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 Suicide thoughts?
Ever since I was twelve I have thoughts almost everyday of commiting suicide. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl on Father's Day, but I still have those thoughts. I have a thing against ...

 I'm drunk and feel really depressed?
No words can describe how low i feel right now,i'we been drinking none stop to help me for get my probs,i'm so down right now....

 Do i need help!!!!!?
everytime i have an argument with my boyfriend my anger goes out of control i kick things,hit things,shout,really cry and worse of all harm my boyfriend can someone tell me do i need help and what ...

 I want a fashionable mental illness! Should I go for Asperger's, bipolar or borderline personality disorder?

 Why am I so tired but I cant go to sleep?

 I was raped by my boyfriend when he was drunk should i trust him again since he was drunk?

 I feel empty.?

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Emotionally empty....

 I need help i think I kill my self..?
I'm so sad and depressed I don't know what to do I really need some one to talk ...

 Should I feel stupid for crying to my psychologist in the first visit?
Umm, yeah, I'm really emotional, all she had to do was ask me to describe my mood swings and feelings...and I started crying...should I feel dumb?...

 What is the best way to suicide?

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i'm 14...........................

 Im really ashamed of this but, I self-harm and need help.?
Is there anyway I can cover up the cuts on my body? And it will not wash off in the shower or bath etc. Could I use make-up or would it just wash off? Because people are getting suspicious about ...

 Is a messy house a sign of depression?
i often wonder when i see these programmes about how clean is your house, wether kim and aggie think about the people who are living this way

could they be depressed,

what do ...

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 When you're tired but you know you won't be able to sleep?
You know you wont be able to go to sleep, because too much on your mind. what is your solution?
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i'm sleepy now....

 Has this happened to you?.?
I have had my laptop for five months which i bought to play online bingo and Ebay.Yesterday i got a message popup saying WARNING-You have 624 adult images and URL files in your machine,just to verify,...

 Ever feel like getting in your car and just driving just to see where it will take you.?
was wondering if this is a good way to clear your ...

 I am a depressed teen all the time, i hurt so bad and have noone to talk to and no doctor what do i do?

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Well, my daddy died last year.I have tried sucidie 2 and the only person i trusted told everybody and made fun of ...

 I died 5 minutes ago, how do I get back to life?

 How do i help a crack addict get clean?
he's already been to rehab more times than i can count. I am beginning to think that this friend is lost forever. What do you think?...

 How can I get over my Anxiety issues?
Hey all,

I honestly never thought I would post something like this on a message board, but I feel like I'm out of options.

2 weeks ago, My girlfriend of 2 years and I ...

Does any one wish they could delete unwanted information out of their heads?
I find I have far too good of a memory, I remember too much useless knowledge.

Me too, a delete button would be a great thing. I'd like one of those easy buttons too.

John D
YES! Do you know how to silence these voices?

yeah, its like my minds on overload on occasion. but if I had my choice I would choose to rid myself of all the bad memories that has had such a negative impact on my life. Id like to erase the hurt I have suffered but then again I think If I erased all the hurt than I would be naive and I wouldnt have learned from the pain. Which has made me the kind hearted person I am today.

educated guess
Purge the demons......Take what you need and let the rest go. Keeps your life clutter-free and leaves room for more good stuff. I am on a need to know basis and yet I know more cool stuff than most people.:)

I am with you, I can still remember my best friend's phone number from Jr. High School but unless I take a list to the supermarket I forget something. Go figure.

you know its really hard to forgget s.th or some events because rher are painfuhave u ever read harry potter?
one of the charector of it (Dambeldor) put his memory on a dish
when he wnted to recall them he went to it and saw all the memories
its good way?

Your question reminds me of the movie "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind." Have you seen it?

lot of empty space, would feel like somethings missing

yes life would be great!

It's called "trivia," and it's not useless, necessarily. You can get some good information on "compartmentalizing" in a good psychology textbook, at the library. It's very effective and easy to incorporate into your day. Be well.

Its not in our power, to delete that useless knowledge.

Smile- conquers the world
Oh ya I want to.. want to forget the fact that I'm gona get married soon

Lady M
try a little post traumatic stress syndrome you will forget somethings you want and some you don't

once in there nothing you can do.

its not that i have useless info its just that there are things i want to forget

Amy P
I'm the same way. I wonder if some day my brain will just be full. Then what will I do? lol :)

Edward W
You can!!

Yes! Sometimes I would like to do that. I hate remembering my own mistakes and my foolish being sometimes! It just won't go away. When I think about it, I feel soo lame! But anyhow, there are always better days! =)

Ctrl - Alt - Delete

absolutely. especially bad feeling information. i suppose if i tried harder to fill my mind with good new info i wouldn't be dragging up old bad thoughts.

All the time. Glad I'm not the only one. :)

HA! I too can't get rid of the useless info! I need a better memory to help me with the things I NEED to remember!

YES!!!!!! I do the same thing... I find out all kinds of information, some whicch drives me insane worrying about it.

Love My Soldier

iggwad â„¢
I have way too much useless crap in there.

There is no such thing as unwanted information. If the info was of such unimportance, why did you learn it; and if you think it of no use, what are you doing with your life, that such things become useless.
With the vast amount of information I have stored, I still have ample room to learn something new each and every day!
Always remember >> Knowledge is Power, the more you know, the more powerful you are; of course that depends with what you do with it!

rickey w
me to. good hair!!!

Joy M
Same here; I wish I could delete all the useless celebrity information that's floating around in there.

Yes, but one never knows when that "useless knowledge" will come in handy. And you'll never LOSE your memories, but over time you'll lose your ability to recall them.

Hey, I like that idea - too bad we can't make it a reality...

Have a great day, Marilyn

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