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 So, am I fat?
Sometimes I feel so fat and ugly...so I wanted to ask here, since I'll get the most honest responses.

I'm 5'6" and 102 pounds....

 If I did 1000 sit ups and 500 push ups a day...?
Would I see any results in say a week? Or would it take longer?
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I only have a 2 pack lol and I wanna be the ...

 Im home all day and im bored and i like ot eat alot , whatdo i do?
im exercising also and eating mainly healthy but ijust love to eat and love the way food taste i just eat even after the point of being ...

 Do I weigh too much?
I am 10 years old/almost 11. And my height is 4 feet 30 centimeters. I weight 80 something....

 Is picking your nose bad?

 Do you feeel good after a good workout??
i do!...

 I just want to be THIN!?
i am having the hardest time staying motivated to lose weight. i work out religiously, although it probably helps just keep me at the weight i am am and keeps my heart healthy above anything else. <...

 I weigh 92 pounds and I am 12 is that o.k.???
Is that o.k....

 Is it okay if I don't eat?
every other day. I exerisce and eat healthy, but its not coming off....

 Is this considered over wieght?
a female who is 13 and is 5 feet 7 inches ways 150 pounds.
is she over weight?...

 Am i FAT?!?
5ft 4in

130-133 ...

 At 12 years of age at "5.4" is 108 pounds normal?
Is that overweight?...

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 How tall are you?
im 5"7. u?...

 Curvy or skinny?
I am a uk size 12 and sometimes feel quite big especially compared to other girls is it too big?...

 Am i overweight?
ok i am 13 and i weigh 115-117 pounds..am i overweight?
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i am 5'4 ft ...

 If someone called you fat would you?
a) Get there as* in a bear trap
b) Donate to charity
c) Go eat your troubles away
d) O...

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 How much weight do you lose if you don't eat for a few days.?
And the only think you did is drink water?!
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I understand i'd gain it back, but would if i started to eat ...

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How does one effectively quit smoking?
i have tried twice and the first time i quit it lasted just about a month or os...then the second time around 3 days..i've been smoking for 3 years now and im only 19..turing 20 on july 26..which is an hour away..hahaha!

Blunt Honesty
First, You have to really want to quit. (If you don't, then nothing you do will be effective or long lasting.)

Second, You just have to stop now. (No saying, "I will stop when I finish this pack." Or "I will quit after this weekend.")

Third, Just be a quitter. (What's easier than just not doing something. You have to adopt the attitude that you are now a non-smoker, not an ex-smoker)

the best way is just not to do it... you have more willpower than you think. See yourself starting to put a cigarrette in your mouth? take it out. its pretty simple. dont give in to temptation

Heres an easy way. At whatever frequency you would normally buy cigarettes, put however much they cost aside. when you feel like smoking, look at all the money you saved by not buying them and get yourself something that you want. say you buy a pack a day. depending on where you live, thats anywhere from 30-40 bucks a week extra at 1 pack a day. id like that much extra money laying around

Ask for a drug called Zyban/Welbutrin, for many people it will make you ill when you smoke, and this acts as a deterrent by making the act of smoking undesirable. You could also try nicotine patches and chewing ***, but the success rate on these is lower.

T Time
You MUST WANT to be a nonsmoker.
If you light one up, you are not a nonsmoker.

Anthony Taurus
if you can stop for a month, then it really is about the weakness of your mind. you've got to simply think it through. think about all the bad things you will suffer from smoking at such a young age. how about having a hole in your neck by the time your 40.

My friend is using this successfully in his third week. It has an 80% success rate. He is jazzed about it and all his friends are bumming his patches. Please consider this natural method.


I wish I knew. My husband quit for 3 months, now he is slowing starting to smoke again. Its really tuff to quit. I wish I knew the answer myself. Have you tried the gum/patches? They sometime aid you along. I wish you luck..

Just put them down.


Mr X
You effectively quit, and know that to be the case, when you do not smoke any more.

get pregnant - they will make you puke just to think about them.

I'm going on my fourth week. Its still hard sometimes. But I t stay active,An think positive. I Ride my bike alot an run around alot with my 2 year old dog. So in general i think more about my health @42 An also the money I'm saving, those 2 thing rite there are huge. Put them down rite now an don't look back. Email me back if you need more help good luck Bobby

Get a hobby that distracts you, some take up sewing or knitting but take up something that you know will interest you and that you won't quit. Hope I helped and good luck.

make a promise to dear one.

I don't know!

