Its stricktly up to you, but getting surgery just for the heck of it is not a very good idea. I still have my wisdom teeth and the are just fine. I know people that don;t have them pulled untill their 30's or even 40's. The bottom line s when they come out it is not a surgical procedure. you just get locallized anastizia and the dentists pulls them (make sure this is the case because some dentists will try to rip you off). If the wisdom teeth are still imbeded then it becomes an opperation and you have to go under general anaestezia. In my opinion (I am going to dental school) I would wait. |
Jackie "Boo!"
I've had all of mine taken out, BUT that was due to the fact they were coming in sideways and pushing my other teeth. If they are not impacted, or causing you any grief, I don't see why you would want to have them pulled. A lot of people have theirs and have not had any difficulties. Your dentist is the professional and should have your best interest at heart, so I would listen to him. He will know by xrays if they start to present problems. |
I would. I just had all 4 of mine removed last Monday and they were impacted also. I also have a small jaw so if I didn't get them removed then I would be in for worse problems. You can always set up an appointment with an oral surgeon just to see what they recommend. That would probably be your best bet. Good Luck!! :) |
yes get them out now. You won't ever have to worry about it again and you will be free of many problems later on if you get them out now. You don't want to have to mess with those things in the future if they are impacted now. |
Erika Hioki
It's for sure a good idea. I'm only 13 and I'm getting mine pulled out next month. Even though I'm really scared (I freak out even if I only need to get a small cavity filled!), I'm gonna get it out now because my parent's insurence would cover the cost and then I wouldn't need to save all my money later. Mine aren't causing me anything, but my dentist says that I should get it done. Good Luck! |
2 Angel Babies
You should have all four done now. I am 24 and just had mine out. My dentist said i should have had them out when i was 16 and i would not have had as many problems as i did. My surgery that was supposed to take 1 hour took me 3 and I was in soooo much pain, but if I would have done it 8 years ago, I would have been fine. I say get it over with. And DON"T do just 2 at a time. Who wants to go back and have the same surgery twice? Good LUCK! |
Most people do. I don't recommend doing all 4 at once. It's much too painful afterwards. Two at time is better. It is a good idea to get them pulled before they get infected or affect the health and alignment of your other teeth.
Take care! |
nancy botwin II
you really should, it will save you a lot of pain. they are so far back you cant really brush them correctly and stuff builds up back there so they will most likely cause cavities. also it hurts real bad when they grow, especially if they grow strange. |
sheila, TTC
yes, get them pulled. i was soppose to get them ou t when i was 18 and just graduated from high school. i chickened out a. two months later it started bothering me and i was in college which was 2 hours away from home. their was no surgeon in that dead college town so i had to wait for the weekend to get picked up and then go see a dentist in my town. i was in such agony.
get them out now because recovery will be so much quicker then if u wait for it to get infected. |
Amanda I
Yes because impacted teeth can become absessed and cause a nasty infection later. They also become calcified making their removal moer painful. So get them out now. Plus you also still live at home with your mom so somebody will there to take care of you post op. |
unless you want to pony up 1800 dollars a couple years down the road.... yes... i mean it's your $... your parent's insurance probably covers surgery if she's pushing you to get it done... think of it as saving yourself a down payment on a car, or a couple spring breaks in college... that's what you're saving doing it now, while you have coverage... I did it a couple years back, right before I got kicked off my father's plan... worth it for sure. |
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