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 Does the pain ever go away?
My aunt and best friend past away on 4-27-2007, and it's been very hard for me. Sometimes, I am in a good mood, thinking and laughing about the fun times we had, but then I realize she's ...

 Does it make me gay if...?
I think Johnny Depp is attractive by the way i'm a guy and friggin love woman but does this make me gay or metro or what?
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 Why cant you people answer a serious question?
some people have no shame whatsoever..people are opening their hearts to you on this site, and some of you are pig ignorant, why dont you bloody grow up, and just think with your tiny little brains ...

 I saw a really scary movie and now i'm a wreck. What do I do?
I absolutly hate scary movies and usually don't watch them. My cousin convinced me to watch the Skeleton Key at a little sleepover we had and said it was just a thriller and not scary in the ...

 Would you turn in your own sister if she was abusing her children?
I did...I spoke up...and now I am the bad guy in the family. I still think that I did the right thing. By the way, the abuse was of a mental/psychological and verbal nature, and I would catagorize ...

 What was the last thing that scared you?

 Dads funeral at 2pm how do i keep it together?
scared of breaking down big time and embarrassing ...

 My mom dosent like me.Is it my fault?
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 How can i be happy ??

 Whats the point of life?
At an all time low, health problems, friend problems, job problems, seriously what is the reason. I know there is no set answer, but good to hear some views. Happy new year all and 10 points for best ...

 Does anyone else find it scary when they think 'one day im going to die ?'?
I think about this every day, some days it doesnt seem to matter but other days its so scary it panics me .... anyone else feel this way ?...

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 Dropping out of school?
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 I have a drug problem?
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I would go to rehab to at least try, but i'm ...

 Why is it that when you have everything, you can still be depressed?
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But i always make wrong desicions and i think im worried ...

 Is there anything worst than death?

 Im 16 years old. Is wrong/weird for a kid my age to be attracted to women who are 35 to 55 years old?
I also have fantasies about them. Is this wrong/weird?? Please IM me on yahoo messenger... Its slickk_n_...

 Do you agree that alcoohol is more dangerous than marijuana?

 Can anyone tell me a good reason to stay alive?
A really good reason, explain please....
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I dont give a damn who cares or not, just give me a reason......

Rachel Lynn
What do you think happens after suicide?
if you committed suicide, but you believed in god, what do you think would happen? and assuming heaven and hell is real, do you think you could still go to heaven?

Samantha S
Well honestly you people are saying suiside is a sin I have never heard of it being a sin and if you have been babtised and are one of gods children then he forgives all sins and loves you unconditionaly even though he does any way but that is a hard question it realy depends on if your babtised or not because if you believe in god but haven't been babtised then that's like doing the worst sin of all like jesus said if you denie me in front of your fellow men I will denie thy in front of my father.

i dont think you would go to heaven because god hasnt decided gthat it shouuld happen, you've sort of taken his role and i don't think this would mean you'd go to heaven
also your family and friends would be left to deal with all the heartache and this really isn't fair
if you are contemplating it, which i pray you're not, try speaking about it to someone you trust or if there isnt anyone why not ring samaritans or someone like that, they can't see you so it coulld be easier, remember there is soooo much to live for even if you might not feel like there is at the moment but if someone commits suicide they arn't giving life a chance to get better
im not assuming you are planning to by the way i just thought id write this in case xx

First of all, believing in God isn't ONLY what you have to do. Satan and demons also believe in God, but they aren't in Heaven today. You have to recognize that you are a sinner, and that Jesus, the only perfect person that walked on this Earth, died in your place so you could someday be in Heaven. So it is A LOT more than believing in God. Do some more research on that. =]

Secondly, if you are a Christian and commit suicide, you still would go to Heaven. Nobody on this Earth is perfect. Everybody sins whether they like it or not. However, you will be severely judged for it because by killing yourself AS A CHRISTIAN, you are basically murdering one of God's children.

So saying that "suicide is a sin, therefore you won't go to Heaven" is wrong. Even though I do agree that it is a major sin, Jesus died on the cross for that sin, and every other sin that you commit.. You still will go to Heaven if you are a Christian and commit suicide, but you will most definitely be judged. Hope this helps.

what do you think you die

well i read this in a book..
they say that after a person commits suicide the soul parts away .At this time the sou; dousnt go to heaven nor to hell it wanders around like a ghost.If the suicide is commited in a house the soul haunts that house forever

i love how all these people know what they are talking about

but yet truly no body really knows what happens

gyan p
suicide if success means end of life..

no hell no heaven...

frank y

nothings happens of course..
you will be a lost soul and become hollows..
and death gods come and purify your soul..
and send you to heaven knows...

Ella Bella
That is a really good question. I am just guessing that it depends on why you comitt suiside

you'll go to hell

Rajive Sharma
you will be in hell

I am quite a big believer in God. God loves us all (some he shook his head at when we were born) and thinks we all make the decision we are happy with. So hell would not be the correct path, heaven would be.


