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 Is my root canal going to be painful?
I asked my dentist this and he said no. But thats what they told me when I had my wisdom tooth removed and I was in pain for 3 weeks!!! The worst pain in my life. It was botched thats why. Can ...

 Crown has come off back tooth?
I have lost a tooth - it is a double back tooth and was crowned many years ago after having a root filling. - I now have lots of 'pink' stringy bits which appear to be coming out of the ...

 Tooth problems?
my back tooth on the left really hurts wen i eat wot cud it be i cant really go to dentist cos its so expensvie is there anything else i can do?...

 Have you ever been visited by the tooth fairy?

 Anybody know what is the best way to fight cavities???
any like toothpastes or toothbrushes??? please help!!!...

 What kind of Toothpaste is better Crest or Colgate ?

 What's the worst part of getting braces on?
I'm going to get braces on in January and I wanted to know what the worst part of getting them on was. How long does it take to actually get them on? I heard the worst part wasn't the pain, ...

 Cracked or chipped tooth?
so i have this tooth that has a little crack on the front. its kinda flaky, so if i were to pick at it (which i havent) part of it will come off . it doesnt hurt wat so ever. it is very hard to ...

 Going to have my first filling in two weeks time....?
Hey everyone =] I'm 16 years old.....and...

Um, I am going to have my first filling in two weeks time, & I have no clue how it will go...

I know you have to have an ...

 What are some home remedies for a toothache?
I have a dentist appointment in the morning, but the pain is excruciating, tonight. Please help!...

 Why does smoking make your teeth go yellow?

 Why has teeth a shade of yellow? Is it a nutrient deficiency?

 Braces ???
Well I'm in 8th grade and getting braces on December 4th. It's still a pretty long time, bt I can't wait and I'm really excited. So, I'm just wondering about any information ...

 Is it any harm to health if you accidentally fall asleep with crest white strips on?
i fell asleep last night with crest white strips on, and i woke up with a sore throat and nothing on my teeth. is it any harm to your health to swallow crest white strips?...

 Bad Breath Questions?????
My teeth are sparkling white and I use mouth wash every day before school, but by the time I'm at school my breath is ack! Any helpful info?? Please help!!!!!!!!!!...

 How can I get rid of this toothache?
I had 2 top teeth filled 4 weeks ago and immediately started to have toothache. The pain radiates all over the left side of my face, into my head and eyes and into all other teeth on the left side. T...

 Would you be concerned?
I got my wisodom teeth out on Tuesday, I went o a concert last night and kissed a girl a bit with my tounge, not crazy bu a occassionally. I was spitting blood this morning, I guess from the teeth. S...

 Do fixed braces hurt ?
I'm getting fixed braces (train-tracks) tomorrow and I was just wondering if it hurts when they tighten the wire. Help I'm really worried =(...

 I think i need braces, my mom doesnt!
this is what my teeth look like:
http://i291.photobucket. http://i291.photobucket. ...

 I am getting braces soon, do they hurt?
I am wondering if they hurt? If they do which part hurts more? Do they hurt taking them off?
Which foods should I stay away from?...

Has anyone here had their wisdom teeth pulled out?? Does it hurt... IM SCARED?

calle trece


Wisdom teeth are usually pulled to keep them from crowding out the other teeth. I had 4 pulled at one time in the office. Then drove 50 miles home. You'll be okay.

most doctors inject an anesthetic, so you shouldn't feel anything....if the doctor doesn't, YES it will hurt.

good luck!

Don't know if it was the wisdom, but I had some pulled without anesthesia. I remember it like it was yesterday.

It all depends on if your teeth are impacted or not. If your teeth are impacted you will be put to sleep for the whole thing and you won't feel anything. After the surgery, you will be sore, but they will give you medicine for that. If your teeth are not impacted, you will recieve some numbing medicine and it will not hurt at all.

Yes, I have. It doesn't hurt actually. They stick you with a needle and you're out within 30 seconds. I was nervous about that part but it was really a good experience. It's even kind of fun when you wake up and you're feeling really good - kinda like being drunk. The worst part is 2 days later when your mouth f**king hurts, but they give you vicodin to help with that.


If your wisdom teeth are not giving you trouble, do not have them pulled. I have not had mine pulled. Brush and floss regularly and thoroughly. Always start with the wisdom teeth.
Nobody in my family, beginning with my grandparents had their wisdom teeth pulled. Both my grandparents had all their wisdom teeth when they died. 81 and 86.

Yeah I just had mine pulled out on tuesday. The actual surgery does not hurt, they put an IV in your arm(which I was scared about that because I never had one before but the IV is nothing, if you have ever had blood drawn or a shot in your muscle that hurts waaay worse than an IV) and knock you out and then what feels like 2 seconds later you wake up in a recovery room in a recliner and they gave me pop to show what its like to swallow afterwards. On the way home I was already eating ice cream and drinking water. It hurts the first few days, but they give you pain pills and I got bruises on my face like someone punched me but its already fading after 2 days. Its more like a headache feeling in your jaws.

My vicodin doesnt really work that well though I have to take it every 4 hours n sometimes have to take Ibprofen along with it. It more like makes you sleep a lot

it is unpleasant to be sure but relax it is not as bad as everyone says...get you some good painkillers for the 1st day or 2..enjoy the loopiness and you will be good to go in a few days

It's nothing. Don't worry about it. You won't feel a thing during the operation because you'll be asleep and you'll get some nice pain killers afterwards.

If you have a good oral surgeon the operation itself shouldn't hurt at all. The doctor will either put you under completely or us a local anesthetic which should keep you from feeling anything at all during the surgery. If at all possible i would highly reccomend being put to sleep during the surgery.

Afterwards, there will mostly likely be some pain and discomfort but the doctor will provide you with pain medication that will make it bearable. At least nothing you can't handle.

If the doctor gives you a mouthwash to use and/or other directions for taking care of your mouth after the operation, i would suggest that you follow them very closely and use the mouthwash. Otherwise you could develop dry socket, which is where, due to a few different things, your blood isn't clotting or keeps coming loose in the cavity where you tooth used to be, so you basically have a big hole in your mouth and that does hurt. I got it after i had my wisdom teeth removed and it was pretty unpleasant. But don't let that scare you too much. Most people don't have problems with it.

The whole process should be fairly painless and you will heal in no time.

Good Luck!

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