Stop! Stop! Stop!, I smoked two pks a day for 42 years and quit cold turkey over 4 years ago and I now pay for my foolishness. I have diabetes, COPD and congestive heart failure. So Stop the Madness and quit while you are young. Here is how I did it:

1. I told everyone I knew I was quitting (peer pressure)

2. I avoided areas where people gathered to smoke (breaks at work etc.)

3. I took walks whenever I had the urge to smoke.

4. Every day that passed I told someone that another day had gone by without smoking (personal gratification) and pretty soon it was a week, a month, a year and now going on 5 years.


Good Luck and please give it your best for your own sake and that of your friends and family.

Alright, it took you awhile to get the hang of it; it will take awhile to quit. There is a wellbutrin pill that will help or the patch. Just remember to take it in baby steps and never give up. From what I understand though, the cravings will not go away.

Mark Twain said, "Quitting smoking is easy. I've done it a thousand times."

How to Quit

Smokers often say, "Don't tell me why to quit, tell me how." There is no one right way to quit, but there are some key elements in quitting smoking successfully. These 4 factors are crucial:

1) making the decision to quit
2) setting a quit date and choosing a quit plan
3) dealing with withdrawal
4) staying quit (maintenance)

Double your chances
of quitting for good.
Call 1-800-ACS-2345
to speak with someone who can help.

Before starting to quit (!), you have to accept to quit.

I think the best is to change habits related to smoking : taking a walk after a meal instead of smoking, eating veggies to keep your fingers and mouth busy, etc.

You have to have your mind set on quitting everything else is superfluous.

A Muslim
Latest medical researches proved that it is better to suddenly cut smoking for ever, don't stop gradually.

Use nicotine gum if needed, and stay away from friend who smoke, and
pray to God to help you because you want to help yourself.

God be with you. ;)

It's tough... I've tried and failed myself many times. I'll quit and then someone will do something that pisses me off and I'll want to have one again. I try and quit when I go on vacation or something. Unfortunately that doesn't come around too often.

First Happy Birthday.

I us to smoke for 30 some years and tried to quit on my own a few times. All times were failures. (For ME) You may succeed though. Medical reports say some people take 3-4 tries before it sticks.

I have been smoke free for over 3 Years now. What helped me was my doctor prescribed Wellbritin.
It's a medication originally used for depression, but they found many people quit smoking while on it. Now it is prescribed to help stop smoking. IT WORKED FOR ME!!

Once done and free of smoking You no longer need to take the medication.

I tried the nicorette gum and patches before. They actually made my smoking worse. And my nerves then were frazzled ALL the time.

Good luck in what ever you try.
And should you fail, just try something else till you find one that works for you.

by dying.

Keep trying, it might work at some time, I hope.

mind over matter and get something to chew on!

the man
i've dished this answer to at least 5 people here:

"the easy way to quit smoking" by allen carr. read it. it really works and is quite cheap to buy. myself and about eight people i know all read it about 4 years ago and we're all still off them.
no pills, no patches, no weird cigarette substitues. you read the book, follow one or two very simple and easy instructions and quit.
believe me, if i could quit, ANYONE can!! Good luck.

me and u got the same birthday and i just quit. COld turkey - really no other way of going about it. I dont think the gums or patches work but you can give them a try maybe they work fors ome people. Some people also try hypnotism or there is some medicine that the doctor can give you to help get over it. You just gotta keep your mind occupied and not htink of it.

happy birthday... to you and to me ;D.
i think it's something in your mind, that works like a key. i smoked for almost 10 years, in the last time i was feeling more and more guilty for it. And i stopped in one day. I simply did not buy cigarettes anymore...
Just think, and ask yourself...are you an intelligent, independent person? Do you, and no one else, have the control over yourself? If you answer with "yes..." - you are lying. You are depending on a small, stinky cigarette, that damages your health and even the health of your future child, it takes years for the body to reconstruct itself, if it happens at all.
You are not just depending, you are making something incredibly stupid, endanger yourself and others, and paying even for it. Think about it... i did a lot, and i quit it. I wish you good luck... in life and in becoming independent!
Be the boss of your habits, not opposite.

it's a commitment you have to make with yourself. Remind your self of all the nasty effects it has...

You have to remember that quitting smoking is a test of mental fortitude and will beyond all else. You can quit, but you won't quit until you actually do it. That is of course the hard part, but no one said it was going to be easy.

First off, only very determined individuals can quit on their own, most people aren't "very determined individuals" so I advise you have a bunch of friends and family to support you for this.

Second, avoid smoking all together, don't go to bars where they smoke, don't go to liquour stores, don't look at the cartons at the grocery counter.

Third, one mistep will send you tumbling to the bottom again. If you break your resolve even once, you are highly likely to fail. Just like exercise, consistency is key. You can never "Have just one to calm my nerves." If you do you will probably "Have just one more to calm your nerves." Later and be hooked as before.

Remember that smoking is a addiction and that it will be easier to resist once your body gets it out of your system.

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