ok my left eyelid (top) is twitching and has been doing so for a couple days now
i dont really think im nervous--why would i be!!??
i dont drink coffee i hate it- Additional Details
yesterday i broke a lightbulb and some of the glass went into my eyes, its really irritating is there any where to get it out without visiting an eye docter and is it dangerous its been in my eye for ...
I've noticed that colors seem richer in one eye and not so much with my other one. Does anyone else have this "problem"? Additional Details Actually, this has been going ...
- I can hardly read signs when I'm far from them.
- I seem to be always softly dazzled, even when the light is low.
- My vision seems to be like vibrating when I'm looking far ...
On one of my contacts there is a little triangular cut on the outside edge... it looks like a little triangular piece was snipped out of it (its small but noticeable). Pretty much, the outside ...
I got in a scrap last week and I caught a punch around my eye. At first my eye was a little bit red in the far corner, and then it just started dancing across my eye. I woke up this morning and it ...
Here's my problem. I am very near sighted. Without glasses or contact lenses, I can see the tiniest of print. Not as well if I wear reading glasses over regular contact ...
i am 35 and wearing contact lence for a decade now and i am tired of using those lence but i am afraid of operation or laser, this is not a cataract, i might say that i am a nearsighted i felt about ...
just recently my eye has have started to water a ton and sting totally randomly! like i'll just be sitting there (or today, marching) and it'll start watering and stinging a lot. in fact,...
I have very bright white eyes. I was wondering if anyone knows anything about that. If it could mean I'm healthy or not so much because my blood vessels are not visible. It could mean nothing, I&...
Okay so I have an appointment to get my eyes checked and I haven't done it since 2003. Anyways, I've always worn glasses but I was thinking about switching over to contacts so I need some ...
Okay..when you put contacts in do they sometimes feel a little itchy for the first couple minutes? I've had my contacts for about 10 months..and sometimes when I put them in they itch and feel ...
i always see glitter and other little tiny particles at the bottom of my contact lens case... i know its really germy! how do i sterilize it safely?...
I wonder, are there any links between drinking soft drinks (especially diet soft drinks) and decreasing vision? Drinking diet soft drinks is one of my vices (and probably my only vice when it comes ...
Jenna *The Angel*
Allergies and contacts- Medication? Eye drops?
I'm going to get contacts, but I have allergies. I've heard it won't work for people with allergies, but how about with daily allergy medication? Or couldn't you just take the contacts out and put eye drops in, and then put the contacts back in your eyes once they aren't irritated anymore?
and ur glasses cant be that bad if you hav friends egh =D
it shouldn't i also have allergies and iam getting contacts soon i've tried them and it burned really bad but i don't think it is part of the allergies.
I'm having the exact same issue but I've actually been wearing contacts for 8 years. I've been having soooo much trouble after 4-5 days of wearing a new pair of contacts and I've been to my doctor multiple times now. I literally just got off the phone with them and the reason I can't see well after 4-5 days is because of the potein buildup on my contacts -- which makes sense since I've noticed more discharge and I can see it. They are testing to see if daily contacts will be much better and for me to try using Clear Care solution cleaner (READ the directions thoroughly before usage!!) which takes potein off my monthly contacts. Here's an awesome website I found with more info that just helped me. Good luck!
dipu patel
if you have allergy to contact lens so don't wear.find out that you have eye infection.consult your doctor.if you want to use contacts,so take care when you buy.choose its on materials use to make it.bcoz sometime the material use for making the contact is Chip.may cause allergy.
some white guy
if your getting contacts your eye doctor will make you go through tests and examinations. if you are finished with them the test for getting them is putting them in and taking them out. now here comes the fun part. allergies don't always affect people that wear contacts. some people carry around small bottles of contact solution or something like visiene. contacts are easy to tell if they are dry but you can put eye drops in while you are wearing them; they are only a small sheet of wax covering your pupils and iris and can be easily accessed by an eye drop. allergy's dont always regect contacts. some people just say that because there to lazy to get them. but your best bet is to just get them and see how the first week or two goes. if your allergies dont effect them you are probably fine, and if your eyes reject them just tell your eye doctor and maybe he might have a solution for it. good luck with them :]