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 When you first get braces, how long does the pain last?
I just got braces, and the pain is just terrible. So I was wondering how long until the pain wears off? I also can't eat anything, so anyone have some good ideas on what I can eat that won'...

 Im polish thanks for free health care...?

 Tooth sensitive?
One of my molars that has a rather large filling, on and around it has suddenly become severly sensitive. What could be causing this? It is getting quite painful to eat anything hot or cold on that ...

 How many fillings do you have?

 I have some weird pain!!!!?
I have weird pains that last only a few seconds. Its kinda hard to explain. I get a shooting pain up to my head and it happens really quick.sometimes it happens once a day sometimes 30.I have been ...

 What are the consequences of very bad teeth?

 Help need teeth desperately!!!!!!!!!?
i am 49 and in 1996 i had a serious car accident. it took 181 stiches to put my face back, but i lost all my teeth, i have an upper plate, but they said there is no way that i can afford the $6000.00 ...

 The dentist un-registered my kids?
I've missed a few dentist apointments in the past with my kids, there's just so much going on I forgot about them, and I just realised today that they were supposed to go last week and I ...

 Are toothbrushes on short supply in Britain?
The corn looking teeth is why I ask, just curious?...

 Does it hurt when u get ur braces off?

 I getting braces but they have to take out 2 of my teeth Will it hurt and how do they do it?

 Tooth Question?
Ok...this question may seem weird, but since dentists took off my braces, one of my front tooth is kind of damaged, some part of the tooth broke and it keeps breaking more I think. My tooth seems ...

 Adult Braces..Why do i look so dumb now?
It was my choice and $$ to get braces. I couldnt get the ones you take out cause my teeth are just a bit to bad for thoes. I didnt look to bad with no braces and messed up teeth. Now i have the clear ...

 ~i want while teeth~?
i want white teeth what can i use for toothpaste and what should i eat to make the really ...

 Will having 5 teeth removed under sedation hurt?And also will the needle hurt much?
Im pertrified of needles and need these teeth removed due to braces . Please please be honest.
Additional Details
Aww I didn't realise how polite and kind people are.. You have all ...

 Why do I have teeth?

 I had my wisdom teeth pulled and stitched up. Am I going to have holes still?

 Wisdom tooth removed?
I had it taken out a few days ago
and I am feeling sick , cant stop going to the toilet and am very swollen and sore

have to add though that I have irritable bowels brought on by ...

 How would I make my teeth white?
How can I make my teeth look really white and clean?...

 How bad does it hurt to get Braces on?
Will it hurt bad? Also from your Experience what foods are best to stay away from? And what foods are easy to eat? The whole time i have braces on will it hurt to eat hard food?...

Russell B
The NHS why is it in so much trouble. (UK)?
I have been reading the Sunday newspaper today (The People) and it gives a disturbing report on the state of the NHS

Operations being cancelled
Wards being closed
Long waiting times for operations/seeing a specialist

The list goes on, what are the views of other people to put the NHS back in order.

My feelings are we are having to many people entering the country and we seem to be treating half the worlds population on the NHS.

Too many 'chiefs' ....and too many 'Indians', ''Pakistanis, 'Eastern Europeans', 'Chinese', 'Gypsies',etc etc.
And more to come.


It might be a hackneyed phrase but I think very true:

Bring back the Matron. She would not stand for any nonsense!

Hospitals are not run efficiently in a business like way. I was recently in with my 3 year old with suspected pneumonia. After wiating 2 hours in A&E we wre finally seen by a nurse who asked all sorts of questions bout her and the rest of my family, history etc. When we finally mad it to a ward we were asked the same set of questions again. What happened to the paperwork from the first time we were asked? When it was time to go she was seen by the doc late morning & told we could go once she had her prescription. Over 4 hours later I was still waiting to go. No wonder there was such a delay getting a bed in the first place.

We need to bring back the Matron.

Part of it is also that over the past 20 years they have found solutions to treating illnesses.... hip replacements and the like.. which costs 1,000s to do.... whereas before the expertise for advanced solutions weren't there. Yet will all the extra ability.. comes added cost to the NHS.

Yes, I definately agree with you. I am an expat and I live in the US I know people who will even go there and take a course, if the course is more than 6 months long they qualify for NHS treatment, not only do they qualify but their spouse and kids do too. And FYI it is not reciprocated for UK citizens here, no way. Also with all those open borders and people are real altruistic in the UK, real softies, they will treat anyone. As a reasult the NHS is drowning. I don't understand why they do not require citizenship to qualify for treatment like other countries. I fthey did at least the folk being treated would be citizens of the country and not folks just swaning in and out again taking advantage. I will read that article you mentioned , thank you.

because there is too many managers who want there cuts

Dry Dreamer
The N.H.S. was created on the 5th July 1948 and it was never meant to last as long as it has, it now has become to big offering to many non essential service's

People have unrealistic expectations of what the NHS can do for them. So many new treatments have been formulated during recent years and they're expensive. I feel certain things shouldn't be available on the NHS, such as fertility treatments, gender realignment etc.
People also use the NHS inappropriately. Can't get a GP appointment? That's because a lot of the appointments are taken up by people with colds or sore throats and other minor illnesses that require self care. Antibiotics don't work on colds BTW.
Waiting for a scan? That's probably because a third of all out patient, GP and investigative appointments are wasted by non-attenders. Yes, a third.
People need to take more responsibility for their health and their NHS. It can't go on like this for much longer.

We have too many people with too high expectations and treatments which prolong life which are so expensive.

Its a lot to do with how its managed - There are ranks and ranks of managers having meeting after meeting and no-one dares MAKE A DECISION. An example :-

I work in a hospital unit where patients come to receive cancer drugs. We were asked by nursing and Pharmacy staff if we could develop a piece of software to 'track' the patient through the process. So on arrival the receptionist has a screen with the patient name and notes his/her arrival - this informs the nurses, they check blood results are OK, any other tests and tick box on their screen. This gives Pharmacy the go-ahead to make the drugs, which is flagged back to the nurses.

Its a simple piece of software, written in MS Access and installed on 5 computers (Access is standard software) so there is almost no costs involved. It saves dozens of phone calls. It would have saved literally thousands of pounds in drugs being made up in Pharmacy and not used becuase patient not arrived, bad test result etc. And best of all it saves the patient being 'overlooked' in a busy clinic.

We were told it had to be approved by the top level board meeting in the trust before we could use it. So a paper was written and presented, questions were asked and it had to be re-submitted. It is now 16 months later and the board has still not yet approved it - last we heard we have to produce a PID (Project Initiation Document). Sat on the board are the Director of the trust, Lead Medical consultant, Heads of nursing, IT etc. I would guess each meeting erpresents a combined salary of over £2,000 -- does this make sense???

The other thing is staff morale - in many cases from the thinly veiled attempt to simply cut everyones salary, and encourage resignations so they are not seen to be 'cutting jobs' - but thats another gripe..

Don't complain too loudly about the people entering the country getting free NHS tretament - the NHS would collapse entirely without the hard work put in by some of those people. Next time you are in a hospital - check out the ratio english to foreign nurses!! And when you get down to cleaning staff...

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