don't worry about it be yourself your close friends and family will understand if you are feeling emotianlly upset.. |

Sorry to hear that, There is no rule book about how to behave at a funeral, |

I hope the sympathy expressed in these answers will help you. Remember the good times with your dad & celebrate his life. God Bless. |

dont worry about 'keeping it together'
anyone will understand if you break down
it will do you more harm than good to 'keep it all together' and not allow yourself to cry and release at least some of yoyr feelings of greive and sorrow
hope it all goes as well as it can do |

have a talk with God before going. |

Poor you, I'm sorry about your dad.
Don't worry, if you break down its only because you care. Yours dad would expect a true reaction from you, listen to what's said and give him the send off he desrves, don't waste the moment you say "Goodbye" by worrying about what anyone thinks or by trying to keep a 'stiff upper lip'.
Good luck, hope it all goes well x |

im sorry for your loss, ive been there and theres no right way to get thru it....just breathe....i found the more u fight the tears the harder and faster they come......i found i couldnt look at the priest or the people i looked at the flowers and tried to hold onto a good memory. i dont know even know what was said during the funeral, and i dont think it matters. just breathe dont worry what others think they have been there before or they will eventually. good luck and again sorry about your dad. |

The best is yet 2 come.........
don't keep it together why should you a funeral is the place to cry and let it all out. in no why should you feel embarrassed. someone dying takes a bloody big chunk out of you both physically and mentally please don't bottle things up.in the long run you will only do yourself harm and no one wants that. take it from me my dad died 9 years ago and i thought I'd dealt with it by burying it away and acting strong. NO it didn't work which is why now I'm having counselling to cope with his loss. PLEASE PLEASE do not do what i did. |

nothing to be embarrassed about honey, just do your best.
All my love C.Jx.x.x.x.x |

tamzin b useful today
when mum died 2 months ago i felt exactly the same way that you do but you mustnt worry its ok to break down at this most unpleasant time nobody will mind as it is only natural to feel this way you mustnt be scared about this just sit down and take a few deep breaths and if you do cry or anything like that then you cry nobody can critisise you for that lol i hope it all goes well and i will be thinking of you take care if you want to talk im on
tamzinbenfield@yahoo.co.uk |

Its ok to break down and i think embarrassing yourself shoudl be the last thing on your mind . You wont just be strong for yourself remember you dad and smile. You dont have to hold it together and not cry because your a guy. |

well, sorry to hear bout that. but think about it, your dad wouldnt want you to feel sad.. let him leave in peace..get it done and over with.. as a part of him will always stay in you. condolences to your family. |

Ask yourself just this one question:
If you were supporting a friend at his father's funeral, and he cried, would you (or anyone present) in any way think badly of him???
Best wishes to you and your family. |

I'm so sorry about your dad; I lost mine too. Don't be concerned ahead of time how you will react, just let it be what it is. People understand. If you cry or get upset, that just shows genuine feeling. If you don't, that's okay, too. It's easy to get overwhelmed by all of this - talk with your family members and friends. You really do need to remember "the good times" - it's a cliche because it's true. I'm sure your dad really loved you, and you loved him. The hurt will pass away with time, but you will never forget... |

glitter girl
So sorry Hon. Just let it all out. No-one will think any less of you, promise. |

I'm rock hard and never show emotion so I bottle it up and don't deal with it. It made me ill and I had a heart stress attack.
At my Father in laws funeral in the middle of the service I started wailing and sobbing. I was so embarsed but to my surprise I was given respect for showing how much I love the man.
You only have one chance to show the world how much you loved him so let it go, show your emotions and then get on with your life. |

London Girl
My dad died three months ago. I was devastated. I read a poem I had written to him about my memories, I only just managed to get to the end before I broke down (tears are pouring down my face as I write this). There is NO embarrasment in showing you feelings, your love and your loss for your dad. Dont worry about crying. He is your dad and you love him and you will miss him. Why shouldnt you show your feeling. Why should you keep it all inside. Just remember he is looking at you and after you. He will always be there as long as you remember him. You are human and obviously a very warm loving person. Be yourself. The pain will lessen in time. I promise you. |

I'm really sorry for your loss. Don't worry about embarassing yourself. If you would like to be a little more calm I'd suggest taking a Valium if you have one. I wish you all the best through this difficult time. |

sorry to hear listen dont worry if you do break down no one will feel any differenat of you it will show how much he means to you hope everything goes ok for you regards ricosteveuk |

If you do break down it would be only natural,you don't need to feel embarrassed or be afraid of showing your feelings.There will probably be others there that do the same.I'm sorry for your loss but I'm sure you will be fine.Good luck. |

Captain Eyewash
Why should you keep it together? Let it out! |

firstly sorry about ur dad, buried my grandad a month ago. crying is not embarrassin. it's how u feel about ur dad, no one should laugh at that. just go with ur feelings, let relatives comfort u and remember ur dad 4 the good memories. chin up |

Gavin T
Don't be embarrassed if you do, there will be people there to comfort you. |

Julie T
if you breakdown so what dude it,s your dads funeral i think you can cry man don,t worry about it and sorry for you,r loss |

you can't , just let it go , it's a release if you try to hold it in you'll either get ulcers or make yourself sick |

don't worry about embarassing yourself, go with your feelings.
bless you |

people won't think any less of you if you show your feelings, just let it out because it really does help (previous experience).
don't feel embarrassed, its just showing that you have a heart and you loved your dad.............. |

Steve C
Do not worry about embarassing yourself.
Its your dad that has died - its OK to show your grief - everyone will understand. |

There is NO shame in displaying grief openly for a loved one. I am so sorry for your loss, and I will say a prayer for your dad, as well as for your consolation. |

It's your Dad's funeral. You don't HAVE to keep it together. No-one will think any worse of you if you cry. That's what funerals are for you know - to let some of the grief out and to begin to deal with it all in your head.
It is also to celebrate the person's life - so rejoice in memories of the good times and smile if you can at these memories.
Please don't think that breaking down at the funeral is somehow wrong. Let yourself release some of that sorrow!
Above all - embrace each day from now on as a step further towards acceptance and recovery from the grief.
Take deep breaths and move past this day. |

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