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 How do i reduce swelling on my face?
got punched in the face and my cheek swelled up anything i can take or do other than ice something with a quicker recovery time?...

 What should I do about my big toe nail?
While on vacation I accidently let the weel of my suitcase hit my toe while I was trying to pick it up. It already being very week because i've stubbed my toe lots of times pretty bad, my nail ...

 I broke my toe and now it looks weird, what do I do?
I broke one of my middle toes and the bone is sticking out (not through the skin) and it hurts to wear some of my dress shoes. This happened like a month ago, but at the time I was not sure if it was ...

 How can you rip off a band aid without it hurting?

 I sprained my ankle today, can I go to practice on Thursday?
Today I fell at P.E. and my ankle is sprained, it's swollen. Will it go down, and hurt less in time for tennis practice, on Thursday?...

 Did anyone else crash while riding a bike?
if so what did u crash into.
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i crashed into the box that controls the lights and my friend just stared at me and then a bunch of people drove by and looked at me and i ...

 HOW DO YOU break you arm!?
soemone tell me how you break your arm! i dont want 2 but ...

 If you really sprained your foot would u be able to walk normally on it?
I have a girl that is staying with me who "claims" she sprained her ankle 2 days ago i never seen her limp etc now that my minivan is off the road she keeps saying she has foot problems. ...

 How would i know if i had punctured my lung?
last night i was running, i came back, and going in hte house, i sometimes press into my belly ( like 2 inches below the breasts ) , and it was pretty hard pressing, so that it hurt. i mena not a ...

 I sprained my ankle and fracture my fibula bone but just a hairline fracture.?
I was wondering I have been told by my job and other people that the docter should have either put a boot or a cast on me because of the fracture because I could injure it more. My docter sent me ...

 What Can I Do To Break/Fracture/Sprain My Wrist That Won’t Hurt A Lot When I Do Hurt It?
Thanks!!! I'm an almost 16 year old girl if that matters.
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i know it would hurt a lot, i don't really care! and i'm not stupid. i have reasons i'm ...

 Are you clumsy?
i am, i fall sometimes, i always walk into things, what is it you do that makes you clumsy....

 I got Burned on my arm?
I gor Burned on my arm at this mexican place and the plate was hot i was grabing my drink and my arm touch it so how can i treat the burned?
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I use ...

 I've got 24 bruises on my legs but don't no how I got them! They don't hurt........?? :S?

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No smudge, I wasn't drunk, i'm only 13! :P...

 I hurt my leg 6 months ago and and it still hurts. There's a GAP in my leg where muscle used to be.?
I give up. I tried everything. I went to a doctor and she told me to take 4 asprins a day for a week...nothing. I then went to physical therapy...nothing. But then I started walking on my own about 4 ...

 Can I claim personal injury compensation in case of broken leg while doing Motocross experience race?
I've broken my leg on 21st Aug while falling off the motocross bike on a muddy and slippery track. Nobody's fault, purely loosing control when landing after the jump. as far as I'm ...

 My boyfriend just came in my eye WHAT DO I DO???
Help it hurts and it is all red and i look like Quazimoto. not kidding. What do I do?...

 Have you ever had a very serious injury?
have you ver had a really serius injury? please tell me? please tell full story of wat happened? what bone did you break? did you even break a bone? did you go too the hospital?

just ...

 How long will it take for my toenail to grow back?
Okay, so heres the thing... I was playing soccer and some obese girl stomped on my foot. It hurt really bad, when I got home I took off all my stuff and my toe really hurt. In the next few days my ...

 Have you ever rode in a ambulance? If so for what?
I have a couple of times one last year when I flipped backwards over my pool trying to catch a ball and wacked my head on a rock and fence. It was a 4 foot fall. I remeber when I was in the ambulance ...

