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 If you could describe depression in one word, what would it be?
This question is for those who have had depression either in the present or the past....

 Is anorexia the right thing?
I weigh 150 and im 5'7 and i kinda stopped eating 1 week ago... i still eat just like not much at all. i've tryed eating healthy and excersizing but its not working! so i wanna know if ...

 No hope left.. What do I do now?
At 13 yrs old, these problems are probably nothing compared to what's out in the "real world", but the stress and pain keep piling up and I don't think I can handle this much ...

 Right now i want to die?
i hate myself and i hate my life...i don't know how i'm going to face another day but i know deep down i don't really want to end it....how do other people cope with feeling lke this ...

 Hi this is really weird question bare with me?
as any 1 gone to bed and there not a sleep but are and cant open there eyes and skakeing and sweating??? feels like you have been thown around the room ive noticed that it only happens if had sugary ...

 What would happen if two bipolar people had children?
What are the odds?
Additional Details
My son is bipolar with manic tendencies. While he was institutionalized, he met a really nice ...

 Please help me 10 points, whats wrong with me!?
okay, i am so self concious i think it's scary.
im in a store and i buy something really really nice, i take it home and always find something thats horrible about my self and never wear it....

 I am angry all the time. What can help?
Every thought is angry. Everything my wife and kids do seems to anger me. I want the anger to stop. I honestly feel like I am ready to explode. Will taking medicine help?...

 What's your best excuse for your cuts?
If someone sees your cuts, what do you say? Like, my current cover story (which is kind of lame) is that I was sitting in chem and I broke some glass (this part is true), and then I got curious to ...

 How Can I Get Myself To Get Out Of Bed?
Okay, EVERY night I tell myself, ''I'm getting up earlier tomorrow'' And I'll go to bed ''early'' (12:30) and then STILL get up at 1 in the afternoon ...

 Is it wrong to hit mentally challenged children?

 Suicidal thoughts...?
the past few days I have been insanely depressed. I usually cry before I go to sleep and usually for no reason. I just keep focusing on the bad parts of everything. This has happened a lot when I was ...

 I don't known what to do...?
My friend is in the hospital for cutting himself and it's all my fault. He has a history of doing things like this. I stopped him from doing it before but I couldn't stop him this time and ...

 Will every one who belives pray for me?
depressed and running ...

 When i pee its always really dark in coulour and has a strong odour .help?

 How many Americans are born dumb?

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 How do I know that this is real? I could ask a question and its just a super computer answering me?
Prove to me that you are real before I go into a paranoid haze of destruction around the local ...

 What makes you mad?

 What do you do to shake off unpleasant thoughts?
I've been thinking about a situation that I cannot change and the thoughts are just going round and round my head making me feel sad.

As it's not anything that I can change, or ...

polar bear :P
Are u scared of death?
It scares me and i can't stop thinking about it :s

i was always scared of it to,,but until my wife died 6 years ago, I cant wait to die just to see her again, think of it this way, if you have loved ones in heaven why would you be scared?

Stacy R
Me too. I'm even more afraid because I had to put my cat to sleep yesterday and It's the first time I saw something die. It was pretty freaky and I'm having trouble eating and sleeping.

Just Me
I bet your very young too. It is nothing to be afraid of..it's natural. It's God calling you home

If you can't stop thinking about it and it is affecting your life, you should see a professional counsellor or psychiatrist. Death is part of life but should not be your main focus. Why do you think you are so obsessed with it? Has someone close to you died recently? Me, I am not afraid of death. My mom has the best attitude I've EVER seen - she is looking forward to finding out what is on the next level - like a video game! She is 71 and a minister in the Anglican church, and has had a wonderful full life. I"m 38 and expecting my first child; I don't WANT to die, but if I do I know that something is waiting on the other side. And I must admit I'm curious too!

It is normal to fear death, but not every waking moment. Try to figure out why it's become such a major focus of your life - and good luck.

No, because when I am alive Death is not there! And when Death comes I do not have any feelings!

no sweetie. death is something that we all are going to experience one day and if you have faith in GOD there is nothing to worry about as you have eternal life in heaven with HIM. stop worrying and start praying.

