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 I'm on a Diet right now, and I'm starving! What can I do to fight this urge to eat? (Already had my calories
.........for the day. It's 3am where I'm at. I work nights, that's why I'm still awake)...

 How can i lift my breast without surgery?

 Would you rather a size 0, or a curved plus size?

 If I am wanting to lose weight should I not be drinking any alcohol at all? x?

 Is showering 3 times a week healthy for a man?
it takes an hour each time with all that scurbbing. this is the only work out i get to keep fit....

 Protein shake recipes?
Anyone know some home made, low-calorie, protein shake recipes? I just want to know so I can make them at home because they're really expensive....

 How in the world can I lose 20 pounds in 2 months???? ?
I'm 13, I'm fat, and I hate it.

I used to be really skinny but the summer changes a bunch. Any way I'm 5 foot 4 and I'm 125. DONT GO TELLING ME THATS NOT FAT!!! I Think ...

 Am I Fat, Be Honest?
I'm 13, I'm 5' 0
& I weigh 117-118.

I feel fat, any suggestions to be 100 lbs? thank you!! :)
Additional Details

 Exercising for a 14 year old?
I am 14 5'2 and I weigh 113-115.And I try not to eat after 6:00 and i'm drinking lots of water. I'd like to get down to somewhere between 107-110 before Christmas. what types of ...

 Do u think this is fat?
im 16 years old and i weight 130lbs and im about 5'4. if i am how much weight should i ...

 Am I fat????????
I'm 13 i'm 5'3 and i'm 36 in (bust) 30 in (waist) 36 (hips)
and I weigh 129. I know i'm curvy compared to stick figured people (no offense) but am I fat?...

 I am a 16 year old male and I am 5'11 188 pounds i got a fat stomach. Will I get taller if I workout?

 How can i lose weight by summer of '09?
Currently i am 130 pounds :(
i'm just looking for a routine that i can easily do from now throughout my school year. My school is right across from the YMCA and near the pool which also has ...

 Is diet soda really that bad for you?
Everyone says that diet Coke is sooo bad for you...I have even heard that it is worse than regular Coke. But I really feel like I need it. I stopped drinking regular about 6 months ago and now I ...

 Should i gain weight? [*pic included*]?
ok so for about 3 years now i have been really insecure about my body built.
i have been told by many people they wish they were built like me.
but i feel like they're not being honest....

 Why can't I stop drinking pop?
Just wondering if anyone else has this problem. It's driving me crazy. I drink diet, but it's still not good for me....

 Is this alot i have eaten today?
i feel realy upset because i ate alot, i'm on my period though but i keep snacking, today i ate; is this too much and just because of one day will i gain weight tommorow?
(i'm going to ...

 Is it possible to lose 30 pounds in a month?
Please be honest and please don't tell me that it's not possible cause I believe it is I just need a second opinion and can you tell me how, I took a BMI and it said that i'm obese for ...

 I need to lose weight!!?
i am 5ft 4and weigh 148lbs. just a year ago i weighed 110lbs, but so much stress and unfortunate events have turned me into an emotional eater. i really need to stop gaining and get healthy and fit ...

 Does anybody know an easy way to lose weight?
not that i'm fat or anything but i juss need to kno okay maybe i am a lil but i need a summer bod asap!...

Are laxatives a good way to lose weight quickly?

nah....in fact that is quite unsafe.......try throwing up after everymeal

No. There is no good way to lose weight quickly, it is unhealthy and even dangerous. You should lose weight gradually, over time, by designing a healthy high fibre low fat eating plan and taking regular exercise. No short cuts will do, I'm afraid.

No way not unless you want heart problems and to completley mess up your body.

Barry K
No. It's amputation. I successfully lost 10lbs overnight about six months ago, and I get special deals on shoe and sock purchases.

You will loose weight that way but will suffer for dehydration. Using diuretics will also lead to the same state.

lt does help if you go to toilet regularly- but don't abuse them.

George B
No, you just lose the water from you body. Regular (3-5 times a week) exercise of moderate to high intensity would be the best, as it would raise your metabolic rate - this is all you need to lose weight, and you can still have a normal varied diet.