Please I really need help!! my eye!!! i dont know whats wrong with it.....graphicish?
my right eye feels like it was punched, last night it turned all red and i just thought it was irritated so i put a wet towel over it but when i was going to bed white stuff was dripping out of it, this morning i couldnt open my eye, not to be graphic, but there was mucus stuff around my eye. after i cleaned it off, now its really swollen. i am having a lot of trouble looking up in it also. Please does anyone have any ideas of whats wrong. i am really worried!!! thanx
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who long will this last??? pink eye

Tino D
Do you wear contacts? I have had some eye problems. If you do wear contacts, you are probably wearing them too much and sleeping with them in. If this is the case, see an eye doctor. If you don't wear contacts, it could be a scratched cornea. Have you exposed your eyes to any bacteria lately, i.e. pool, lake, etc. I severley scratched my corneas in a hot tub due to bacteria and sounds kind of similar. It is most likely bacterial pink eye.The bacteria that most commonly cause infectious pink eye are staphylococci, pneumococci, and streptococci. Bacterial pink eye symptoms include:

eye pain,
redness, and
a moderate to large amount of discharge, usually yellow or greenish in color.
The discharge commonly accumulates after sleeping. Affected children may awaken most unhappy that their "eyes are stuck shut," requiring a warm wash cloth applied to the eyes to remove the discharge and lots of reassurance that their "eyes still work!" This bacterial pink eye responds to repeated warm wash cloths applied to the eyes (try applying these to your child's eye one eye at a time during a favorite video!) and antibiotic eye drops or ointment prescribed by your doctor.

Be careful not to use medication prescribed for someone else, or from an old infection, as these may be inappropriate for your current infection or may have been contaminated from other infections by accidentally touching the medicine bottle to infected areas. A safe, effective, and "less-scary-for-your- child" method of putting drops into the eyes involves asking your child to lie down flat, suggesting she merely "close your eyes" and placing the recommended number of drops in the inner corner of the eye, next to the bridge of the nose, and letting them make a little "lake" there. When your child relaxes and opens the eyes, the medicine will flow gently into the infected mucous membranes without the need to "force open" the eyes.

When you feel that you or your child might have bacterial pink eye, it is very important to see your doctor immediately for several reasons. First, if the cause is a bacterial infection, an antibiotic will be needed to help the infection-fighting immune system to kill this infection. Secondly, if you are experiencing other symptoms such as a runny nose, cough, earache, etc., there is a good chance that these symptoms are caused by the same bacteria and an oral antibiotic may very well be needed to reach these germs along with the antibiotic drops or ointment for the eyes. Finally, your doctor will want to exclude the possibility that the infection has spread to areas where the symptoms may not yet be recognizable.

Gordita de Oro
you need to see a doctor it could be conjujnctivitis

Do you wear contacts? Make sure you take it out if u do. Go to the doc immediatly

Sounds like it's pink eye. Yes, it is very contageous. Rinse your eye out about once an hour by putting warm water in your cupped hand then put your eye in it and and blink a lot. Do this a few times each time you rinse. As far as it being crusty when you woke up - picking it off can make your eye swell more - just wipe very gentle with a warm washclothe until it is gone (sometimes it can take a little while). Try not to touch your eyes with your hands - if you do wash them because it can spread to your other eye. Good luck!!

yea..my lil bro woke up with the same complaint...but the thing is that whit sutff seesm like puss, and the best thing you can do it heat it, like put a hot cloth and a iron then put it on your eye...thats the fastest healing remidy to my knowldge

sounds like conjujnctivitis .. go to the doctor and he'll give you drops. dont go near anyone, its reallllll contagious. you cant go to school for like 4 days either. fun!

sounds like an infection . You need to see the eyedoctor! Check to see in your neighbor hood if there is one open today on saturday

Sayta N
Conjunctivitis causes redness of the conjunctiva (the white of the eye and inside the eyelids), usually of both eyes. This may be sore, itchy, burning and sometimes extremely painful. There may also be a dislike of bright light.

If the cause is a bacterial infection, there may a discharge of white/yellow sticky pus from the eye. This may crust on the eyelashes and glue the eyelids together, especially after sleep.

If an allergen is causing the conjunctivitis, the eyes may be swollen, itchy and produce a thin, watery discharge.i suffer from this and regularly use eye drops.

If you suspect conjunctivitis, your doctor will be able to confirm the diagnosis.Simply cleaning the eyes may be all that's needed to help the condition settle on its own

Bacterial conjunctivitis, however, needs swift treatment with antibiotics, either in the form of eye ointment or drops.

Viral conjunctivitis in older children is less serious, but may still be treated with antibiotics if a bacterial cause can't be ruled out. As it's contagious, you should stay at home
Allergic conjunctivitis is treated with anti-inflammatory eye drops. Gentle bathing of the eye and lashes with cooled boiled water may help.

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