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 Cramped muscle...what is this disease?
I am swimming at a pool without warming up before swimming. Coz I'm a beginner swimmer, i am excited. I challenges my friends to compete swimming back and forth many times. Suddenly, i scream as ...

 Should i see surgeon?
here's my question. i have a mass upper right part of abdomen. seen my doctor, he said it was not a hernia. then he ordered a ct scan. that came back showing nothing. now my dr wants me to ...

 My knuckle is badly swollen, how can I fix it?
So about 5 months ago I was testing for a belt in Tae Kwon Do, and while breaking a board I hurt my knuckle and it swelled up and got a little bit bigger. So today I got mad and punched the floor, ...

 My parents dont belive me...Do I actually brake it to where a bone sticks out so they do belive me.?
we are playing pickelball It is like a wooden pickel ball padel basicly a wooden padel Some kid hit me on the top of my hand with the wooden padel full force and my hand swelled u of course I sticked ...

 BROKEN wrist! ICE or HEAT!?
I broke my wrist 2 weeks ago and I have a splint on. It is still a bit swollen and a bit uncomfortable. Should I be applying ice or heat at this period to make the swelling go down? T...

 How many injuries does it take before one stops partying so heavy?

 Is there any kind of wrist exercises i can do to make my wrist feel better?
i was hit by a car less than 3 months ago and i was taken to the hospital for treatment on numerous things but they only said my wrist was sprained...it does feel alot better than it did the day ...

 How can I fix my swollen fingers?
My kind brother "accidentally" slammed my fingers in the car door and now they r swollen. I haved Iced them alot and taken a motrin butthey r still in a lot of pain. I dont thin they r ...

 Is it possible to bruise a muscle or soft tissue, with out seeing a bruise on the skin?
I fell snowboarding on my hip. The hip bone doesn't hurt, it is the muscle that is just above it, but there is no mark. I haven't gone to the doctor's since it costs too much, but I ...

 Could i have a pinched nerve?
I got pushed off a couch last night and I fell on my tailbone. I can walk (slowly) but when i move my left leg it hurts really bad. Could I have a pinched nerve or is it something else?...

 How to recover from bad ....?
rotater cuff injury, as well as two stress fractures, and an out of alignment shoulder all on the right arm. I play volleyball and need help!!!!...

 Did I break my finger today?
I was playing basketball today in PE and I went up for a rebound and the ball came off the rim really sharply and smashed into my finger. It hurt really bad, but I kept playing. Then is started ...

 Wearing contacts for two days straight...?
any thing i should worry about? i did take them off second day. any tips/concerns towards this would be awwwsome. They were the acuve 2 contacts....

 Will a chipped/broken knuckle grow back?
about 6 months ago i flipped out and punched a hole in my door. i know it was immature and i can now control my anger so i dont want a bunch of replys on anger crap. anyway a large chunk of my middle ...

 I had a personal injury with some froze food from walmart. I need some opinions everyone!?
OK. In June 2007 I was 8 months pregnant and fixed lunch for my little girl and I. It was Dwight Yokums chicken fries. They are supposed to be boneless. I bit into it and a bone was in it. It went ...

 Did I sprain or Break my Ankle?
Oct. 27th I rolled my ankle on a swimming noodle in my garage. At first it did not hurt, but it did take me a moment to get up becasue I could not feel my foot. I did put ice on it and continued to ...

 Do you think my eye is OK????
i was riding a snowmobile and i stoped and hit my eye on the kill swich.i could not think right!
Additional Details
i will send you the pic just e-mail ...

She sent me THIS e-mail from China---

I was eating this chinese candy and i figured out that there was a piece of glass in it and now i have three holes on my tongue full of blood. It ...

 HELP, I bumped my head and now I look like Quasimoto!?
Is there anything I can do to reduced the swelling, bruising, biggness, and uglyness? Or speed up the process....

 I think I've just broken my wrist so please be quick!!?
Seriously I was just feedign my rats and I flipped my wris really quickly for some reason now unbeknown to me, and now it absolutely cains and I cannot move it properly at all. I am not calling 999, ...

I fell on my wrist, what could it be?
I feel hard the other day, with most of the pressure on one hand. Now my wrist hurts going up the side of my arm by that bone that sticks out. I know I didn't break the bone. And I'm not complaining about pain, I just want to know if it sounds like something serious, and if it will be ok if it goes untreated. I can use my hand, but it just hurts to put pressure on it. I can't comfortably move it alot, like, turning the window crank in the car.
So what could this be? Bruised muscle, something else? Ideas are appreciated. Thanks

It could be that you fell on your wrist.

Contact your physician.

Pam H
Have you gone to the doctor and had it x-rayed? It could be cracked, or maybe just bruised. Take some aspirin or Aleve and if it is not better by Monday call the doctor and make an appointment.

Brian A
It could be sprained or bruised. How do you know that it isn't broken though? Unless you had it x-rayed there is no way to tell if there is a hairline fracture or not.

Smart Cookie
You might've sprained or wrenched your wrist...but it could be as bad as torn ligaments or damaged muscles. I'd say that if there's no severe bruising or swelling, give it a couple of days. If the discomfort persists, make an appointment with your dr and request a panel of xrays.
Good luck and feel better:)

I've often had falls when I've injured my right knee. After a few days the pain goes away, no big deal.
Now I'm having pain in my knee and an x-ray shows fluid in the area. I'm not sure that immediate treatment at any time could have prevented this from happening, but if I were you, I wouldn't just ignore it.
God bless, and I hope it's nothing serious!

Go get an X-ray and have a doctor properly diagnosis it. They can tell you if its broken, a fracture, a sprain or a twist but only a doctor can tell you for sure...feel better!

x-ray all the way.

It sounds like a sprain, strain, or bruise. Ice it down if you can, it'll heal faster. It could take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to completely heal, and you can always bandage it up yourself to make sure you don't reinjure it.

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