Rachel bby:)
I do not know. I do not think that anyone can answer this question with 100% accuracy...Considering all of the religious views, everyone's answer will be different.

i would hope a loving,caring god would send them to heaven because obviously they were suffering in life. but why would he not? the god of Christianity is suppose to be a loving, caring god. not someone would damn a soul to hell for being miserable.

If you know God personally (& not the God you'll hear about in church or read about in books) than You'll know that He is a God of love that created you to love you. He sees & understand every choice you make & is always there with open arms to receive you back again no matter what you do. the Bible says He will never leave you or forsake you.. I also had some freinds who committed suicide & they have spoken to me & they are happy in Heaven.. so even though suicide is a sad mistake it's certainly not the end..

Yes I do think u could still go to heaven because when someone comits suicide there tierd of this life and are ready to go to heaven and the bible says who ever belives in me shall have ever lasting life

watch Wristcutters!! ^_^ best suicide movie ever!!!

wow! i hope you are not trying to kill you'r self.. like that dude sayied yes you'r body will die but, you dnt leave till you graduate and you'r job is done..you just become a disturbing spirit I think..

Peter P
I'd like to see a beloved family member of yours kill themselves and have you say they're burning in hell

you go to heaven, any one that calls someone who commits suicide a sinner, bad person, or that their going to hell is a narrow-minded biggot a$$hole.
people that commit suicide are so horribly miserable that they feel its the only way to escape their pain. they don't mean to hurt any one and I'm sure god and his plans are the last things on their minds

Amanda S
OK this is a bit of a weird question but usually if someone to commit suicide I've heard that even thou they believed in god they would be committing a huge sin and would go to hell. Because god supposedly brought everyone into the world for a reason and choose the time for them to die. So committing suicide would going against his word.
So if you know someone wanting to do this i suggest them to not do it!

First of all, I don't believe all people who commit suicide go to hell because lets say a person is diagnosed with severe depression and commits suicide. You'd agree with a mental illness (depression) that the person isn't in the right state of mind. Therefore, how can God punish someone who isn't in their right state of mind and suffering from a mental disorder when committing suicide. If God is all-knowing (which most of you believe God is) then God knows that when this person made the decision to commit suicide that he/she probably wouldn't have made the same decision if he/she were in the right state of mind correct?

So, I don't think all suicides go to hell, it depends on the person's mental state and is based on their whole life not one situation where the person was vulnerable and weak, and at times as humans we are all vulnerable and weak at one moment or another, why? Because no human is perfect and God understands this.....

BRE <3 Peace.
When you kill yourself I have always been told that you go to hell, growing up in a christian home. But then again who knows if that person repented when their soul was sent to the heavens for god to judge. I dont think anyone can answer this correctly except god.

I once tried to. And I am thankful that by some miracle (as the doctors say) that I lived, and I just know how wrong it is now. Do not try it. Your life will be pointless if you waste it.

The bible says "Thou shall not kill" so I believe that includes yourself. The bible also says that your body is a temple of the holy spirit. Not something to destroy. It also speaks of living the way Jesus did, so I think it is a sin and I think hell is a very real and eternal place and if you commited suicide that's were you would be. There is help for whatever you are going through and the first place is on your knees.

Rev W.E Crackpot
I don't believed in G-d but accept in faith G-d there is a diffrence and in faith know G-d will accept me for who I am and the decisions I make knowing that I am not perfect but try my best in life

mr help if i can
i would just wait till he calls me i think he may be busy at the moment with people who has died who did not have any choice in weather they die or not but i don't think you go any were if you take your own life i don't think this is in your blue print or your map of life like i said its best to wait and see when he calls you
when its time to go not when we choose that's why i think we are put hear for a reason
anyway when your dead you are dead a long time
so enjoy life to the full if you have problems with this then see a doctor happy living

I've always thought that people who commit suicide become a lost soul and don't make it to either, kinda like becoming a ghost. But if you had to go to heaven or hell i think god would forgive the person who took their own life as he would know that they were suffering unbearable pain and believed that was the only way out. i believe that suicide is not a persons fault they only want relief from their pain and cant see any other way out.

lover of God
suicide leads you to hell.
last june i had attempted suicide and almost succeeded. i was to the gates of hell. i seen and heard things undescribable. the fear was overwhelming. i knew it was hell. i was a sinner at its best. i was so afraid i remember crying out to God, save me i don't want to die. i fought so hard. then just when i thought it was over with for me rainbow prisms shown through and i felt Gods overwhelming presence. i knew that i was gonna live.
i seen two white hands lift me up and i was lifted up into the Fathers arms.
i know hell is real and where suicides go, why was i spared?
i believe the fervent prayer of a righteous man is what saved me as well as Gods grace and mercy on me. He knew my heart and that i would take this experience and draw strength from my testimony and now i am just about ten months saved and serving my God with all i know how to do.
God is faithful and He loves us all.

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