If you are concerned about your weight, then go and see your GP who will be able to help you.

not at all!!!! laxatives increases the intestinal motility, because of that food remains in intestines for less time. Intestines are the organs which helps in digestion of food and and absorbing the nutrients and other use full substances from food, Intestine requires sufficient time to digest and to absorb. laxative increase the intestinal motility because of that intestines doesn't have time to digest and absorb. laxatives can make you thin but it certainly make you week and various nutrient deficient ehich will impair many normal body function

Tom P
I'm trying to lose weight too and it's sooo hard. My aunt is using a weight loss product and it's really working for her. I'm gonna try it and I recommend you try it too. Check their website at
http://www.mylguide.info , my aunt got a free trial and paid only 6.95$ shipping and handling.

Shar Jay
No! Plus they will jack up your system if you use them for a long time.

Laxatives are an excellent way to lose weight almost instantly. Obviously the weight of the excrement deposited down the toilet is instantly deducted from your overall weight. But repeated use of laxatives as a weight loss aid will kill you due to malnutrician. The choice is yours!

No. It make you loose body fluids not mass.
So by doing it your just loosing everything your body needs, not any actually fat.
You'll loose a few lbs but just put it straight back on...theres much better ways.

jason c
If you overdoes on laxatives you will lose weight quickly BUT its the wrong type of weight. First of you will lose lots of the essential fluids your body needs, secondly you will be removing food required to maintain your bodies immune system. Third your energy take up will be drastically reduced resulting in your body entering into starvation mode, in this condition as soon as you start to eat normally your body will take every little bit of food energy out of your food and convert it directly into fat. Resulting in you gaining weight.
In truth the best way to lose weight is to eat three times a day, keep away from junk food, don't drink fizzy drinks and try to do a little additional exercise.

Mark T
Definately not, you might temporarily lose some body mass (if you don't replace the food) but thats all.

All types of tablets whether they are from a doctor or over the counter at a chemist have side affects if taken for long periods. Eat healthy by cutting down on fat and sugar, increase your water intake and take some form of exercise everyday. It might be slower but it is safer in the long term.

No, in the short term you will lose weight but you will probably deprive your body of vital nutrients and vitamins, plus give yourself a very sorry stomach. Long term when you start eating again you will probably gain all the weight lost and probably more as it's proven if you starve the body of what it needs, it will retain more of the fat in food when you start eating again.

The best way to lose weight is a sensible eating plan and plenty of exercise.

Good luck.

Beautiful -
no its just a way to kill yourself....and to die with no dignity as you will be still Sh*iting yourself as you die...

...instead have a colonic irrigation...it will clean your system out, you will be 5lbs lighter and have a nice flatter tummy

NO.................eat less and exercise more, it's the only healthy way to do it and to keep it off.

No, that's not a very good idea...Try losing weight by eating less, and watching your fat intake...No more than 250 carbs a day, and 35 fat grams...See if this helps...But check with a nutritionist to be sure...

No your body absorbs the calories as soon as they go in. It does nothing but cause you to loose essential vitamins and minerals

Its humiliating, shame inducing, horrible way to lose weight.

Im speaking from experience, laxatives mess up your body.

They make you feel sick, give you cramps and blinding headaches and make you feel like cr*p. You'll spend a very unpleasant day on the toilet then as soon as you eat again you'll put all the weight back on.

Repeated use will make you permanently constipated and bloated : (
I learnt the hard way - Dont go there.

A M Frantz
No. Laxatives don't do anything at all for reducing fat, which is the real point of weight loss.


No way.
They will only dehydrate you and nothing more.

Just eat a sensible diet and exercise some, nothing can be the healthy and effectiveness of such method.

no thats on the borders of anorexia nervosa, do not use laxitives or any other meds to loose weight, they are not safe!

claire g
Probably not, but it is something that i have tried it, and it is very uncomfortable.

Definately not good!


Yes, and your health too!

No, it's terrible.

AND once you stop ruining your body, stripping all the nutrients and vitamins out of it, you're likely to be very ill and in hospital.

Then once you start eating again, you'll put on more weight than you had before.

Don't do it! You know the drill - a sensible, balanced diet and moderate exercise.


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