Citizen DeCat
I found physical excercise can be a good outlet for anger.
I rody my bicycle most days, and when I got really angry, I just pedalled faster. It made me feel better in more ways that one, in that because I became fitter, I got more confident and less likely to get depressed or angry. Plus you'll live longer. |

Mr Cynical
i have depression. take some deep breathes and count to ten. if you have to , walk away from the situation. i've already been arrested this year and had warnings at work. take a course to learn more about your condition and what you can do |

if you are a good nature person a count to ten works, a hot temper person, then count to ten once more. |

Are you a Sagittarius? How many I wonder on here who say they have tempers are a Sagittarius? |

depression will cause a change in your temper along with many other mind altering changes,, I don't know where you live but in the USA we have a program called " anger management" its a class you take that will help you deal with anger issues, also you might need to see your Dr. to get properly diagnosed if you suspect depression . meds will help you tremendously, good luck |

Count to 10. :) |

Melanie D
I used to have a very short fuse but have been using Quantum-Touch and EFT - now I'm a lot mellower and in control. Both techniques are easy to learn - EFT is perhaps more practical to do on the spur of the moment when you suddenly feel the heat rising - you can do it quickly any time, any place. See www.emofree.com for more info. |

Marge proops
Ok recognise when the anger is coming feel it et it come up and before it comes out take ten deep breaths through the nose and out the mouth....yu will be so amazed at the results...lot of faactors eg how long its happened for etc but anger managment or constructive use of your energy eg kick boxing karate etc
if all else fails batter someone!!!
Joke |

Mark ABC
Go outside walk around the garden three times stand on 1 leg.Yell honey I shrunk the kids.Then repeat this process 346 times.I'm sure that will calm you :o) |

Take a cold shower and after watch a good movie. |

when u get angry stop and think for one moment. take a deep breathe and start to think rassionally. and try to relax. |

Anger eating demon
Very easy!Just watch your inbreath and outbreath.Then tell yourself knowing..................... |

Thomas Didymus
Keep calm and do not react -- then .....
Ten deep breaths.
Burns away the adrenaline.
(But easier said than done!) |

Paul S
i sometimes lose it with the kids if they push to hard but i always apologise and explain why i lost my rag with them.
i think the key to it is realising that you have a temper. im sure your not stupid and just by asking this question you realise that you have a temper.
I always try to think of the consequences of what could happen if i went too far and also how would i feel if someone did that to me.
just look at other people who have a bad temper and what happens to them. Russel crowe for example, wife beaters and niomi cambell to name a few. they have been in and out of court etc... and its just not worth it. at the end of the day you will regret your actions. take the view of "thats life" it can be a ***** but you just have to roll with it. There is light at the end of the tunnel and you just have to believe it. one day you will look back and laugh about it and pass on similar advice to others who have temper probs.
in the mean time, if you feel like you are about to lose it...just stop and think and ask yourself if its worth it. |

Just realising that you are the one with the bad temper is a good first step. To a large extent it is a conditioned response. So, it will be very difficult and take a lot of effort and patience, but you have to alter your conditioning. Read a lot and enjoy thinking; try to see the viewpoint of others totally opposed to your ideas. Try to develop an appreciation of humour and silly thoughts. In practise, counting to 10, and conditioning yourself to do so, before you react does work. As does meditation (though, again, a lot of work and patience is required). Be prepared for the fact that there are an awful lot of tossers and stressful situations out there - be resolute that you will not let yourself lose it and sink to their level (brother, is it difficult).
Good luck and why are you impersonating me? |

if you fell like you are just about to lose it think of the nices thing you ever done or scene and take deep breathes this helps me i think of my grandchildren and that helps a great deal hope this helps you. |

Have a go at a 6 foot black belt in Karate. You will never kick off again. |

flying charlie
My flatmate is the opposite. Its like living in one of those old fashioned banks where no one was allowed to raise their voice when speaking and come to think of it, no one spoke. Very polite, very reserved, no temper. I try to be like him. I try and keep calm. I lose it when there's a crisis, or if I've had a particularly bad day, or if I am thinking about some work problem that actually happened a while ago. Therefore, when nothing awful is happening, i.e., when I'm calm and relaxed I try to practise my anger management techniques so that in the heat of the moment when some future crisis occurs I haven't forgotten how to be calm. Talk to your doctor some more. |

think of something blue, or a nice light colour.
control your breathing
hit a punchbag
squeeze something (e.g. a squeezee toy?)
:) |

I usually wait before I react. It gives me a cooling down
period. I think before I speak. I try to put myself in the other guy's position. It helps me realize how they may feel. |

my boyfriend has a bad temper (with or without drink) he has been violent a few times and the police were involved. He gets that angry and starts throwing things around, including his fist. When it comes to him telling the police his version of events he simply can't remember. He says its all a blank until he calms down. I'd like to know were he can can anger management and councilling but haven't got a clue where to start. Glad you asked this question as you'll be helping others along with yourself. Good luck |

Walk away!! |

Count to 10 take deep breaths
Try to put whatever has upset you into context - for example, if it is something minor, like the computer is going wrong, think of someone you who has been or was seriously ill i.e cancer or something.
I really liked a guy but he had a bad temper - he could not tolerate other people's opinions and would get angry.
As a result I went off him, and I think he has alienated a lot of people - I think he is just about billy no mates - you don't want to go there. |

Jake C
I think Mike Tyson had a problem like this.. |

buy a punch bag to relieve your temper by punching it instead of someone |

7-11 breathing always helps - whether you are stuck in a traffic jam or if your boss has given you a 3-hour job to do within an hour! Try it out at any moment just to show how calm it makes you feel: breathe in for a slow count of 7, then breathe out for the same slow count, of 11. After 5 or 6, you should find your shoulders rising and tummy going out on the in-breath, shoulders down, tummy tighter after 11.
Good luck! |

purple pixie
i suffer from depression aswell, i have bad mood swings and i cannot control my temper, so ive started a diary/record of when i get wound up, the triggers and my reaction, at the end of the week, i look at my notes and try to avoid those types of situations and keep my mouth shut! llol |

My brother used to have a real problem with his temper when he discovered that eating regular healthy snacks helps....your mood can be effected by blood sugar levels so always ensure you eat at regular intervals and drink plenty of water.
Good luck and hope the GP can help you with your depression. |

do me a favour and when u find out something that works can u let me know coz i have a bad temper,any1 can say something to me they can mean it in a joking kind of way and il just flip iv done some bad things,so let me know if u find out,thanks. |

Yes, I've had a problem with this myself. Altering the way you deal with things will only happen over time. If you think about it, you've reacted a certain way all your life so changing things around will take time and patience (which of course is something you don't have!! Don't worry, the irony was not lost on me either!)
First of all, accept the things you cannot change. In my experience there are a lot of árseholes out there, certain friends of mine will always be very money oriented and my first marriage did not work out. I no longer fight it, I accept it.
This is going to sound like self-help book bull but when someone is mean to you, or does something to fundamentally upset you, respond with a smile and with kindness. It really throws them which is amusing and which in turn makes you less angry.
When it comes to interpersonal relationships (i.e. wife/husband/mum/dad) have a mental look at your previous arguments and see how they went. Do you labour on a point relentlessly? If so, did it get you anywhere? Have you ever recorded yourself having an argument? Do you look "sane" and rational? Chances are that you don't. When you are having a 'heated discussion' stick calmly to the one point you are debating and don't let it become a list of everything that person ever did to annoy you. And remember, once you raise your voice your point is invalid. |

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