I need advice, my eyes are bleeding (photo included)?
I got in a scrap last week and I caught a punch around my eye. At first my eye was a little bit red in the far corner, and then it just started dancing across my eye. I woke up this morning and it wasn't getting any better (after 4 days), Its not sensitive to light, and I have no vision problems.


it looks like a subconjunctival hemorrhage.Its liek a bruise. Those are pretty normal to have, but since you where hit in the eye I would go to an ophthalmologist to make sure you have no other eye problems. like in the retina or with the eye muscles. The blood spot may appear to get worse on its way of getting better. They usually last a week or two.

I am not a doctor. However, I do work at an eye doctors office and what you have looks to be a broken blood vessel. Bleeds inside the eye, looks really nasty but harmless. sometimes gets worse before it gets better. Think of a bruise under your skin. sometimes it spreads out before it starts to look better. You may experience a "full" or pressure type feeling. Give it a good 2 weeks and you should be good as new.

you just ruptured a blood vessel. And its good to know your vision isn't impared. If you start to see blurred objects, you'll have to get professional help. Be sure to cover your good eye to so you can isolate vision in the bad eye. Compare your vision in both eyes while looking at writing on a piece of paper from different distances.

As far as the ruptured vessel goes, its pretty common. Some people do it when they are sick from coughing too much, guys who strain when they work out will pop a blood vessel, even people who for some reason throw up violently. The blood will dissipate in time. Yours may take a week or two before it shows signs of fading.

Give it time to clear, if your vision gets blurred it could be signs or a ruptured or scratch cornea, even worse, and you could potentially lose your vision in that eye.

Stop fighting, it doesn't get you any where unless you need to physically defend yourself or your family as a last resort.

I would go see a doctor to make sure no permanent damage has been done to your eye. (never know, and its better to be sure)

The picture shows a subconjunctival hemmorhage. This is basically just a bruise of the eye where a blood vessel underneath the clear covering of the eye (conjunctiva -- hence the term SUB (under) conjunctival hemmorhage). Just like any other bruise it should resolve withing 1 to 2 weeks.

What your picture does not show is the internal structures of the eye. Any blow to the eye poweful enough to cause a subconjunctival hemmorhage can also cause damage INSIDE the eye. It is possible, although not probable, that the retina in the area of the subconjunctival bleed could have been damaged and not cause any decrease in vision immediately. So, to be sure, it would be a good idea to go in and have an eye doctor perform a dilated retinal exam to assure that everything is A OK.

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