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 I go regularly now to 24 hour fitness gym, I need to lose about 200 pounds what exercies should i do?
mostly ive been walking the treadmill for half an hour and riding the stationary bike for 20 minutes and things like that. any hep or ideas or suggestions????...

 I'm on a Diet right now, and I'm starving! What can I do to fight this urge to eat? (Already had my calories
.........for the day. It's 3am where I'm at. I work nights, that's why I'm still awake)...

 How can i lift my breast without surgery?

 Would you rather a size 0, or a curved plus size?

 If I am wanting to lose weight should I not be drinking any alcohol at all? x?

 Is showering 3 times a week healthy for a man?
it takes an hour each time with all that scurbbing. this is the only work out i get to keep fit....

 Protein shake recipes?
Anyone know some home made, low-calorie, protein shake recipes? I just want to know so I can make them at home because they're really expensive....

 How in the world can I lose 20 pounds in 2 months???? ?
I'm 13, I'm fat, and I hate it.

I used to be really skinny but the summer changes a bunch. Any way I'm 5 foot 4 and I'm 125. DONT GO TELLING ME THATS NOT FAT!!! I Think ...

 Am I Fat, Be Honest?
I'm 13, I'm 5' 0
& I weigh 117-118.

I feel fat, any suggestions to be 100 lbs? thank you!! :)
Additional Details

 Exercising for a 14 year old?
I am 14 5'2 and I weigh 113-115.And I try not to eat after 6:00 and i'm drinking lots of water. I'd like to get down to somewhere between 107-110 before Christmas. what types of ...

 Do u think this is fat?
im 16 years old and i weight 130lbs and im about 5'4. if i am how much weight should i ...

 Am I fat????????
I'm 13 i'm 5'3 and i'm 36 in (bust) 30 in (waist) 36 (hips)
and I weigh 129. I know i'm curvy compared to stick figured people (no offense) but am I fat?...

 I am a 16 year old male and I am 5'11 188 pounds i got a fat stomach. Will I get taller if I workout?

 How can i lose weight by summer of '09?
Currently i am 130 pounds :(
i'm just looking for a routine that i can easily do from now throughout my school year. My school is right across from the YMCA and near the pool which also has ...

 Is diet soda really that bad for you?
Everyone says that diet Coke is sooo bad for you...I have even heard that it is worse than regular Coke. But I really feel like I need it. I stopped drinking regular about 6 months ago and now I ...

 Should i gain weight? [*pic included*]?
ok so for about 3 years now i have been really insecure about my body built.
i have been told by many people they wish they were built like me.
but i feel like they're not being honest....

 Why can't I stop drinking pop?
Just wondering if anyone else has this problem. It's driving me crazy. I drink diet, but it's still not good for me....

 Is this alot i have eaten today?
i feel realy upset because i ate alot, i'm on my period though but i keep snacking, today i ate; is this too much and just because of one day will i gain weight tommorow?
(i'm going to ...

 Is it possible to lose 30 pounds in a month?
Please be honest and please don't tell me that it's not possible cause I believe it is I just need a second opinion and can you tell me how, I took a BMI and it said that i'm obese for ...

 I need to lose weight!!?
i am 5ft 4and weigh 148lbs. just a year ago i weighed 110lbs, but so much stress and unfortunate events have turned me into an emotional eater. i really need to stop gaining and get healthy and fit ...

Arun Kumar
I've got a big tummy. How to reduce it?
i'm a software engineer.Morning i have bread toast or corn flakes.Afternoon i've rice meals.for dinner i've rice meals and go to sleep.I've developed a big tummy.i hardly find time to exercise as i'm busy with my work.does anyone have a proven track to reduce tummy? i want an easier way.

melissa c
my advise:
1) try the special k diet...(eat special k 2 or 3 times a day for however long...check their website)
2) when you get home after work do 3 sets of 10 crunches (work your way up to 3 sets of 20 crunches)
3) after each set of crunches lie on your side one foot on top of the other and prop yourself up on one arm so that your hand and elbow are still on the floor. (so your upper body is lifted off the ground) hold for 15 seconds on each side. this tones your sides

other than that, ALWAYS walk with your stomach muscles tightned
good luck!

Jerry .
Eat less, move around more.

there is no healthy easy way

Eat less foods that have fats.

Cut out the rice, or eat brown or balsamic rice. Regular rice is a complex carbohydrate and will turn into fat if not exercised off. Asian stores offer a wonder variety of rices that are low in in carbs and high in antioxidants which the body uses to help cleanse its self.

