i need something that i can do to tide me over unitl tomorrow, it hurts really bad, alreadyy took 3 tylenol.......help, in a lottttttttt of pain . any ideas??? Additional Details anyone??...
My great grandad got loose teeth in his 60's and got a whole new set come through, when he died he had a perfect set of natural teeth!
I am hoping this will of skipped a couple of ...
I'm 17 and my mom and my older brother think I should just get my wisdom teeth pulled now so they won't cause problems later. The dentist told me that all four are impacted and since they...
So, I went to the dentist the other day and I got my regular teeth cleaning. Then they said that I 'need' sealants on 15 of my teeth. (a clear coat the covers your teeth) because my grooves ...
..and I got rubber bands attached to my braces and they pull back my front-top teeth and they hurt like hell. How do I get rid of the pain without taking them out (I already took 2 advil and I have ...
While practicing in nets of Cricket. I have broke my right side teeth.
Its not broken from root, 3/4 part is broken. Now what should i do. I am 19 of age....
My wisdom teeth are coming in, and I don't have the money right now to go to the dentist and get anything take ncare of. Anyone know of a good way to help get rid of a toothache?...
My daugher is 8 years old, and has a serious overbite and 2 front teet are BIG. Some kids make fun of her and say she looks like a rabbit. Since she is still losing her baby teeth, l guess it'...
I had to go for an urgent root canal and the total charge at the end was £200. I was an nhs patient and the dentist still takes on new nhs patients but he told me I'm no longer an nhs patient ...
I've been informed that I need to get my wisdom teeth out; most importantly the top left one in particular is decayed. It's fully in though, due to the fact that I had back teeth pulled ...
are they better than normal stitches? Additional Details how do I know when they dissolve?
I can't really open my mouth to see anything b/c of the surgery......
Would you be concerned?
I got my wisodom teeth out on Tuesday, I went o a concert last night and kissed a girl a bit with my tounge, not crazy bu a occassionally. I was spitting blood this morning, I guess from the teeth. Should I be concerned?
cayenne pepper stops bleeding take it to help ur healing process
i would call the dentist just because you may have ripped some stitches out and they may want to restitch them.
Wisdom teeth, although located in the mouth, are a pain in the ***!
Joel T
Normal. If a 3 more days go by and your still spitting up blood call your dentist.
no, it happens to people, you might have got a cut or something
It is normal - the kissing created some suction in your mouth, which probably dislodged the clot a little. Don't worry, it will go back. Remember to stay away from the sodas and other fizzy drinks, don't smoke, and stay away from straws --- you might have to stick to kisses on the cheek though until it heals a little more (big smile).
kelly b
If you have pain along with the blood then I would call the dentist bc you could have a dry socket from kissing. A dry socket is so painful you will for sure know if you have one!
It is normal to bleed after wisdom teeth have been extracted. I am surprised they were not bleeding on Wednesday all day.
It is not well advised to mix body fluids with strangers these days as the threat of aids and other easily transmitted diseases are rampant.
However I would not get too over wrought unless you think either you or the girl are sick.
I suspect you know this girl if you were kissing her so you be the judge if you need to worry.
NO, dont worry.
Happens all the time after wisdom teeth pulling. Give it about 5 days or so for it to completely heal.
You Just unclotted a little. It will clot back up soon. It will take longer to heal if you keep agitating it.
Put a wet tea bag on the bleeding and it will stop it..Our dentist told us that one.
I wouldn't be too concerned. When a wisdom teeth comes in it is bound to cause you some discomfort or possibly bleeding. I would rinse my mouth with warm salted water to stop the bleeding. But if it persists and you develop an abscess or something similar, then you would want to see a dentist. For future knowledge however, please be mindful of who you kiss. Herpes (cold sores) can be spread by the mouth and although the HIV virus in saliva isn't potent enough to infect someone, if both you and the other person have open sores in your mouth, you can put yourself at risk. Not trying to scare you, but I've worked in the healthcare field for a while and just feel you should know for future references.
It takes about a week for your gums to fully recover from that kind of surgery. Just take it easy on your mouth.
Should you be concerned? Yes, you made out with a girl (hopefully you know her and she's clean) with open sores/cuts/wounds in your mouth.
The blood is normal, because you're not really taking care of yourself. I would be more worried if you didn't know her, since she could pass you some unwanted visitor (see also; herpes).