No I'm not scared of death. At times I welcome it!! I only have 1 friend. My friend lives over 400 miles away. So a good visit is really hard to do. I have family but we're not that close. Never have been. I use to be able to talk to my mom about anything, She passed away in 1999. I miss her very much. Now I have no one to talk to about my problems. I can hardly wait to see my mother again. When I'm feeling really down my mom comes to me in my dreams I wake up feeling a little better. I'm still a fairly young man. But I'm ready to go home.

Flyy Girl
YEAH...but i realized...its BOUND 2 happen SOMEDAY!!! dont worry about...just live your life as BEST as you can!

never! i know i will spend my eterinity in Heaven! sorry its on your mind, but why is it? i mean, you have other important things to worry about.... ask a psychologist for help if you want to.. good luck, and worry less..

Sometimes it does, it depends on the way I might be thinking of how i could die. If I want to die, i want to die a peaceful painless death. But it depends on how I think of things...like a car accident with a train or Semi, a head on collusion with 2 vehicles. All that scares me.


why do you think of death.if you cant stop thinking about it do some yoga which would give you relief. change your mind whenever you think of death. life is precious it is something given by god.

Not at all. It's a natural part of life. Actually, I'll be quite interested to see if my thoughts about after life are true.

I always try to put death into prospective. I was with my Mom when she died, and it was not as frightening as I thought it would be. It was sad, but not scary. Five minutes later, I took the elevator to the maternity ward and looked at the babies for about a half hour. It made me appreciate the natural order of things. We're here, we live, we die. If you do the middle part right, the end part isn't so bad.

Never be afraid of the inevitalbe.

Not at all,i believe in Etherics.life after death and i know when i die i will meet all my family and friends who will be waiting on me.

Its not that I'm afraid of death, but i don't want to be there when that happens.

May be you can try seeing a counsellor about your fear.

For me, I am not scare of death, because I believe in God.

why u ask questions like this ?

Thunder Tongue
Its not that I'm afraid of dieing , I just don't want to be there when it happens !

No I do not look forward to it or want pain but I know that at that point I will be with my Heavenly Father and my family who has died before me.

Dont cheat yourself out of a happy and joyess life now living in fear. If your heart and life is right with God and you have asked Jesus to be your Lord and Savior then there is nothing to fear.


Yes. But you can only live once so make full use of your life and read the bible - God's word

Only then can you enjoy the luxury of heaven for eternity or face the reality of hell.

Why do u worry about it ???? It is inevitable that u are going to die and there is nothing u can do about it. Stop worrying about **** and rather think of your future and what u want to achieve before u die!!!!!!!

It bothers me too. But I realize that you can't let it consume your life. It is inevitable, but you can take some comfort in what Albert Einstein ( a pretty smart fellow) said " Humans are made up of pure energy and pure energy cannot die, but must exist in some form". So I guess the answer is to hope that that is a pleasant alternative. I do believe that there is more to this life than what we see in front of us. But I don't think that we are developed enough intellectually to understand it.

yes but I'm suicidal Ive tried to kill myself before but we all have to accept it someday it will happen only thing i can tell you is try to live your life like it is the last day on earth if you can

Ann B
I don't think I will like the actual process or physical aspect, but as far as where my soul will go...no.

No I am not scared of death. i believe that when you die you see the family that died before you. I am sad who I leave behind but I am not sad of death or anyhting that goes with it.

nope, more worried about people around me dying...besides, Im 21 and have had a good run and forefilled my dreams...

r u saved? if u have accepted Jesus Christ in ur heart then death will not scare u so much. Jesus Christ can give u everlasting life, eternal life imagine that, & not on this earth but in a great mansion in Heaven lined with gold & silver & the presence of God!!! it don't get no better than that!!! AMEN!

no..everyone will go throught it, before i was afraid of death but when my mom passed away just last march, i felt there is nothing to fear...since i missed her so much, i am not afraid to join her and my other loved ones in peace...so il take and do the best things i can do today while i am given my time living here on earth...

Get more friends and make your day..... stop thinking of things you cannot take charge of..... live life.... need friends IM

No, why should you be. Passing away should not scare you believe me I've been there and back I tell you it is not something to be scared about.

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