YOu first cannot use the excuse to say your to busy. If you can stick just 30 minutes of walking into your daily routine. My husband is a CFO and the same thing happened to him, and he used your excuse to. But I told him the same thing, so he has started riding his bike everynight between 7-8, it's cooler and less traffic around. He has lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks. Food wise you are like him too, you like bread, lay off of it. A small bowl of cereal in the morning is good. Rice makes your stomach bloaty, I thought everyone knew that, so watch your intake on that, it is good for you, but one rice meal maybe everyother day is better than 2 times a day. Eat a little more protein. My husband is eating cereal for breakfast and lunch and than a small plate of food for supper, and I mean one of the small plates. Then he eats carrots and celery as a snack around 7. But them he doesn't eat anymore after that. He drink alot of water and decaf tea too: very little sugar. do situps after your excersize too.

Wear bigger pants and high panties.

2 easy ways.
1) Drink plain room temp water (1 ltr) early morning as soon as you get out of bed. Your first bite should only be taken after 1 hour of that water consumption.
Tried and tested....very effective, but slightly slow procedure.

2) Check your nutritionist, and request a low carb diet. It's quite easy to do, provided you're not a bread-o-holic or rice-o-holic.
Tried and tested....very effective, but a faster procedure.

3) Walk a lot. Start with smaller distance, gradually increase. Don't eat anything 2 hrs prior or post walking.

Good luck!

Reduce carbohydrate diets & sugar and increase fruits & vegetables. Rice should be taken only once in a day. Substitute rice with wheat for dinner. If your cholesterol (LDL, Triglycerides. & Serum cHolesterol) is high, avoid fat & oils especially fried foods. Do a lot of exercise. This will prevent diabetes, blood pressure & heart disease in later age.

Try to relax and do somthing like yoga because your tummy probably got big from stress.

You're a nothing if all you need is someone to tell you to work out....not unless you'd be a lazy nerd who'd rather have an operation or torment itself for AT LEAST one year with a 7% chance of success in a certain diet....
The world's turning into a big lump of wimps....if you had the will....then you'll have the way...period

baby angel!
You can eat whatever you want. Just make sure that you limit your fat intake. And eat your rice meal before 6pm so you can feel comfortable. Have a lite snack like cereal before you go to bed.

Shut up, turn off your computer, open the door and go outside. Walk for 30-45 minutes a day- Everyday. If you have time to get on Answers, you have time to exercise. No excuses. Just do it!
You don't even need to do it all at once. Three 15 minute walks a day are almost as good as one long one.

eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die

don't mess with your body unless it causes health problems like obesity god made you a certain way appreciate it and you know the saying it doesn't matter on the outside and you have to be confident with yourself or nothing else matters just know that its up to you what you make of it and know that God loves you no matter what

I hope you're not a man. If you are, sorry but pilates is the best way!!! Buy a "Hit the Spot" DVD and do the abs workouts. Trust me, they're 10 minutes each and I'm sure you can squeeze that much time in your schedule. And maybe you should start eating whole grain stuff like barley bread and seven grain cereals. People say that they taste like cardboard but I personally like them as much as regular foods. You can always add fruit to make it taste better. Brown rice is also a good alternative for rice.

Andrew B
First off I don't know if this is a joke or serious. If you're looking for an easier way than dieting and exercise then you aren't seroius about it anyway and will backslide to where you're at now or even worse. All it takes is 30 minutes of cardio and quit eating just carbohydrates. Protien has been proven to cut appetite due to it takes longer to digest. But you also have to have green vegetables in order to regulate your digestive tract.

kora munda_tarun
wear sauna slimming belt !

creative g
How to lose bellyfat?

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U2 Sucks
There is no easy way.

It takes work, time, and commitment.

Get up from behind the computer and get your *** on the treadmill, lift some weights, go for a walk. All you had to do was say "I'm a software engineer" and I knew you didn't exercise. Losing weight is not all about what you eat, it's about being active and not a lazy computer nerd. It's not easy to lose weight, so get that out of your head. You are going to have to work at it. My advice to a computer nerd like you is get use to being fat and quit talking like a little kid.

well i was going to say plenty of sit-ups but you dont want to work out... maybe you could wake up half an hour earlier in the morning and run for a bit.

Leave the bread alone. Bread is bad.

if u r eating bread , never eat white bread and never eat and jump in bed u got to burn the meal off before sleep , if not it just turns to fat, drink a glass of water before meals , do sit ups , and as soon as your full push the plate away

watch your diet ......you are consuming more of carbs.....restrict your rice intake and forget the bread. Also you can go walking or even jog. It's inexpensive and can do wonders.

nothing so harsh but u can do
' swamy ramdev's pranayam - a type of yoga ' which a very simpler way do it for 1 to 2 hrs.

Dont Eat After Six PM.

well you should reduce your amount on fatting foods like bread... you should eat low calorie ceareal and low fat milk it wont help much on your belly but will make it easier for weight loss b/c you are loseing weight and eating healty... you could do cardio work outs in your own home.. no need for big gyms ... or you could use a work out video and do the steps.... it will take awile to bring down size of your stomach but it would be worth it in the end.

I lost 35 pounds in two months and I have kept it off for two years. It sounds like you need convenience. If you have any questions call or email me.



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