I woke up this morning with an awful sore throat! :(
I have plans for the whole weekend & I don't want to be feeling like this! Does anyone know anything that will help me quickly?! ...
Does anyone know anyone who uses Nyquil Medicine to just sleep? And if they do, is it harmful? and also, if its ok to just use it to use it to sleep for just 5 hrs?...
I don't smoke, eat healthily, not much dairy, exercise regularly, etc. But over the last few years I have to hack up mucus every few hours. The mornings are worst and I find my self wretching ...
reason im asking is im doing a play for school to raise awarness of childrens diseases and to educate people on how to handle them and my character has a asthma attack and i dont have asthma so i ...
doctors always prescribing me salbutomol inhalers were u have to press done to get the mist however when im in a coughing fit its quite hard to get relief.....has any asthma ...
my 10 yr old complains of tight chest and was sleeping all day yesterday threw up yesterday 3 times and is having trouble at times moving around Additional Details he had a lowgrade ...
I thought that all asthma was relative to the individual and that not all bronchiospasms were severe. Is it possible to have an attack or have asthma, and not take your meds, and have it all return ...
If someone has emphysema, then has a heart attack will placing stents in the blocked arteries help blood flow to the lungs and allow breathing to be better? Are will that not make that big of a ...
I feel like there is something stuck in my throat.
like it doesn't hurt or anything but i can feel it.
when i sleep i can't feel it. I tried spraying some
soar throat stuff ...
Isaac S
My daughter has pneumonia but i dont know how to help ?
i went to the doctor and they said that she has pneumonia and prescribed some amox-clav and i feel that its not strong enough for her she says that her head hurts her shes only six years is there more i can do for her to get better faster?
It is not unusual for somebody with pneumonia or any illness that causes fever to have a headache. The headache should not be alarming by itself unless it is particularly intense.
Worrisome signs would be extreme listlessness (limp as a dish rag), difficulty rousing from sleep, labored breathing (not just a stuffy nose, but can't catch her breath), coughing up blood, running high fevers (102 degrees or more despite Tylenol), bluish or ashen coloration, or any other symptom or cluster of symptoms that worry you. Those would be signs that she needs hospitalization and should be taken to an emergency room.
If you have any doubts or questions, call your doctor. If you cannot reach her or him, take her to the emergency room anyway. But just looking sick, having a low or medium fever, coughing up mucus, and having a sore throat or chest are not alarming for somebody with pneumonia. Nor is a trace of blood in the mucus after prolonged coughing.
If your daughter has a high fever, she might benefit from children’s Tylenol or children's ibuprofen. Do NOT give her aspirin.
DO give her her antibiotics exactly as prescribed. In the end, it's your call - nobody else's. I cannot emphasize enough that these are rough guidelines, not specific advice for your particular case, as I have not seen her and can assume no responsibility for her care. If you think that she might be doing badly or need extra help, get it!
Incidentally, even though I hope that I have helped you, you don't know me. This is not the place to be getting such advice.
Make sure you give her that medication just as prescribed....w/o missing doses and finishing it ALL. As for the headache (poor baby), can you give her something for the pain? Call her Dr and tell him/her over the phone about the headache(s) and he will either suggest something (Tylenol?) or he may want to see her again. My grandbaby had this last year and she was an infant. It was soooo heartbreaking to witness.... My heart goes out to you and to her. Give her lots of love and comfort.
my little sister has that and I'm sorry! Truly i know how it feels like! i know i cant recommend anything, but i really hope she feels better, because my sister was in the hospital for 2 months for that! in 2 different ones. Good luck and God bless!
I would take her to the hospital, the E.R if she seems to be getting worse. Kids get bad FAST.
If you just aren't able to do this. I might suggest some children's Ibuprofen for the headache. It will also help if she has a temperature. For a cough, have her hold her head over a steaming bowl of HOT water. Watch her to make sure she doesn't burn herself. you can also put a hot shower on in the bathroom and let the steam build and then have her sit in the room with the steam. Tell her NOT to touch the water.
I hope you can take her to the E.R. or the Doctor because that really is the best course of action if you think the medicine is not helping.
I use to get pnemonia as a child quiet often. Steam helps the best, buy a humidifyer or take her into the bathroom and turn on shower HOT let her breath in the steam. Best if have a humidifyer and have it turned on all night in her bedroom - the steam helps break up the mucous so when she coughs she can cough it up instead of swallowing it or breathing it back in.
Also have they showed you how to do physio on her back so that it breaks up mucous and then ask her to breath deeply and cough up mucous???? You sit in lounge chair and put a pillow on your knees, get her to lie face down across your knees, pillow supporting her chest. Cup your hands and with medium force hit her back in chest area for 2-3 mins, get her to do 3 deep breaths and the cough hard and hopefully cough up mucous. Repeat 3 times a day.
If unsure then ask a chemist or doctor how to do it, but I get my husband to do it to me when have chest infection, they do it is Cysitic Fibrosis patients and we do it to dogs with chest infections at the vet surgery I work at.