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 What do you think of my weight?
108 lbs, 14 years old. 5'4.

too fat? not thin enough?

should i loose weight? i feel huge......

 I am 115 pounds how do i lose 15 pounds?
i have been 115 for 2 years and when i starve my self i lose 4 pounds and i look fatter and when i eat something i look skinner.

i just want to look lik nicole richie:(...

 How can i do the aerobic part of my training without losing muscle?

 Am i fat???????
i am 136 puonds and about 5'4...

 Can We Take Fruits in breakfast? If so Which fruits are good to Have?

 I am a girl,im 13 years old,and i weigh 130lbs,i am also 5'8 am i over weight?

 Would you rather be anorexic or obese?
P.S you can die either way....

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 Why do people eat over 300grams of protein is healthy?
Sure it helps build muscle while it restores it. But is everyone aware that too much protein is bad for your kidney's. If so, they why take soooo much protein??...

 Am i fat???
Thigsh- 20 inches (highes point on my thighs)
Waist- 26 inches
Hips- 32 1/2 inches

is this fat?
are my thighs/hips/waist to big?
im a girl and 14
104 pounds ill ...

 800 calorie diet?
i need to lose 40 pounds.
can i do it in 14 weeks eating 800 calories a day.
oh, no dairy or meat too.
only fruits,veggies, nuts/seeds....

 I need 2 lose weight i have 2 weeks i need a FREE way to lose 12lbs in 2 weeks please help.?
if its more than 2 weeks don't answer/ please help. and if u r going 2 tell me its not heathy dont answer .i need answers that will help ...

 Am i fat... idk?
is being 5'8 and 162lbs fat?...

 How much weight should i lose?? (pics)?
i'm sorry if the links don't work.

 Are twinkies a healthy snack?

 Is it ok to eat ketchup with scrambled eggs?
im trying to lose weight
and i like ketchup with my eggs
i knwo thats weird but yea
is it ok if i eat 2 scrambled eggs in the morning with ketchup? and whole wheat toast....

 I think i look too skinny- do you?
http://i293.photobucket. http://i293.photobucket. http://i293.photobucket....

 How to lose weight in 45 days?
Hi. I am 25 year old male and married. I used to be of 64kg or a bit less before marriage (2 years ago) but after marriage i gained 18kgs for no reason because i am eating the same sort of food. I ...

 Have I Lost Any Weight ?
Judging From there 2 pics have i lost weight??


 Am i Fatt?
I Am 13 5'3" 3/4...And 106 Lbs. I Think Im Fat...
Answers Please...?

Does it matter if u eat alot, but then go excercise.?
Will anything happen, or do they just cancel each other out.

Amanda H
Excersize first, then see if you want to eat alot.

Eat alot of fish and veggies and healthy food.

Do not eat alot before you work out.
Very bad for your tummy and your workout.

If you burn as many calories as you ate, they will cancel each other out.

If you eat and consume 250 calories, for example, by eating a salad w/ dressing. Then ride your stationary cycle until you burn off 250 calories then they have cancelled each other as far as calories is concerned, and only as far as the calories is concerned. You are not cancelling out sugar you've consumed, Fat you've consumed, etc.
To loose weight though you must burn the calories off, if you cut down ( diet) you will not loose weight, only slow down the process of adding calories to what you already have. In order to lose what is already there you must burn and sweat the calories away.

Nawal Aditya
Okay, as a person who works out, I've had to face this question because sometimes I have wanted to work out after I eat. So...now to answer you question.

Okay, the first thing is that if you eat a lot, and then go exercise, you will feel very bad. In some cases your body might get terribly cramped, which will hinder you from working out at all. (This also depends on your metabolic speed.) Usually, it takes around three hours for a meal to digest, so wait that long, and then work out with no risks involved. If this does not seem preferable, then a simpler solution would be to work out before you ate, after you wake up, or sometime close to your next meal.

Now, if you eat a lot first, and then go exercise will they cancel each other out? This depends on what you ate, and how much exercised. That's all that can be said on this subject.

Hope this helped.

the more you eat, the more you should exercise.

If you're looking to lose weight, you have to burn more calories than you consume.

If you can't or don't want to exercise, eating 500 calories less a day, you can lose about 1-2 pounds a week.

look up "how many calories should I be eating?", and there should be a calorie calculator thingy-maBob. Then, subtract 500.

robert KS LEE.
no it's ok if u exercise properly to burn down ur calories.

I would eat after..........unless you are trying to loose......but if you are trying to gain muscle and weight ........eat after and rest.........all the best

Bronwyn C
well it depends on how much you eat and then how much you excercise.

Brekel K
If you burn the same amount of calories they will cancel out on another...

horse freak
They cancel each other out if you work to burn as many calories as you ate, and trust me that's a lot. Some Doctors/trainers/ect. will tell you to eat a little before as to not get hungry while working out, and as to not be too stuffed to work out at all, and finish the rest after you are finished since after working out you WILL be hungry.

the more you eat..more exercise you should do.. as it all about balance...

If you eat a piece of cake and then go run a mile afterwards, you're just fooling yourself. It takes a few hours to totally digest and get into your system, muscles, and turn into atp for your cells... and if you eat more than a piece of cake, your exercise won't do you much good. It'll burn off the stuff you had before if you're not too lethargic from the food you just ate.

