I smoke and I know all the risks that is my fault not the companys you only live once and if you enjoy smoking then go ahead and smoke i am ok with the fact that it is killing me.
Why should the companies get sued they donot put the cigarettes in our mouth and make us inhale them, that is my our own free will?
Any way if they didn't make them people would start geting the tobacco illegally and roling their own cigarettes like they do pot. Any in that case the government would not make any money off of the taxes on cigarettes.
Which brings me to why they should legallize pot. People are going to smoke it regardless if it is legal or not, the government might as well make it legal and charge taxes on it and treat it as alcohol (like you cannot smoke pot and drive, etc.). |

omg why do we make cars? they kill people!!! and why do we eat food! it makes people obese and that kills people!!! and why do people tan, that gives people cancer!!! I can go on..but I won't..as its not worth it as their is no reason to stop makine cigs as people like to smoke. |

YEAH, You are so right. NOW LETS put a STOP TO SUGAR. WHY, you might ask. BECAUSE the communist who won't LET ME SMOKE don't like sugar either. What bsuiness is it of YOURS if I smoke or not. BUT YOU know what lets STOP SMOKING. GUESS WHAT. YOUR TAXES are going up. DO YOU know how much money is made BY the GOVERNMENT in TAXES alone from tabacco products. OH, WHAT its OK for me to smoke now. You don't want to smoke then DON'T BUT LEAVE ME ALONE! |

because people are addicted to it, and the company makes millions off of it, and also, if they do stop making cigarettes, people will go crazy. |

Well, its really difficult to ban the cigarettes and completely stop their production because people who are already addicted to smoking will turn against the law and I think they might get a big strike in this country if it is really stopped. It would be a huge problem if they do that. But I don't think its going to happen in future. |

hehehahahaha,u r stupid,in this world there r so many bad things,but no one can stop all these bad things,these things happpen due to certain situations,we r human being,if we r down in life we gets addicted to something thats it |

Smoking is an option, that's why no one is sued. It is more the fault of the smoker than the one who provided the cigarette. True that we should get rid of cigarette manufacturers but we just can't because its not like they're forcing ANYONE to smoke. |

because if you smoke its your own fault if you die!! not the person making them!! the people who sue cigarette makers are idiots you cant smoke 2 packs a day & then sue when you get cancer because you know what your doing,its not like they r lying & saying "hey have a smoke they r good for you"..i mean come on this question is not very smart!!...and no im not a smoker but i used to be and when i decided i didnt want to die of lung cancer i quit!!..do i blame people who make them for my smoking ...um no i blame my self!! |

ĵōē¥ → đ
Becuase they aren't bad and if you want them why can't you have them? Why does the government have to control how healthy you are? They don't affect your brain, so its not like you are putting anyone else at risk.
LOL and don't mention second hand smoke, that is complete and utter bullcrap made up by anticigarette people. No one has ever died from second hand smoke. |

Dr Gus
because the companies make more money in an hour than you probably will in ten lifetimes. |

They are legal. That shold tell you somethhing about the power of cigarette companies and their connection to government.
All those lovely taxes.
And people do have their right to abuse themselves. Some use transfats, some cigarettes, some sugar etc. |

Smoking is bad. |

Because idiots are still buying them. |

Cig's kill only when had in access.... but if u smoke controlled.... they dont affect you... actually they can help lose weight... reduce tention and a lot of things... this is medically proved.... but excessive smoking can be injurious to health |

there sick, they need help, for the money |

sad truth- money!!! The companies make lare profits and the governement collects large taxes. Think of it; stores with pharmacies actually sell cigarettes!
You're perfectly right |

Billy Boy
How 'bout a little personal responsibility? The surgeon general has been putting health warnings on them since the 60's.
And who over the age of ten doesn't know that they will kill you? |

Hey Funky Disco,
Good question, weird isn't it.
The tobacco industry has a lock on politicians and our economy. They are slowly changing the nature of their business, but mostly that involves developing overseas markets. Great, lets kill the world with lung cancer.
I quit smoking over 13 years ago - it is addictive! I still crave the nasty death sticks. Think about it, inhale on a burning ember to reduce the oxygen in your system. Weird. |

It's complicated. On one hand the tobacco companies are not forcing people to smoke, they make that choice themselves. On the other hand, I would like to see smoking banned, but it just is not possible to ban everything that is bad for us. |

They should not be sued for making them, they should be (and were) sued for lying about their harmfulness.
You have to remember that no one forced anyone to buy or smoke cigarettes. That was a personal choice, and the company cannot be held responsible for that.
Over 40,000 people die every year in America in car accidents. Should we sue the car companies? |

Hold on to your hat: they are still a legal product. |

THEY SAY DONT EAT SUGAR EITHER......ITS ALL ABOUT $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$... |

The companies are making millions every year off of the ppl who purchase the cigarettes (my husband is one of them). As long as their is a demand for the product, the companies will conitnue to provide it. |

One Sly Look
Cigerette company's do not kill people. People kill people or themselves. This is America honey, people have the right to smoke or not smoke. Nobody can force someone to smoke. I personally smoke, yes i know it's bad for me, but then I've known people who smoked all their life and never died from cancer. Any smoker would not blame the cigerette company unless they are stupid like you. Grow up... |

people still buy them and the companies make huge profits and a big chunk goes to the govt, which is used back for development projects and modernisation!
it is a run around so as long as people smoke the cigs. will not be abolished.... |

Some people like smoking, even though is bad for them. I am not trying to defend the smoking company, or anything. But what about drinking do you know who many people a year die from drinking or related drinking accidents? People do things to them self that are bad for them all the time. Simple things like drinking caffeine, believe it or not but caffeine is bad for you. It may not effect you now but over long term use it will start to eat away your teeth. and your throat, but I bet you have have a coke or Dr pepper every now and then... So until people stop doing everything that harms them, I think we should all lay off it, don't you? |

kitty fresh & hissin' crew
Smoking cigarettes is a personal choice. As long as there is tax revenue coming in from them, they will be made. I smoke outside and never around anybody else. Why should you care if I smoke? Of course you don't care. Maybe it is someone close to you. Nicotine is one of the most addictive drugs there is. Period. Quitting is easier said than done. |

They're in it for the money, plain and simple.
But to whoever said 'smoker's have rights' ... I'd just like to say that nobody should ever have the right to submit anyone else to harmful smoke. If you want to kill yourself and your family in your own home, feel free. But I can't believe that something that is proven to kill upwards of 50,000 people (yep, that's just the second-hand smoke...which kills mainly restaurant and bar employees) per year is legal! |

It's called choice. Just like gambling and alcohol. It's available, perhaps ok in small quantities but over indulgence kills. Smoking started (if I'm not wrong) as a ritual where only small quantities are smoked. Today, the relatively low cost plus addictive nature of the substance makes it a hard to kick habit once someone is hooked no to it. |

There are about 6.5 people in the world, I presume about1 billion smoke. That's 1/6 of the population.
People just can't stop smoking, imagine it as if someone banned drinking alcohol, it's not like people are going to stop.
Unfortunately , there are things that can't stop ... atleast not for now.
Of course, sugar is better :}. |

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