Brandon D
they will just cancel each other

a touch of destiny...
depends on your metabolisim.

one purson may do more and eat less.
while another might eat more and do less.
and still both could get the same results.

It all depends what you eat. If your'e eating junk food, high in sugar and fat, coke or the diet variety in fact any carbonated beverage it will make no difference. Your body/metabolism can only burn so much even with exercise. If you eat handful amounts of healthy food all day and stop 2 hours before bed as well as doing 20-30 minutes of moderate exercise 5-7 days a week all will be fine.

respect ... the ..GUN
u shoudnt becoz it puts extra load on digestion process. or there can serious enjury to abdominal muscles and intestinal track.

Steve G
yes it matters. if you eat more than you burn you still get fat

Unfortunately, they don't cancel each other out. One problem is burning off those calories. It only takes us a few minutes to scarf down a 3000 calorie meal of hamburger and fries, but burning off that 3000 calories could take literally hours.

The second problem is this. Make a fist. That's about the size of our stomach. Put too much food in it all at once and it will stretch. As your stomach stretches to hold more food, it takes more food to fill you up. See the problem? You end up developing an eating pattern that is detrimental to your health and causes weight gain.

If you were to eat as much as you want only one day a week but eat sensibly the rest of the week, then you could probably work off any extra calories without much problem.

Yogesh G
If you weigh 160 pounds, you will burn 48 calories in walking one mile.
One egg will add 76 calories
One slice of bread wil add 70 calories
One cup of fat-free milk wil add 100 calories

Are you adding, you need to walk 5 miles already for these food items.

The point is that foods normally add more calories than what can be offset by exercise.

the answer lays in a few things. Your age; speed of metabolism or health condition and your genetic preposition. If you are exersicing an hour non stop for 3-5 days a week you can eat w.e. you want as long its not mcDonalds and other inaduqate sources of food and as much as you want . Just remember to not eat 1.5 hours before sleep. If you are over 43 whole story is different

The White Loner
trans fats can stay in ur veins

Depends how much you eat.
Say you eat like
500 calories worth of food(say extra "bad" food on top of your normal diet)
and go burn 200 calories running
well obviously not as good as it could be.
if you burn the 500 calories its fine.

if you are trying to lose weight then it does matter, but if you are just maintaining your current weight i dont think it does matter. i do 30 minutes cardio everyday, plus weights 3 times week and i eat alot and dont gain. i dont ever eat fast food, fried food, or greasy food, i dont eat much meat other than chicken occasionally or salty foods yuck. i eat alot of sweets like hershey milk chocolate, twizzlers, ice cream. but i eat 3 healthy balanced meals. i eat about 3000 calories a day, sometimes more!

You might not be able to exercise as well on a stuffed stomach but if you burn as many calories as you ate it would cancel out.

khalea s
if you work enough you should burn it off. but i like to eat and exercise and i have found that if you exercise BEFORE you eat you can PIG THE F*** OUT lol but not on alot of junk though like if you do 30 min before dinner you can afford seconds(an hour might let you work in thirds) beleive me I KNOW lol

Mr. Answers
eating more then excersing helps but you burn less calories then you eat so that will end up in extra weight over time. unless you excercise for a very long time

as long as you eat healthy foods it shouldnt matter, but eat the healthy amount, dont starve yourself now

thats what a lot of people think. you can eat alot but not all bad foods and greasy foods becasue then you are hurting your body and heart and excercising will balance the weight but not your health. so eat healthy often and excercise.

so long as you burn the excess calories you'll be OK

~I DeFiNe SuCcEsS~
depends on how much you exercise

Alive at last...
Two items that have been failed to be addresed in all of the responses thus far are your goals.

1. Are you trying to lose fat? Gain muscle mass? Both?
2. What type of workout? Cardio? Resistance training?

The response will be in combination to these two answers.

Gain muscle/ Lose fat/ Cardio:
Yes it does matter. Your cardio sessions are best don on an empty stomach as your body will be forced to get energy from metabolizing fat. If you eat prior to doing your cardio, you will only be burning the food that you have just eaten - instead of the fat that you desire.

Gain Muscle/ Resistance Training:
You don't need to eat alot, but you do need to eat smart in order to feed your muscles during your workout. Typically you can do this with 20-25g (whey) protein and 40-60g of slow burning carbs.

Gain Muscle/ Lose Fat/ Resistance Training:
This is a much slower process due to the two items that you are trying to accomplish. You diet is even more critical in this case. Before your workout, you will still need to feed yourself but stay on the low end of the carb intake.

Decide on what your goals are and remember that you diet is going to be ~75% of the equation. Be smart about what you eat and when you eat. For your diet, remember the following:

-- Eat your last meal 1-2 hours before you go to bed. This meal must be high protein, low/ no carb, low/ no fat. This will give you the building blocks that your muscles need to rebuild and help you get a good nights sleep.
-- You want to create a caloric deficit, but you want to do this but expending more energy while maintaing a clean diet, not by turning to a restricted calorie diet.
-- In order to burn one pond, you have to have a caloric deficit of 3500 calories.

Good luck!!

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